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getVehiclePanelState() returns unexpected values

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I have a problem using the getVehiclePanelState() function. This is what I have:

local veh = createVehicle(420, -2253.28, 13.7155, 35) 
setVehiclePanelState(veh, 0, 3) 
setVehiclePanelState(veh, 1, 3) 
setVehiclePanelState(veh, 2, 3) 
setVehiclePanelState(veh, 3, 3) 
setVehiclePanelState(veh, 4, 3) 
setVehiclePanelState(veh, 5, 3) 
setVehiclePanelState(veh, 6, 3) 
outputDebugString("0: "..getVehiclePanelState(veh, 0)) 
outputDebugString("1: "..getVehiclePanelState(veh, 1)) 
outputDebugString("2: "..getVehiclePanelState(veh, 2)) 
outputDebugString("3: "..getVehiclePanelState(veh, 3)) 
outputDebugString("4: "..getVehiclePanelState(veh, 4)) 
outputDebugString("5: "..getVehiclePanelState(veh, 5)) 
outputDebugString("6: "..getVehiclePanelState(veh, 6)) 

Now I expect all the functions to return 3 (well, maybe some not, because some panels may not be supported), but the output is:

[21:16:08] INFO: 0: 0 
[21:16:08] INFO: 1: 0 
[21:16:08] INFO: 2: 0 
[21:16:08] INFO: 3: 192 
[21:16:08] INFO: 4: 12 
[21:16:08] INFO: 5: 0 
[21:16:08] INFO: 6: 0 

Is there anything wrong in my code? I can't imagine what, so may it be a bug? I'm using MTA server v1.0dp2 for Linux.

Thanks in advance!

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This function never worked correctly. Even if you change the state and function returned true, you may not see its results. There is nothing wrong with your code but make sure you use onResourceStart event instead of using none.

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This function never worked correctly. Even if you change the state and function returned true, you may not see its results

Hmm, ok. Let's hope it will be fixed in later versions.

but make sure you use onResourceStart event instead of using none.

I do, just didn't post it.

Thanks for you help!

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