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Gamepad and Mouse

Guest Rickfire19

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Ok, first i wanna say that i'm real big fan of the MTASA and MTAVC team. I've played MTAVC for like 2 years. It was awesome.

Gamepad is not supported...I know, we can make gamepad work with a software, but we can't move the camera around like in SinglePlayer

And now, I tried with my keyboard, witch is really bad for driving, but I can't still move the camera around my character. And my mouse is like not working. The mouse buttons are working yes, but the mouse itself, is not moving when i shoot or i try to move the cam.

What the heck is going on? I know you guys have been working so hard since 3 years now, but you should maybe try to focus on the basics things like Controls then PedSupport. :roll:

Can anybody help me? Because i was so excited when this DM came out. But it's been 3-4 months now, and i haven't play more than 10 minutes. At least tell me you will fix this in the next release. :(

So for now, I play SA-MP instead, yes it's full of cheaters and way below MTASA, but the controls and the camera works! :roll:

Eric, really disappointed :cry:

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Free mouselook not working properly

* MTA doesnt recognise my mouse

Some people got problems with their mouse in MTA. They can use it in the menu, connect to a server, but they can't use the mouse for free look. This problem can be solved by entering a server, click your Win/Windows key at your keyboard once, and then click your mouse.

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