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Hi everyone,

I have a small issue that is out of my reach currently:

first of all what I want to create:

-In short: gangzones

-Longer: coloured areas on the map, which are owned by a team or by nobody. If someone enters a specific area, and is not in the team that owns the area, then it should start flashing (if it didn't do that already (multiple players)), and if the last player inside the area not belonging to the area-owning team, exits the area it should obviously stop flashing. If an area flashes for a specific amount of time, and no player of the team that owns the area is inside that area, and there is only 1 team inside this area, then that team becomes the new owner.

The problem:

-Currently working: drawing the areas on the map, saving them to an xml file. They also start flashing if a player enters and stop flashing when a player leaves the area.

-Main issue now: When I draw multiple radarareas on the radar, and link a colshape to it to detect whether a player enters it and leaves it, it goes alright but: For some reason it often happens that my whole radar becomes the color of a drawn radararea. This happens on approximately every 90 degree-turn of the camera. I suspect this is some sort of a rendering issue, or at least client-side?

Anyhow, it's very annoying and lethal to the idea I wish to realize :)

(using a colshape rectangle for the radar area, which may be related to the 90-degree draw issue...?)

Can anyone explain me what is happening there exactly?

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