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Synchronized traffic lights


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  • 4 weeks later...

I said it before, and I'll say it again. The lights should either be turned off altogether, or, turned all at the same time with the same color across the entire map. Anything else would take up too much bandwidth, or take too much time to code. Sure, you could code just ONE intersection to have synched lights, but who wants to race at the same damn light each time? So then you'll say "why can't you make the nearest intersection synched with a command or something?" My answer to that is : Holy crap I bet that's hard to code!

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I said it before, and I'll say it again. The lights should either be turned off altogether, or, turned all at the same time with the same color across the entire map. Anything else would take up too much bandwidth, or take too much time to code.

Really? What about making groups of lights? The minimum number could be 2. It wouldn't take up much bandwidth.

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I dont know, its one of those things like Garage doors. They're synced in 1.0 but its because R* conveniently assigned them all IDs which can be used to easily retrieve them.

In the case of traffic lights, its highly unlikely they'd bother tagging them individually. Instead there's probably an overall system that takes nearby lights. That's just a guess, but it immediately makes it more problematic to start trying to figure out how to retrieve each set of traffic lights so that they can be set.

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  • 2 months later...

The traffic lights change in turns, depending if they are pointing more towards North/South or more towards West/East. No matter where in the map the light is located, they still change at the same time depending on their direction (tested in Map Editor). So basically there are 2 different sets of traffic lights that would need to be synced.

Here is the timeline for the loop:

0:00 - Set 1 turns green / Set 2 stays red

0:12 - Set 1 turns red / Set 2 turns green

0:22 - Set 2 turns red / Set 1 stays red

0:31 - Set 1 turns green / Set 2 stays red

Total: 31 seconds

* Set 1 = Pointing towards North/South

* Set 2 = Pointing towards West/East

Both of the lights stay red for the last 9 seconds of the loop, because that's the only period in the loop when the pedestrian lights for both sets turn white.

However, at the moment it seems that the sync of the traffic lights between two players depends on their FPS.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I guess people should be reminded of what Talidan said before in this topic:


In the case of traffic lights, its highly unlikely they'd bother tagging them individually. Instead there's probably an overall system that takes nearby lights. That's just a guess, but it immediately makes it more problematic to start trying to figure out how to retrieve each set of traffic lights so that they can be set.

This means that it's just very hard to get all (or some) of the traffic lights. We need to wait for someone to find a way to get them, before there should be discussed about bandwidth, synch etc. :roll:

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This is what lucasc190 noted in the Mantis report (http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=4120).

I found the function addresses, 0x49dab0 (if ret is written, all traffic lights go blank (including pedestrian walk lights), and 0x156e5bc (if ret is written, the traffic ignore the traffic lights (in the origional game)). Maybe someone can have a look around at these addresses and find the memory addresses that they read from. Or maybe just write ret to 0x49dab0 (to keep them all blank) just for now until they are synced. Maybe if someone finds the memory addresses, a script function can be made that sets them, then someone can make a resource with a timer to set them at specific intervals. (There is no real need to sync them to a player because its much simpler to use a server-side timer)

I can't really say much about this, since I'm not very experienced in scripting etc. but at least to me this looks like somekind of a step forward... ( :?: )

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Yeah. I'll assign you to work out every single light position :).

I must say that the task should be incredibly easier now with the new Map Editor, but not easy enough for me! D:

I might be able to do about 2 traffic lights by next year though. :D

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How many types of traffic lights are there in SA? If it's only one, then your method should make it a piece of pie with the help of my good 'ol buddy Trigonometry.

Otherwise, it's a smaller piece of pie. And I want moar pie! :(

Well... maybe you mean geometry, not trigonometry? (or you really mean sin, cos, tg, ctg etc.?)

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  • 2 months later...
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