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Chat Relay / IRC relay / Welcome Message.


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Hello, im looking for 3 seperate scripts, (yes, more of me hunting stuff) and was just wondering if anyone can write these cos they are kinda "personalised" from most normal ones.

First up, we have just opend 4 servers that are for use with Dewalk28's sAkina mod. Link to DL and Screenies .... Link to my Announcement post for the servers .... Link to Dewalk28's info on the Map Mod

The reason why we have 4 server's for it is the track is really too thin to have more than 4 players on it at once, so we set up 4X 4 player servers. all running on the same MTAMA so they all use the same Stats / records / whatever. But i would like a script to link all the server's chat together, Just what people say, so no messages or death messages. just chat relay. and join / quit messages, so like "Dan has joined sAkina server 2"

and when people chat, it would come thru on another server as "Dan @ Sakina#2:


Ok, Secondly, an IRC relay script that will work with that script, so it will work with all 4 servers to / from IRC. (So just chat and join/quit messages, no messages)

And also an IRC script that will work with our normal server. Which runs on a different mIRC and MTAMA to that of the sAkina servers. which will do the same thing, relay chat and join / quit messages to / from IRC.


And last, but not least, a Welcome Message script (Yes i know PRS has a welcome message) but i want a script that i can set a different welcome message in, so it comes up in the Gold text.


And NO, sAkina is Not a cheat mod....... Heres screenshots of what it is for everyone to see......

(click for larger image)









More screenshots of this awesome map mod here: http://www.potholestudios.com/Downloads/screen=57.html

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Aht, i knew i explained it stupidly....

As for messages, i meant the PRS ones.... like Top 3 Times For "Insert Track Name Here"

I know i have to have the text there as its not possible,...

But as for merging the chat, i want Just what People say, and not what PRS says. to be Linked.

So like....

Hey Guys.

Hey man, Whats Up.

Nothing Much.

But Stuff like New Record on "insert Track name" set by dan

Not to be relayed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wrote something:

on *:signal:mta.join:{ 
  if ($1 != 1) mta.text 1 <sAkina # $+ $1 $+ > $mta.nick($1,$2) has joined the game 
  if ($1 != 2) mta.text 2 <sAkina # $+ $1 $+ > $mta.nick($1,$2) has joined the game 
  if ($1 != 3) mta.text 3 <sAkina # $+ $1 $+ > $mta.nick($1,$2) has joined the game 
  if ($1 != 4) mta.text 4 <sAkina # $+ $1 $+ > $mta.nick($1,$2) has joined the game 
on *:signal:mta.part:{ 
  if ($1 != 1) mta.text 1 <sAkina # $+ $1 $+ > $mta.nick($1,$2) has left the game (Reason: $iif($3 == 1,Kicked,$iif($3 == 2,Banned,Exit)) $+ ) 
  if ($1 != 2) mta.text 2 <sAkina # $+ $1 $+ > $mta.nick($1,$2) has left the game (Reason: $iif($3 == 1,Kicked,$iif($3 == 2,Banned,Exit)) $+ ) 
  if ($1 != 3) mta.text 3 <sAkina # $+ $1 $+ > $mta.nick($1,$2) has left the game (Reason: $iif($3 == 1,Kicked,$iif($3 == 2,Banned,Exit)) $+ ) 
  if ($1 != 4) mta.text 4 <sAkina # $+ $1 $+ > $mta.nick($1,$2) has left the game (Reason: $iif($3 == 1,Kicked,$iif($3 == 2,Banned,Exit)) $+ ) 
on *:signal:mta.text:{ 
  if ($1 != 1) mta.text 1 <sAkina # $+ $1 $+ >< $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $+ > $$3- 
  if ($1 != 2) mta.text 2 <sAkina # $+ $1 $+ >< $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $+ > $$3- 
  if ($1 != 3) mta.text 3 <sAkina # $+ $1 $+ >< $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $+ > $$3- 
  if ($1 != 4) mta.text 4 <sAkina # $+ $1 $+ >< $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $+ > $$3- 
on *:signal:mta.command:{ 
  if ($1 != 1) mta.text 1 <sAkina # $+ $1 $+ >< $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $+ > $$3- 
  if ($1 != 2) mta.text 2 <sAkina # $+ $1 $+ >< $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $+ > $$3- 
  if ($1 != 3) mta.text 3 <sAkina # $+ $1 $+ >< $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $+ > $$3- 
  if ($1 != 4) mta.text 4 <sAkina # $+ $1 $+ >< $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $+ > $$3- 

