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Keeping server 24/7/365/

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You need your computer or the computer its running on to be switched on, the reason some servers are on 24/7 its because they are on dedicated servers, which are run/always on 24/7. Computers that are kept on as long as they are looked after can last just as long as ones that get turned off everynight.

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You need your computer or the computer its running on to be switched on, the reason some servers are on 24/7 its because they are on dedicated servers, which are run/always on 24/7. Computers that are kept on as long as they are looked after can last just as long as ones that get turned off everynight.

Ok..so if i want to my server be dedicated do i must pay? And how much..?

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You can either pay for a dedicated server and host it yourself, pay a company to host your server or just host one for free from your home, but your net and computer must always be on

Ok.So where can i buy(site..?) that dedicated server? I want that my server be 24/7.Can it come about 40-50$ ?

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