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Help with scripts and Map loading problems


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OK, I use the PRS script, it seems to work, but I have too many maps, and the server doesn't like them at all. When I Connect, it works, the stats work, levels, everything like that. The only problem is that I have a LOT of maps, and when the mIRC script updates the maps until it finds them all, but it ends up not finding them all, and for some reason it will disconnect after updating only a certain number of maps, and it will say:

Disconnect: 6 Name In Use

Which is really annoying also because it will not reconnect, so the script is pretty much dead. Any way to at least make it automatically reconnect immediately? Or a more stable script for the maps?

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if u remove this part out of the updater:

on *:SIGNAL:mta.racelist:{
 mta.races.check $1
alias mta.races.check {
 var %a = $ini($mta.dir $+ $1.ini,Races,$ini($mta.dir $+ $1.ini,Races,0))
 if (%a > $ini($mta.dir $+ $1.ini,Races,0)) mta.races.update $1

this should stop it auto updating.

u will then have to manually do it with !updateraces

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