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Trace using dnsstuff is now possible!


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Yes, its right ;)

With one little trick you are again allowed to use dnsstuff to trace people!

Ok, there it goes:


on *:SIGNAL:mta.command:{
 var %a = $iif((!$4),$2,$iif(($gus.getid($1,$4) == $null),$2,$v1))
 elseif (%a == -1) mta.pm $1 $2 Error - Absent ID
 if ($3 == !trace) do.trace $1 %a
alias do.trace {
 set %do.trace $1 $2
 if (!$sock(do.trace $+ $mta.ip($1,$2))) sockopen do.trace $+ $mta.ip($1,$2) trace.servegame.com 80
on *:SOCKOPEN:do.trace*:{
 tokenize 32 %do.trace
 if ($sockerr > 0) {
   sockclose $sockname
   mta.text $1 Trace: An error has occured.
 else {
   sockwrite -n $sockname GET /tools/whois.ch?&ip= $+ $mta.ip($1,$2) $+ &display=whois HTTP/1.1
   sockwrite -n $sockname User-Agent: MSIE 6.0
   sockwrite -n $sockname Host: trace.servegame.com
   sockwrite $sockname $crlf
on *:SOCKCLOSE:do.trace*:{
 unset %tr.*
on *:SOCKREAD:do.trace*:{
 var %t
 sockread %t
 if (Location isin %t) {
   tokenize 32 %do.trace
   mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) $+ 's Location: $gettok(%t,2-,58)


on *:SIGNAL:mta.command:{
 var %a = $iif((!$4),$2,$iif(($prs.getid($1,$4) == $null),$2,$v1))
 elseif (%a == -1) mta.pm $1 $2 Error - Absent ID
 if ($3 == !trace) do.trace $1 %a
alias do.trace {
 set %do.trace $1 $2
 if (!$sock(do.trace $+ $mta.ip($1,$2))) sockopen do.trace $+ $mta.ip($1,$2) trace.servegame.com 80
on *:SOCKOPEN:do.trace*:{
 tokenize 32 %do.trace
 if ($sockerr > 0) {
   sockclose $sockname
   mta.text $1 Trace: An error has occured.
 else {
   sockwrite -n $sockname GET /tools/whois.ch?&ip= $+ $mta.ip($1,$2) $+ &display=whois HTTP/1.1
   sockwrite -n $sockname User-Agent: MSIE 6.0
   sockwrite -n $sockname Host: trace.servegame.com
   sockwrite $sockname $crlf
on *:SOCKCLOSE:do.trace*:{
 unset %tr.*
on *:SOCKREAD:do.trace*:{
 var %t
 sockread %t
 if (Location isin %t) {
   tokenize 32 %do.trace
   mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) $+ 's Location: $gettok(%t,2-,58)

Have fun with it! =)


Maybe you think what was the trick? Ok, i tell:

I have created new sub-domain for dnsstuff's ip, and mirc blocks JUST sockopen with dnsstuff.com. So with this domain, you can use it =)

- Lil'San :wink:

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you were editing a working version of it.. Told you, if you change the source site, the code to get the country off the page will change either. One trace script won't work with any domain, every website has its own page layout.

Read the source page html code, and look what of it you'll have to cut out and what you have to return in mta.

My trace posted here, http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=18961 works fine, why would you want to edit it? who cares what's the source site? And um, if dnsstuff.com disallowed to use their whois system, it did really bother them, don't touch their site

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you were editing a working version of it.. Told you, if you change the source site, the code to get the country off the page will change either. One trace script won't work with any domain, every website has its own page layout.

Read the source page html code, and look what of it you'll have to cut out and what you have to return in mta.

My trace posted here, http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=18961 works fine, why would you want to edit it? who cares what's the source site? And um, if dnsstuff.com disallowed to use their whois system, it did really bother them, don't touch their site

mm... Donno what i should edit, cause this what i have posted works just fine, no problems at all. And this version is almost same script what is in your topic, but for MTA:SA. I dont really care what dnsstuff said about trace script, thats enought if it works. I dont even know why they have blocked it...

But however, this what i have posted works WITHOUT problems, i dont know what is wrong...

It works, thats enought for me.

When i made this topic, i was thinking this is great what i have done, but it seems its not.

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