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problem on lan

Guest fritsfreek

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i've a very unclear problem.

situation :2 computers connected with LAN.

i know to make a connection, and it wordks fine. On the server computer i pressed send game request. on both computers the credits stops rolling and i have to select a team.

i've tried every combination of teams, but in all the situations we didn't see each other.

On the radar there are other people who are running against a wall.

please help me, i've tried to fix it over a week :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

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There are problems with using a lan right now. This has been posted several times. Search before you post.

I did, but no one has this problem!

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well, other people've had this problem... sort of.

same problem, except on the internet, not a LAN.

Check to see if you're still connected... see if the upload/download rate is frozen. if it is, disconnect, reconnect.

If that doesn't work, then you might want to try re-installing GTA3 and MTA.

Finally, if you're desperate to play, and are running win 98/ME, then install a different OS (like win XP). Although, this problem should be fixed in the next versions, so I wouldn't go through installing a new OS just to play...

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