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Multiple Command Handlers


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Basically, back in MTA Race, with mIRC, there were multiple independant scripts that had the same command, such as !info, our old server had 4 independant scripts that responded to !info, MTAMA, PRS, Pothole Emotes, Pothole Scripts.

So basically, can multiple independant LUA scripts in DM have the same command handler, such as /info in a bunch of different scripts?

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        outputChatBox("I AM A FUNCTION") 
        outputChatBox("SO AM I") 

outputs both lines to the chatbox - so yes, you can (assuming there's no difference in having the two test calls in the same resource).

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Well, like that, but in Multiple different recources....

So like this....

Race Gamemode:

        outputChatBox("Pothole Studios Race v10.7.1") 

and say, in some other script in a different recource.

        outputChatBox("Some other script V7.11") 

Would that work like this...

[PS]DazzaJay[AU]: /info

Pothole Studios Race v10.7.1

Some other script V7.11

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Of course that will work! Why don't you try it (or read the documentation)?

http://development.mtasa.com/index.php? ... andHandler

"Multiple command handlers can be attached to a single command, and they will be called in the order that the handlers were attached."

Sure, it doesn't explicitly say that it works with multiple resources, but you can assume that's the case with anything in MTA. Resources have no exclusive rights to anything (except things they might be given exclusive rights to in the ACL, but that's a bit different).

That said, using helpmanager's GUI might be a better way to provide info to the user. We try discourage people outputting anything in the chat box that isn't chat.

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