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using commands in Remote Admin!


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To use commands in remote admin

instead of On *:signal:mta.command:

use on *:SIGNAL:mta.adcon:

I suggest u put all commands in a alias... and put the alias in mta.command and in mta.adcon! also make the nickname "Admin" a admin, because otherwise it won't show (it will not show on !admins, because the Admin ID is 254), u can also use it in the normal mta remote admin too.

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  • 1 month later...

thank you, i have needed this! :D

But do you know the Admin Programm M.A.T.E. ? 8)

that´s a better one than mirc and the original, the scripts are all so good, but i have no scripts for that! :(

now my question:

can somebody who knows the programm make, that commands from mate work (i only use mirc for the scripts^^ ;) ).

THX Gr00vE

PS: Sorry for my bad english, but i´m german ... :oops:

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