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Pothole Studios MTA Race Championship.....

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I hope this is the correct place to post this.... if it isnt, can a mod move it to the correct place.

Recently PotholeStudios.com has been holding MTA Championships, we have had 4 so far, we hold one every 2 weeks.... here is a link to the results of these 4 championships..... http://www.potholestudios.com/Content/pid=15.html

As you can see in those results, the number of people participating has been on a constant Downhill slide, i am guessing it was mainly because we changed the time one week and nobody bothered to look at the times sheet....

anyways.... im here to attempt to get some more particapants for the next championship.

As allways, we have out vote going, this championship will be a FWD car, and the vote is here: http://www.potholestudios.com/Surveys/pollid=7.html

If your wondering why Jester isnt in the vote, its because it was in the last FWD Championship we held.

As for all other Championship Info, it is located here: http://www.potholestudios.com/Content/pid=16.html.html

Server rules are located here: http://www.potholestudios.com/Content/pid=12.html

altho i will give a Quick Overview on the info:


Next Date:

Saturday, July 14th, 2007

6:00 AM US Central Time (-6)

7:00 AM US Eastern Time (-5)

12:00 (Midday) UK (+0)

9:00 PM Australia (+10)

(Note all times are the same time, just different time zones)


Points will be awarded ONLY to people who make it to the Finish Line, The points will be Set up like this:

Stage 1 thru to Stage 6 will have respawn set to 30 seconds, and points set like this:

1st: 500

2nd: 350

3rd: 200

4th: 100

5th: 50

Extra Stage will have 150% Point value... And NO RESPAWN!... So.....

For Extra Stage the points will be...

1st: 750

2nd: 525

3rd: 300

4th: 150

5th: 75

Note: In the Event of a Draw, a winner will be determined by Secondary Scoring Rules.


(click the thumbnails to see a bigger map)








Anyone is welcome in the championship.... (anyone other than cheaters that is)... the Quick Connect info is mta.potholestudios.com 22003

So yeah, come along, join in the fun!

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oh, i forgot to mention, there is no signup for the race, so its open to anyone and everyone.

and the way the results are taken, is at the end of every race, just after the 30 second finish timer, a screenshot of the results, then i do the calculations.

(just making this known as some people often finish the race then quit before the end of race timer, so thier name dissapears from the results)

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Well, the vote for the car is closed, the winner is:


its stats.......

Drivetrain.....| [FF]

Top Speed....|===




Wet Roads....|========

This will be a race of Skill. Not top speed....

Will be interesting.

To anyone who's coming.... See you at the race!

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