Didn't test it, so let me know if it doesn't work :)

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Well, your great sakina mode fucked my GTA up


that happens when one of the files didnt replace correctly in the GTA3.img file....

(BTW, i didnt make sAkina, Dewalk28 did, im just hosting the only servers with it)

ive rewritten the readme to get around that issue...

Dan's Easy to understand Readme for Dewalk28's sAkina Mod.

(With added Options)

Step 1. Extract the Zip archive to a new folder if you haven’t already done so.

Step 2. Make a Backup of these following files, Which are found in the following directories:

1. \Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\models gta3.img

2. \Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\text american.gxt

3. \Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\data gta.dat

4. \Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\data\script main.scm

5. \Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\data\script script.img

Step 3. Load IMGtool 2.0 and open your gta3.img file (found in \Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\models\)

(We will be doing the gta3.img editing this way as apposed to the way in the original readme to avoid Potential issues)

Find and delete these files from within your gta3.img file...











Once those are deleted from your gta3.img file, add the files ONE AT A TIME to your gta3.img from the \gta3\ folder (included in the archive).

Once that is done Rebuild your gta3.img file.

Step 4. Copy HLRACE.txd (included in the archive) into your \Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\models\txd folder

and copy the gta.dat (included in the archive) into your \Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\data folder.

Step 5. Copy the entire sakina folder (included in the archive) into your \Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\data\maps Folder


IF you want to be able to play NORMAL GTA San Andreas Missions, Skip to Step 7.


Step 6. Copy main.scm and script.img (included in the archive) into your \Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\data\script folder.

and copy the american.gxt (included in the archive) into your \Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\text folder.


Step 7.

IF you skipped Step 6, Then just Load the game and either start a new game or continue one of your save files.

IF you did Step 6, then you MUST start a new game.



Big thanks to Dewalk28 for this awesome mod.

All credit to Dewalk28 for this awesome mod.


Easier to understand Readme by PotholeStudios.com

(It also happens when using Tony Resta's Real Plant Textures)


Ok.... .:SDK:.

i am about to test that... i will reply back if it has issues :-)

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Well, i put that script in and it works Verry well :-)

And for (hopefully) the last thing in this thread..... modifying the IRC relay that we allready have...

Heres what we have....

alias my.echo {  
  if (<Admin> IRC: !isin $1-) {  
    if *.*.* iswm $5 !msg #PotholeStudios  $3 $4  
    elseif (Race: == $3) !msg #PotholeStudios  $2-  
    elseif (Admin isin $2) !msg #PotholeStudios  $3-  
    elseif (* !isin $2) !msg #PotholeStudios  $2-  
on *:join:#potholestudios:{ 
  mta.text 1 $nick Joined IRC - #potholestudios 
on *:part:#potholestudios:{ 
  mta.text 1 $nick Left IRC - #potholestudios 
on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: { 
  if ($3 == !irc) mta.text $1 join us at: #PotholeStudios on irc.rizon.net 
on *:TEXT:*:#potholestudios:{ 
  mta.text 1 IRC: $nick $+ : $1- 

But it relay's too much stuff... we would like it to relay just what people say.... and not the PRS messages...

What to change?

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alias my.echo {  
  if (<Admin> IRC: !isin $1-) {  
    if *.*.* iswm $5 !msg #PotholeStudios  $3 $4  
    elseif (Race: == $3) !msg #PotholeStudios  $2-  
    elseif (Admin isin $2) !msg #PotholeStudios  $3-  
    elseif (* !isin $2) !msg #PotholeStudios  $2-  

i know what i need to change in here.... but i cant figure out what to change... im comparing other scripts... but i cant pick what i need to change.

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