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Spawning Player help

Guest Mkc

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hi, ive got:

function PlayerJoin ( passedPlayer ) 
  spawnPlayer ( passedPlayer, -2336.2847,-1614.5179,483.7172, 0.0, 0) 
  outputChatBox( "SERVER: Welcome to DFSFv3 - MTAdm Chilliad test", p, 255, 100, 100 ) 

PlayerJoin IS being called as the chat message appears... but no spawning, the screen just stays black. It gives me this warning when i try and join:

Bad Argument @ 'spawnPlayer' - line 5

line 5 is the line of the spawnPlayer function. thanks :)

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thank you ChrML, but with this

function PlayerJoin ( passedPlayer ) 
  spawnPlayer ( passedPlayer, -2336.2847,-1614.5179,483.7172, 0.0, 0) 
  fadeCamera ( passedPlayer, true ) 
  outputChatBox( "SERVER: Welcome to DFSFv3 - MTAdm Chilliad test", p, 255, 100, 100 ) 
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), PlayerJoin ) 

it still stays on the black screen and gives 2 warnings (Both Bad argument)


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function PlayerJoin ( passedPlayer ) 
  spawnPlayer ( source, -2336.2847,-1614.5179,483.7172, 0.0, 0) 
  fadeCamera ( source, true ) 
  outputChatBox( "SERVER: Welcome to DFSFv3 - MTAdm Chilliad test", source, 255, 100, 100 ) 
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), PlayerJoin ) 

try this

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example of line: spawnVehicle(539,-2247.9392,-1725.0338,479.5452,40.9806, 0.0, 0.0)

error: [17:36:47] WARNING: DFSFv3.lua: Bad 'element' pointer @ 'spawnVehicle'(1) - Line: 186

use createVehicle ( 539,-2247.9392,-1725.0338,479.5452,40.9806, 0.0, 0.0) ;)

spawnVehicle is used to respawn an already existing vehicle, for example:

monter = createVehicle ( 444, 0, 0, 4 )

spawnVehicle ( monster, 1000, 2000, 10 ) <- this function would spawn the monster to a different location

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yes, i tried create vehicle before, but for some reason it spawns hundreds of the same vehicle. my vehicles are placed in a function that is called with the event "onResourceStart"

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yes, i tried create vehicle before, but for some reason it spawns hundreds of the same vehicle. my vehicles are placed in a function that is called with the event "onResourceStart"

you got addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement ( getThisResource() ), yourFunction )? else it creates a vehicle every time a resource is loaded

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Yeah, onResourceStart triggers every time a resource is loaded. If you attach the eventhandler to the resource root element rather than the global root element, it only triggers when the current resource is loaded, and thus only once :).

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