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Help setting up server?

Guest Wisey!

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Okay, i've set up a server and ran it but it doesn't apear in the server browser, I got into it once using my local IP address. Heres what I did:

1. Downloaded the server app

2. Extracted it using WinRAR

3. Installed it

4. Configure it

5. Ran it [didn't apear in the Server Browser on my friends computer]

6. So then I looked at the last step on the Server Guide, and opened the ports on my Linksys WAG54GS Router

7. Still didn't work, or show up on my friends comp, so I then read about static IP's and someone said I need to set then up, so I did, but I must have done it wrong (can't figure out why) because MTA, MSN and my browser wouldn't connect, but Skype did =S

Any ideas what I have to do/ what i've done wrong?

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Yeah, it's deffenatly already set to 1.

Unfortuneatly I can't provide my list of settings or log files or anything because i'm using my colleges network.

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I have the log file for my server, one for when I managed to get in, and one of what normaly happends, dunno if this is any help...

Name: 'Wisey!'s TESTING MTA:SA Server'
Port: 22003
Mod: San Andreas : Race Mod 1.1.1
Max Players: 16

Server successfully started on port 22003
Type 'quit' to shut the server down

[23:59:49] Server log being saved to 'mtaserver.log'
[23:59:50] All Seeing Eye listing enabled. Port 22126 (UDP) must be accessible
          from the internet
[23:59:50] Querying game-monitor.com master server...
[23:59:50] Connecting to update server...
[23:59:50] WARNING: Updating anticheat definitions failed (404 - Not Found)
                   Your definitions might be out of date.
[23:59:50] WARNING: Loading 'anticheat.def' failed! Anti-cheat is disabled.
[00:02:40] CONNECT: Wisey! connected (IP:
[00:02:56] JOIN: Wisey! joined the game
[00:02:56] VOTE: Map nomination started
[00:03:06] MAPS: Started map 'Errand'
[00:04:35] QUIT: Wisey! left the game
[00:04:35] MAPS: Race "Errand" has finished.
[00:09:03] CLOSE: Server stopped!

Name: 'Wisey!'s TESTING MTA:SA Server'
Port: 22003
Mod: San Andreas : Race Mod 1.1.1
Max Players: 10

Server successfully started on port 22003
Type 'quit' to shut the server down

[00:15:29] Server log being saved to 'mtaserver.log'
[00:15:29] Administration access successfully started on port 44003
[00:15:29] All Seeing Eye listing enabled. Port 22126 (UDP) must be accessible
          from the internet
[00:15:29] Querying game-monitor.com master server...
[00:15:30] Anti-cheat is disabled.
[00:17:16] CLOSE: Server stopped!

Any ideas?

I'm really stuck.

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Oh yeah! Here are my settings too, sorry for the length, I cba to take out the comments:

# ServerName
# Required: Yes
# Purpose: Defines the name of the server
#          Format - ServerName 
ServerName Wisey!'s TESTING MTA:SA Server

# ServerPort
# Required: Yes
# Purpose: Defines the port for players to connect on
#          Format - ServerPort 
# Notes:
#     Must be a numerical value
ServerPort 22003

# MaxPlayers
# Required: Yes
# Purpose: Defines the max players that can connect to the server
#          Format - MaxPlayers 
# Notes:
#     Must be a numerical value and must not go above 32
MaxPlayers 10

# ServerPassword
# Required: No (Yes if server should be passworded)
# Purpose: Defines the server password
#          Format - ServerPassword 
#ServerPassword mypassword

# Required: No
# Purpose: Defines whether the server should report to the All Seeing Eye (can be seen in the Server Browser)
#          Format - ASE 
# Notes:
#     Set to 1 to enable, anything else to disable

# AdminServer
# Required: No
# Purpose: Defines whether the server should enable Remote Admin
#          Format - AdminServer <1>
# Notes:
#     Set to 1 to enable, anything else to disable
AdminServer 1

# AdminPort
# Required: Yes (if AdminServer is enabled)
# Purpose: Defines the port for Remote Admins to connect on
#          Format - AdminPort 
# Notes:
#     Must be a numerical value
AdminPort 44003

# AdminPass
# Required: Yes (if AdminServer is enabled)
# Purpose: Defines the Remote Admin password
#          Format - AdminPass 
AdminPass *******

# AllowAdminShutdown
# Required: No
# Purpose: Defines whether the server can be shutdown from Remote Admin
#          Format - AllowAdminShutdown 
# Notes:
#     Set to 1 to enable, anything else to disable
AllowAdminShutdown 1

