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Guest [KH]AnSeM

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it could maybe but in a different way

on *:signal:mta.command:{
if ($3 == !on) {
if {Gus.level($1,$2) >= 10) {
set %c mta.pm $1 $2
elseif ($3 == !off) {
if (gus.level($1,$2) >= 10) {
set %c mta.text $1

and then set every thing that is mta.text $1 to %c

and it will work only for admins from lvl 10

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it could maybe but in a different way

on *:signal:mta.command:{
if ($3 == !on) {
if {Gus.level($1,$2) >= 10) {
set %c mta.pm $1 $2
elseif ($3 == !off) {
if (gus.level($1,$2) >= 10) {
set %c mta.text $1

and then set every thing that is mta.text $1 to %c

and it will work only for admins from lvl 10

erm, this script is completely pointless and im telling you that it's impossible

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi again. I was thinking a way to do this, and I thought: What about making everybody ignore me, while I write the pass, and then unignore them?

After that, I looked for the mta.Ma script for /ignore command (like freeze and mute), but there is no one like that.

If there were any script for /ignore command, I could write a script to get the player ignored by everyone, let him several seconds to type his pass, and then get him unignored back.

So... how would be the /ignore script for mta:ma?


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thats not the problem, the problem is, PM's cant be sent to yourself or to a player not there. so even if u were alone in the server, it would be impossible to login. in other versions we could use /msg login

and the details would be sent to the name 'login' and this would be read by a script and it would work. but in mtasa race, u cant do this. you can only PM other people who are in the server.

there is no way to be ignored by all players, only muted, which means u cant type to login :lol:

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