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Hmm whats that?

Guest Ralf

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When I see some pictures of Mta I see people having different cars and airplanes and stuff and when I'm playing I only see the maffia cars no more car... why? :(

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Drive about the map mate, the cars are sparse but they r there. Also ur luckier than some , at least u got it working, when im in game no one is about (even if the server has people in it) im told this wioll be fixed in next patch though :-P.

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If they released it this week ... there would be ppl saying things like :

wtf what's with this southpark movement shiat ?

what's with this lag ?

wtf mta crashed after x !!!

wtf mta crashed after y!!!

wtf mta bla bla bla ...

let them make a decent version ! then it will be out ...

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