# LogFile
# Required: No
# Purpose: Defines the file which the server log should be written to
#          Format - LogFile 
LogFile mtaserver.log

# AntiCheatEnabled
# Required: No (defaults to 1)
# Purpose: Defines whether anticheat is enabled or not.
#          Format - AntiCheatEnabled <1>
AntiCheatEnabled 0

# AutoUpdateAntiCheat
# Required: No (defaults to 1)
# Purpose: Defines whether the server should check Anti-Cheat for updates automatically on server start.
#          Format - AutoUpdateAntiCheat <1>
AutoUpdateAntiCheat 0

# InstantVoteMapEnabled
# Required: No (defaults to 0)
# Purpose: Defines whether instant map voting is enabled/disabled
#          Format - InstantVoteMapEnabled <1>
# Notes:
#     Due to heavy abuse of this feature in previous releases, we recommend that
#     you disable this.
InstantVoteMapEnabled 0

# InstantVoteMapPercentage
# Required: No
# Purpose: Defines the percentage of votes needed for a map vote to pass.
#          A high value is recommended (over 80%) to prevent voting abuse.
#          Format - InstantVoteMapPercentage <0>
InstantVoteMapPercentage 80

# InstantVoteMapTimeDelay
# Required: No
# Purpose: Defines how long a player must wait before they can vote for a new instant map change
#          Format - InstantVoteMapTimeDelay 
# Notes:
#     This does not take effect if there are 2 or less players in the server
InstantVoteMapTimeDelay 90

# InstantVoteMapGlobalTimeDelay
# Required: No
# Purpose: Defines the minimum time between instant map-change votes on the server.
#          Format - InstantVoteMapGlobalTimeDelay 
# Notes:
#     This does not take effect if there are 2 or less players in the server
InstantVoteMapGlobalTimeDelay 60

# DefaultRespawnTime
# Required: No (defaults to 10 seconds)
# Purpose: Defines what respawn time to use if none is specified in the map
#          Format - DefaultRespawnTime 
DefaultRespawnTime 10

# DefaultMapDuration
# Required: No (defaults to 600 seconds which is 10 minutes)
# Purpose: Defines what map duration to use if none is specified in the map.
#          Format - DefaultMapDuration 
DefaultMapDuration 600

# MaxMapDuration
# Required: No (defaults to 1200 seconds which is 20 minutes)
# Purpose: Defines how long a map can maximally run before the next map is started. This is neccessary for
#          maps with dynamic respawn when instant vote map change is disabled.
#          Format - MaxMapDuration 
MaxMapDuration 1200

# MapNominationEnabled
# Required: No (defaults to 1)
# Purpose: Defines whether the server will use map nomination votes between maps to decide the next map to play.
#          If this is set to 0, the server will pick a random map instead. This is recommended rather than instant votes.
#          Format - MapNominationEnabled <1>
MapNominationEnabled 1

# MaxNominationMaps
# Required: No (defaults to 4)
# Purpose: Defines how many random maps that will be picked during a map election between maps.
#          Format - MaxNominationMaps <2>
# Notes:
#     Range for this value is 2 to 8.
MaxNominationMaps 4

# IncludeLastMapInNomination
# Required: No (defaults to 1)
# Purpose: Defines whether the server should put the last map played in the nomination for the next map to play.
#          Format - IncludeLastMapInNomination <1>
IncludeLastMapInNomination 1

# Admin
# Required: No
# Purpose: Defines all the people in-server who can rcon_login to admin
#          Format - Admin 
# Notes:
#     admin-level must not go above 5
#     Names and passwords are case sensitive
#Admin Default password 5
Admin Wisey! ***** 5

# Required: No
# Purpose: Defines the admin level for . If this is not specified it is defaulted
#          Format - RCON 
# Notes:
#      must be between 1 and 5. If it is invalid, the level is defaulted
RCON kick 4
RCON ban 4
RCON mute 2
RCON unmute 2



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Yeah, it's deffenatly already set to 1.

Unfortuneatly I can't provide my list of settings or log files or anything because i'm using my colleges network.

You need to ask your network administrator to open the ports because it's HIGHLY likely that you're behind a proxy which blocks everything but port 80 and 443.

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Hahaha, no, I ment I was using my College Network to visit the forum, my Server will be run from home at which I have full Adminastriastion.

I'm still very stuck tho, please help.

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