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Script for team playing


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Hello, I want to make script for team playing (two teams, red and blue) so it would count team and player stats on the end of each map.

alias bluepoints !return $readini(prsmix.ini,points,blue) 
alias redpoints !return $readini(prsmix.ini,points,red) 
on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: { 
elseif ($3 == !addmered) { 
var %p = $mta.nick($1,$2) 
if ($readini(prsmix.ini,red,%p) == yes) mta.text $1 %p $+ : youre already in Red Team. 
else { 
mta.text $1 %p added to Red Team 
writeini prsmix.ini red %p yes 
writeini prsmix.ini blue %p no 
elseif ($3 == !addmeblue) { 
var %p = $mta.nick($1,$2) 
if ($readini(prsmix.ini,blue,%p) == yes) mta.text $1 %p $+ : youre already in Blue Team. 
else { 
mta.text $1 %p added to Blue Team 
writeini prsmix.ini blue %p yes 
writeini prsmix.ini red %p no 
elseif ($3 == !resetmix) { 
mta.text $1 Wszystkie zapisane informacje nt. biezacego mixa usuniete. 
remini prsmix.ini blue 
remini prsmix.ini red 
writeini prsmix.ini points blue 0 
writeini prsmix.ini points red 0 
elseif ($3 == !mixpoints) { 
.timermix1 1 1 mta.text $1 Staty $+ :  
.timermix2 1 1 mta.text $1 Blue Team $+ : $bluepoints($1) punktow 
.timermix3 1 1 mta.text $1 Red Team $+ : $redpoints($1) punktow 
elseif ($3 == !endmix) { 
if ($bluepoints($1) > $redpoints($1)) mta.text $1 Blue Team wygrywa przewaga $calc($bluepoints($1) - $redpoints($1)) punktow 
elseif ($redpoints($1) > $bluepoints($1)) mta.text $1 Red Team wygrywa przewaga $calc($redpoints($1) - $bluepoints($1)) punktow 
elseif ($bluepoints($1) == $redpoints($1)) mta.text $1 Remis! Oba Teamy maja tyle samo punktow! 
on *:SIGNAL:mta.finish: { 
var %p = $mta.nick($1,$2) 
if ($mta.rank($1,$2) == 1) { 
if ($readini(prsmix.ini,blue,%p) == yes) { 
mta.text $1 Blue Team zdobywa 3 punkty! 
writeini prsmix.ini points blue $calc($bluepoints($1) + 3) 
elseif ($readini(prsmix.ini,red,%p) == yes) { 
mta.text $1 Red Team zdobywa 3 punkty! 
writeini prsmix.ini points red $calc($redpoints($1) + 3) 
if ($mta.rank($1,$2) == 2) { 
if ($readini(prsmix.ini,blue,%p) == yes) { 
mta.text $1 Blue Team zdobywa 2 punkty! 
writeini prsmix.ini points blue $calc($bluepoints($1) + 2) 
elseif ($readini(prsmix.ini,red,%p) == yes) { 
mta.text $1 Red Team zdobywa 2 punkty! 
writeini prsmix.ini points red $calc($redpoints($1) + 2) 
if ($mta.rank($1,$2) == 3) { 
if ($readini(prsmix.ini,blue,%p) == yes) { 
mta.text $1 Blue Team zdobywa 1 punkt! 
writeini prsmix.ini points blue $calc($bluepoints($1) + 1) 
elseif ($readini(prsmix.ini,red,%p) == yes) { 
mta.text $1 Red Team zdobywa 1 punkt! 
writeini prsmix.ini points red $calc($redpoints($1) + 1) 

(so far it works great and sryy for only partial translation but Im in a bit hurry)

and now I need general info regarding:

saving 1st, 2nd and 3rd places into ini file (so i could use $calc to calculate each team's score)

counting how many players is in each team (I wanted to make it with if but it's just too many possibilities like player leaves etc. so maybe theres simpler way).

and most important: !redsquad and !bluesquad must show who is in each team :)

Is there a FAQ with commands available and their descriptions?


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save it all to a ini file ???

like 2 ini's 1 called



1st = blah

2nd = blah

3rd = blah

Players = ammount


1st = blah

2nd = blah

3rd = blah

Players = ammount

and then call the other one



1 = bob

2 = jim

3 = sam

4 = player 4


1 = bob

2 = jim

3 = sam

4 = player 4

then simply loop through all the numbers under the blue set of players and the red set of players to return all the players in that team :/

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Yes but if someone leaves the game or changes team I think it won't work unless theres a way to remove the number=nick value from ini file but then there will be gap between numbers





I don't know how does loop work so i'm not sure.

Could you give me an example of how does loop work and how to remove number=nick if someone leaves/changes team?

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there is a way to update a ini, you have to loop through the ini and as you loop you will write it again, but when you find the player thats quiting or changing team, then when you have tell the loop to ignore him and continue something like if ( the var used for the loop == the player thats quitting ) then you need to add 1 to your var and dont let it copy the name to the new ini lol think this is the complicated way scooby will know a easier one haha

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