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Connection problems

Guest spacedementia87

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I am trying to play this over a lan with my friend.

we are running the same version both with a nocd crack.

we both clic run mta and gta3 loads, we click through the menus to see the credits rolling up the screen and we alt - tab to the console.

we type in the IP of the computer running the server and click connect, but on the dos prompt it says connected then underneath it says a player tried to join with the same ip, but we have different ips.

anyway we both connect to the server and under both our connections it says a 'player tried to join under the same ip' twiceone of us clicks send game request and we both maximise GTA3 and we get put onto the rooftop (should we see each other here because we don't) we choose diablos and there are other dots on the map that are either standing still or running in one direction.

On looking at the dos prompt it says Player0 was dissconnected due to a time out, how could there be a time out it was abrely 30 seconds, it is always the person running the server who gets a time out and disconnects.

could it be because one of us has XP and one Me, or could it be because of the cd crack.

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