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Payday Help


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I have problems with my payday. Here is my code

function payday ( source, command ) 
      givePlayerMoney ( source, 2000 ) 
        outputChatBox ( "PAYDAY: 2000$" ) 
     setTimer ( payday, 1000, 1) 
setTimer (payday, 5000, 1) --1000 = 1 second 

The time is only as test. I hope you can help me :wink:


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Im assuming you wish to pay every player on the server every 5 seconds or whatever..

here is a nice and easy way to do it:

function allPlayersPayDay() 
  local allPlayers = getElementsByType("player") --Get all the players in the server 
  for index,value in ipairs(allPlayers) do --Loop around all of the players 
    givePlayerMoney ( value, 2000 ) --give this player some moneys 
    outputChatBox ( "Its your payday, you have been given $2000", value ) --Tell them that its been given 
function onResourceStart(thisResource) 
  setTimer ( allPlayersPayDay, 5000, 0 ) --When this resource has started, setup a new timer to give players some cash every 5 seconds 
addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), onResourceStart ) --Add the event handler for onResourceStart which is automatically executed when this is started 

Sorry if it has any errors, i wrote it from memory in the forum edit box lol.

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You can do it easier. givePlayerMoney supports being called to a group of elements/players, so if you call it on the root element, all players get money. Here's an example:

function allPlayersPayDay() 
  givePlayerMoney ( getRootElement(), 2000 ) --give all players some moneys 
  outputChatBox ( "Its your payday, you have been given $2000" ) --Tell them that its been given 
function onResourceStart(thisResource) 
  setTimer ( allPlayersPayDay, 5000, 0 ) --When this resource has started, setup a new timer to give players some cash every 5 seconds 
addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), onResourceStart ) --Add the event handler for onResourceStart which is automatically executed when this is started 

If you have a team of players (see createTeam), you can use setElementParent to make the players in the team a child of that team. And call givePlayerMoney on the team, and all players in that team will get the money.

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