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Hello, I need help with two simple functions. The first and 'setting up speed in a gmode. I have read the command to MTA Wiki and says:

Gamespeedfunction function (sourcePlayer, command, value)

SetGameSpeed (tonumber (value))


AddCommandHandler ( "setgamespeed" gamespeedfunction)

I replaced value with 10 but is not working. The command and 'right?

Then I wanted to know the exact command to spawn a player. On MTA Wiki I have not found the exact function. If perhaps you please make a small gmode with a single spawn and speed, thanks. Sorry for my English.

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Declaration of a function in LUA, as MTA uses it works as follows:

function functionName( arg1, arg2, arg3, ... ) 

functionName is the name of the function and arg1, arg2, arg3, etc. are the arguments the function will accept.

For instance, suppose we want to create a function called "printText" and arg1 is "Hello world!" and arg2 is empty. We want the function to accept exactly 2 arguments.

The function will write arg1 and arg2 to the chatbox of all players on the server, such that arg2 is directly place behind arg1 on a single line. (like: "arg1arg2")

We would define the function as follows:

function printText( arg1, arg2 )



arg1..arg2 means the values of both arg1 and arg2 (the actual text) will be linked into 1 whole, in difficult terms this is called concatenation.

We can call the function in several ways.

printText("Hello World!")

or if you wish to use a commandhandler...

addCommandHandler( "shout", printText )

This command handler allows us to type this in-game: /shout "Hello World!"

in both cases the message "Hello World!" is sent to everyone on the server.

in your code that would look like:

for the normal function call:

function printText( arg1, arg2 ) 
printText("Hello World!") 

for the command handler:

function printText( arg1, arg2 ) 
addCommandHandler( "shout", printText ) 

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