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Ban Script Update?

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Hi scripters,

Im using the Gus x16 Final Version script. The problem is that the !ban doesn't work 100%. I've searched and saw that I'm not the only one. Sometimes it just bans without a reason. And sometimes it gives the text: Player banned by Keslertje2005 reason: Cheater, but it doenst ban. Is there maybe an update I'm not aware of? Or does anyone know what bug may cause this problem? Thanks!! :D

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There is no problem with ban. If it didn't kick out a player when you released the command, that's probably admin packet loss, if it kicked him out but he returned, the player has a dynamic ip, that means that you'll need to ban whole his range to get rid of him. But that range ban could also ban lots of players who didn't do anything

There is really no good solution for that

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