Sky Posted January 13, 2008 Share Posted January 13, 2008 i want to use the ion canon on my server, but when i press "g" , i have : "Cannot activate ion cannon and nuke at the same time" why ? i have download this script for the canon ion : --============================================================================================================== --Start defining varibles, including a players array --============================================================================================================== root = getRootElement () players = {} outputChatBox ( "Nulear Bomb by Ransom" ) --nuke_rotX = 0 nuke_loops = 0 nuke_explosionTimer = 0 nuke_cloudRotationAngle = 0 nuke_explosionLimiter = false nuke_cannonActivated = false nuke_cancelActivation = false players = getElementsByType ( "player" ) --============================================================================================================== --Give all players on the server access to the weapons --============================================================================================================== function ResourceStartNuke ( name, root ) if name ~= getThisResource() then return end for k,v in ipairs ( players ) do -- for all players in the "players" array bindKey ( v, "g", "down", placeNukeBeacon ) -- bind the key g for triggering the nuke end end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", root, ResourceStartNuke ) function nukePlayerJoin () bindKey ( source, "g", "down", placeNukeBeacon ) --if a player joins after the resource loaded, bind their g key to trigger the nuke also end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", root, nukePlayerJoin ) --==================================================================================================================== --When the nuke key (g) is pressed, show the mouse cursor that will allow the triggering of the onPlayerClick function --==================================================================================================================== function placeNukeBeacon ( player, key, state ) if ( nuke_cannonActivated == false ) and ( nuke_cancelActivation == false ) and ( ion_cancelActivation == false ) and ( ion_cannonActivated == false ) then --These conditions prevent triggering the same weapon twice or triggering the other weapon at the same time. --Both weapons cannot be triggered because explosions are stretched to the limit, explosions would be random. defineLaunchType = key --This is used later on the onPlayerClick function to tell it what weapon to launch showCursor ( player, true ) nuke_cancelActivation = true else if nuke_cancelActivation == true then showCursor ( player, false ) end --Prevents cursor from getting messed up if cursor is show for f or g and the opposite key is hit nuke_cancelActivation = false --nuke_cancelactivation is true when the cursor is showing. This is necessary along with asking if the actual --weapon is active to prevent problems with the cursor and weapon activation between both weapons and themselves. if nuke_cannonActivated == true then outputChatBox ( "Nuke has already been activated", activator ) else outputChatBox ( "Cannot activate ion cannon and nuke at the same time", activator ) end --This statement says that if the nuke is already in use, display a meassage about it being in use on g press. --else, if the above conditions were not satisifed and the nuke is not active, it meant the ioncannon was --active. Therefore, display the other message that both weapons cannot be used at the same time. end end --==================================================================================================================== --When the player clicks the mouse cursor, decide if the nuke is supposed to be launched and if so, set up the launch --==================================================================================================================== function playerClickNuke ( button, state, clickedElement, x, y, z ) if defineLaunchType == "g" then --If the player clicked, we check if the key is equal to f or g. This will dictate which onPlayerClick function --commences between the ion cannon and nuke scripts nuke_cancelActivation = false --Since the weapon is now in use, you have no chance to abort by pressing the key again, therefore this is false defineLaunchType = nil --This must be reset to nil so it will not fire the nuke next time on click if f was pressed instead of g (which triggers ion) nuke_beaconx = x nuke_beacony = y nuke_beaconz = z --Set the nuke beacon (detonation spot) coordinates to the spot the mouse cursor clicked on the game map local playerz, playerz, playerz = getElementPosition ( source ) --I put a z height limit on the nuke, because the visual image of the bomb dropping can be broken if it is set --to start an explosion/visually show object deletion in a mid-air point. To prevent this, I have assigned a max --nuke height that is a little bit more than the z height of the player who activated it. There is a function to --grab the actual z height at an X,Y position that I will implement later. For the above line, getElementPosition --outputs 3 varibles, but I only want z so I overwrote 1 varible called playerz as the function went through and --assigned the XYZ values to varible x, varible y, and varible z respectively. nuke_maxBeamHeight = playerz + 2 if nuke_beaconz > nuke_maxBeamHeight then nuke_beaconz = playerz + 3 end --resets the nuke beacon z height if it is more than +3 above player z height if ( button == "left" ) and ( state == "down" ) and ( nuke_cannonActivated == false ) then --When the left mouse button is pressed down (not when released), if nuke is not active then nuke_cannonActivated = true --Set this varible to true, which will be used to avoid double launches & double weapon usage showCursor ( source, false ) --Weapon beacon was chosen and the launch is initiating to that point. Hide cursor. setTimer ( nukeExplosion, 2700, 1 ) setTimer ( nukeShot, 500, 1 ) --Trigger these two functions that will drop and explode the nuke. Nuke drop triggers in 500ms, --1 time only. The explosion is triggered at 2700ms which is when the nuke should be hitting --the ground on the game map, it is also triggered 1 time. else activator = getPlayerFromNick ( source ) showCursor ( source, false ) --Makes sure the cursor will not show again for detonation unless the nuke is not active. Activator --is used to display output messages in the other functions that activations/launches arent possible. end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerClick", root, playerClickNuke ) --============================================================================================================================= --Move 3 objects according to the beacon/detonation point to give the appearance of a falling nuclear bomb to the desired point --============================================================================================================================= function nukeShot () nuke1 = createObject ( 16340, nuke_beaconx, nuke_beacony, nuke_beaconz + 200 ) nuke2 = createObject ( 3865, nuke_beaconx + 0.072265, nuke_beacony + 0.013731, nuke_beaconz + 196.153122 ) nuke3 = createObject ( 1243, nuke_beaconx + 0.060547, nuke_beacony - 0.017578, nuke_beaconz + 189.075554 ) --The 3 objects that make the nucelar bomb are called nuke1, nuke2, and nuke3. Math is done to piece the --bomb together correctly at any given XYZ detonation coordinates. setObjectRotation ( nuke1, math.deg(3.150001), math.deg(0), math.deg(0.245437) ) setObjectRotation ( nuke2, math.deg(-1.575), math.deg(0), math.deg(1.938950) ) setObjectRotation ( nuke3, math.deg(0), math.deg(0), math.deg(-1.767145) ) --The objects must also be rotated after they are placed in the correct XYZ positions to get the bomb shape --I created in the map editor at any given XYZ beacon/detonation point. shotpath = nuke_beaconz - 200 moveObject ( nuke1, 5000, nuke_beaconx, nuke_beacony, shotpath, 0, 0, 259.9 ) --, 259 moveObject ( nuke2, 5000, nuke_beaconx + 0.072265, nuke_beacony + 0.013731, shotpath - 3.846878, 0, 0, 259.9 ) moveObject ( nuke3, 5000, nuke_beaconx + 0.060547, nuke_beacony - 0.017578, shotpath - 10.924446, 0, 0, 259.9 ) --To make all 3 pieces of the bomb stay together in the exact same shape, they must descend directly down. --nuke2 and nuke3 drop paths are altered slightly to be directly below their created positions in the air. end --============================================================================================================== --Create the imitation of a nuclear explosion --============================================================================================================== function nukeExplosion () if nuke_explosionTimer == 0 then --We set this value when the script started. I do so I can keep looping through this function without --resetting it. setTimer ( nukeExplosion, 170, 35 ) --Trigger this function to initiate 35 times in 170ms intervals. nuke_explosionTimer = 1 --Set the explosion timer flag to 1 so it is not done again with the looping (could have been true/false) else nuke_loops = nuke_loops + 1 --tells us how many times this function as been run through, which will be 35 in total. r = randInt(1.5, 4.5) --r will serve as our explosion radius. It can be a random