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Fixing the Stuck Times Up in Race. need Help.


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me and Winky have been working on this for a while for PS Race Server, but we havnt got it working.

iil show you what we have.... this is another LUA that will be added into our Race Resource.

this may not appear correctly because of the Stupid Swear Filter. but you will still be able to get the idea.

function clearStuckShit() 
    local players = getElementsByType("player") 
        for k,v in ipairs(players) do 
addEventHandler("onGamemodeMapStart", getRootElement(), clearStuckShit) 

Now, we are expecting that to trigger an already coded function built into race....

we do get an error, which points to the First line of the function destroyMessage.

(attempt to index field '?' (a nil value))

i know the problem is with the Above script, as that function is used on a Timer to remove "Times Up" by the gamemode, but that timer often fails to do its job if the map changes before it can remove the "Times Up" which is why ive been working on this script, so if it fails to remove, the script will force it on map Change.

but as i listed above, it dosent work

any ideas?


This is the section in util_server.lua

(The following is just for reference so people can check to see why the script isnt triggering it properly)

g_Messages = {}     -- { player =  { display = display, textitem = textitem, timer = timer } } 
function showMessage(text, r, g, b, player) 
    if not player then 
        player = g_Root 
    if g_Messages[player] then 
        g_Messages[player] = { 
            display = textCreateDisplay(), 
            textitem = textCreateTextItem('', 0.5, 0.5, 'medium', 255, 0, 0, 255, 2, 'center', 'center') 
    local display = g_Messages[player].display 
    local textitem = g_Messages[player].textitem 
    textDisplayAddText(display, textitem) 
    textItemSetText(textitem, text) 
    textItemSetColor(textitem, r or 255, g or 0, b or 0, 255) 
    if player == g_Root then 
        for i,player in ipairs(getElementsByType('player')) do 
            textDisplayAddObserver(display, player) 
        textDisplayAddObserver(display, player) 
    g_Messages[player].timer = setTimer(destroyMessage, 8000, 1, player) 
function destroyMessage(player) 
    g_Messages[player] = nil 

As you can see, our first script is tryig to trigger the destroyMessage function near the bottom.

This is the original function in race_server.lua that triggers the "Times Up" message.

function raceTimeout() 
    for i,player in pairs(g_Players) do 
        if not isPlayerFinished(player) then 
            showMessage('Time\'s up!') 
    clientCall(g_Root, 'raceTimeout') 
    g_RaceEndTimer = nil 
    setTimer(votemanager.voteMap, 10000, 1, getThisResource()) 

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I fear that this is an MTA bug rather than a race bug. As you see, destroyMessage sets g_Messages[player] to nil after having destroyed both the text item and the text display. So, if g_Messages[player] is nil as is the case for you, there are two possibilities: 1) the player has never had a message since the race resource started, 2) he has seen one or more, and destroyMessage was called afterwards. You will also notice that showMessage reuses the text display/item if it is called while a message is already being displayed, instead of creating a new one and leaving the old one on screen.

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If the timer never triggers, it was either killed by script, or the resource was restarted (which I believe is the case with map changes in DP2). The first case can be ruled out as the only location where killTimer(messagetimer) is called is in showMessage. And if a resource stops or restarts, all the things it created (including text displays/items) are (or should be) destroyed by MTA.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I fixed it for DazzaJay.

To clarify, the gamemode resource wouldn't be restarting as it's only a mapchange. While that would destroy the message, that's not the bug.

The problem was caused here, in race_server.lua:

function unloadAll() 
    clientCall(g_Root, 'unloadAll') 
    if g_RaceEndTimer then 
        g_RaceEndTimer = nil 
    if g_RankTimer then 
        g_RankTimer = nil 
    local timers = getTimers() 
    for timerKey, timerValue in ipairs(timers) do 
      killTimer ( timerValue ) 

Note the getTimers() that then all get Killed.

I fixed by these additions in race_server.lua:

function unloadAll() 
...{same code as above} 
    for i,player in pairs(g_Players) do 
        setPlayerFinished(player, false) 
        destroyMessage(player)  --To destroy any stuck "You have won/You have come xth place" msgs. 
    destroyMessage(g_Root) --As the Time's Up msg is not stored per-player, but as part of the root element. 

and this edit to util_server.lua:

function destroyMessage(player) 
    if g_Messages[player] then  --New check as a message may not actually exist. 
        g_Messages[player] = nil 

This put an end to the bug nicely.

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