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Real Street Drifters


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Hey guys this clan is called "Real Street Drifters" as the name says its all about drifting we just drift around the streets mostly in LV...

We are recruiting for drifters right now, we want as many drifters as we can get in our clan we also have a home server for now... im getting my own server on JUNE 7 until then we will stick to the home server...

These are the current members which are in the clan...

Leader - Maste_DriftKing (ME)

Co-Leader - Ho$e

Co-Leader - Belgdrift





Those are the current members of my clan and we intend to get more Drifters as possible...

If you want to join this clan visit this site and post a application on the forums...but dont forget to register at the site before posting it thanks.. http://www.realstreetdriftersclan.virtuastudios.com/

There are videos of us drifting alone or twin here are the links for some of the members channel...

Belgdrift - https://www.youtube.com/user/papeleup

Maste_DriftKing - https://www.youtube.com/user/norvin7

So there you are those are all the informations of the clan and for joining the clan...

When posting a application Please provide these things...

Real name

Ingame name



Why do you want to join Real Street Drifters ?

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