value between 1.5 and 4.5 from the center of --the circle. The math for this is below. angleup = randInt(0, 35999)/100 --Choose a random angle. A value between 0 and 35999 is divided by 100 because we want --to have 2 random decimal places for as well, rather than just a whole integer. Explosionxcoord = r*math.cos(math.rad(angleup)) + nuke_beaconx Explosionycoord = r*math.sin(math.rad(angleup)) + nuke_beacony --The x and y coordinates of the explosion will occur at a max radius of 4.5 away from the nuke beacon, --in a circular shape. This is a fundamental, simple circle geometry formula. if nuke_loops == 1 then nuke_nukeCloud = nuke_beaconz createExplosion ( Explosionxcoord, Explosionycoord, nuke_nukeCloud, 7 ) elseif nuke_loops == 2 then nuke_nukeCloud = nuke_beaconz + 4 createExplosion ( Explosionxcoord, Explosionycoord, nuke_nukeCloud, 7 ) --Up until 20 loops, a pillar of explosions is created with the above. 7 is the explosion type, --which is tied with a couple others as the largest. 7 is a aircraft explosion. elseif nuke_loops > 20 then nuke_cloudRotationAngle = nuke_cloudRotationAngle + 22.5 if nuke_explosionLimiter == false then nuke_cloudRadius = 7 Explosionxcoord = nuke_cloudRadius*math.cos(math.rad(nuke_cloudRotationAngle)) + nuke_beaconx --recalculate Explosionycoord = nuke_cloudRadius*math.sin(math.rad(nuke_cloudRotationAngle)) + nuke_beacony --recalculate createExplosion ( Explosionxcoord, Explosionycoord, nuke_nukeCloud, 7 ) nuke_explosionLimiter = true elseif nuke_explosionLimiter == true then nuke_explosionLimiter = false end nuke_cloudRadius2 = 16 Explosionxcoord2 = nuke_cloudRadius2*math.cos(math.rad(nuke_cloudRotationAngle)) + nuke_beaconx Explosionycoord2 = nuke_cloudRadius2*math.sin(math.rad(nuke_cloudRotationAngle)) + nuke_beacony createExplosion ( Explosionxcoord2, Explosionycoord2, nuke_nukeCloud, 7 ) else nuke_nukeCloud = nuke_nukeCloud + 4 createExplosion ( Explosionxcoord, Explosionycoord, nuke_nukeCloud, 7 ) end --Since explosions are pushed to the limit, I have to make sure I can use the maximum amount without --having explosions not appear. This required me to have the above explosions run every other time --to create a mushroom cloud inner part (a circular area defined above), while at the same time creating --an outter circle that also gave the look of a "full" mushroom cloud that won't have obvious visual holes. if nuke_loops == 1 then --On the first loop, the bright flare (as I call it, actually a corona marker), is created and increases in size. nukeExplosionFlare = createMarker ( nuke_beaconx, nuke_beacony, nuke_beaconz, "corona", 0, 255, 255, 255, 255 ) --The flare has an inital size of 0, and the R, G, B colors are 255, making it white. nuke_flareSize = 0 setTimer ( nukeFlareGrow, 1, 200 ) --On the first loop, set the nuke_flareSize varible to 0, which will dictate the flare (corona) size --in the nukeFlareGrow function below as it is looped. The timer initiates the function 200 times, --every 1ms (so it takes 1/5 of a second to loop 200 times, thus making the bright flare). elseif nuke_loops == 35 then nuke_explosionTimer = 0 setTimer ( nukeFlareFade, 1, 200 ) nuke_loops = 0 end --When this function has looped 35 times, the nuke has finished exploding and the flare must begin --fading to look like it disappears naturally. Nuke loops is reset for the next nuke launch. end end function nukeFlareGrow () setMarkerSize ( nukeExplosionFlare, nuke_flareSize ) nuke_flareSize = nuke_flareSize + 1 if nuke_flareSize == 200 then destroyElement ( nuke1 ) destroyElement ( nuke2 ) destroyElement ( nuke3 ) end --The flare becomes +1 larger on each loop, and the nuke is destroyed when the flare reaches maximum --size. It is triggered here as this is the point where it is safest to assume the objects are out of site. end function nukeFlareFade () nuke_flareSize = nuke_flareSize - 1 setMarkerSize ( nukeExplosionFlare, nuke_flareSize ) if nuke_flareSize == 0 then destroyElement ( nukeExplosionFlare ) nuke_cannonActivated = false end --Each time the function loops, the flare gets -1 smaller. When it has a size of 0 and becomes invisible, it needs --to be deleted for the next nuke launch. No elements should stay created as they will pile up and eventually --crash you or the server. Finally, nuke_cannonActivated is false, meaning the nuke is inactive and another weapon --use can be performed. end what is the problem ? Thx . Link to comment
eAi Posted January 19, 2008 Share Posted January 19, 2008 I believe the script is out of date. There should be an updated version somewhere on the forum I believe. Link to comment
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