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problem with server

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so, i have a problem with my server i'll like to learn the lua langue

but i can't becouse i don't know where/what the script is! EDIT:"i mean the main script you know for sa-mp they call it a gamemode"

so if someone please tell me where its is in witch folder or something

and i think you got a lot of these post but i searched the whole day! wiki forum etc....

a link is enough

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im not 100% about sa-mp but if its runs like MTA DM then all the resources are in the server install directory

with MTA DM this is MTA Server\mods\deathmatch\resources. in there you will find a load of zip files which contain maps / scripts / etc. just open one up and have a look

to learn scripting in LUA you could try here https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f=91&t=21248 :D

but once again i dont know how relevant these are to SA-MP as they are made for MTA-DM

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Just for the basics:

MTA DM uses resource that are in the folder heavy already told you and theses can contain .lua files which can be gamemodes, scripts for general use (teleport script, admin script etc.), .map files that are designed to give every player the ability to make there own maps (once the offical map editor is released) for a specific gamemode without any scripting knowledge.

In more complicated resources there also might be .xml files as config files that the script reads from and picture files the script can use for a gamemode or just for a little logo on the screen.

And then every resource has to contain a meta.xml file in which you can define things like the author, a description, the resource type (gamemode, map, script), the .lua files that shell be used for the resource and many other things.

A good help to start off with lua (at least for me it was) is the MTA Wiki which can be found here: http://development.mtasa.com/index.php?title=Main_Page

I can recommend you this site: http://development.mtasa.com/index.php? ... troduction to learn the very basics of lua scripting for mtadm and if you still have some questions you can always ask at the channel #mta.scripting on the irc (see here for more info about the irc: http://www.multitheftauto.com/irc.html)

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