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Script for win points in a NO RS map *WORk PERFECT*


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This i my scrip for win points in a NO RS map, see is very easy, i have other post asking if that is true (that == if you die recibe a rank) and is true and work perfect for me

alias san.winnernorsmap { 
 var %a = 0 
 while (%a <= $mta.server($1).cmax) { 
   if (!$mta.dead($1,%a)) !return %a 
   !inc %a 

this the alias here the code

on *:SIGNAL:mta.death:{
 if ($mta.rank($1,$2) == 2) {
   if (*(NO*RS)* iswm $mta.race($1)) {
     mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$san.winnernorsmap($1)) is the winner of te map " $+ $mta.race($1) $+ " and win one point!
     !writeini -n $+(",$mta.dir,winmaps.ini") $mta.nick($1,$san.winnernorsmap($1)) mapasnorsganados $calc($readini($mta.dir $+ winmaps.ini,$mta.nick($1,$san.winnernorsmap($1)),mapasnorsganados) + 1)

i have the code for see the points but my scrips are in spanish and i must translate this and dont like now, maybe later :D

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what is the maximun recomend number of maps for dont have the porblme of lostmap?

There's no way to know how many packets u will lose on connect, the number will always vary. however, mine was always ok with under 175 maps.

There are 2 scripts on these forums that i know of that will reduce/eliminate lost maps, so if ur having problems still, maybe u should try some of these other options.



Next time u might want to ask new questions in new topics :roll:

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Well i didnt try it, but it does say:

It will also fire a new mIRC event when a map has been started and allows an identifier to be used for getting the current mapname. You can use this event and/or identifier in other MTA:mA scripts to prevent getting any more lost (unknown) maps

if this is true, then its another way to retrieve the lost mapnames,

if not, i blame the servers :lol:

i got a friend to switch hosts coz he was getting loads missing, even after using the racelist updater, now he has none missing.

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I made the racelist updater update every time someone connects or says something. I have no unknown maps too and it doesnt cause any lag for me

Thats sounds a bit extreme, once u have them u dont lose them until ur admin is reconnected, so theres no need to keep rechecking once u have them all. if ur happy with the way urs works, u could always add a line to check if any are missing b4 it updates, then once u have them all it wont keep checking over and over for no reason.

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Why this scrip a lots (LOTS) of time send me the error of writeini ( /writeini: insufficient parameters (line 505, LifeBot.mrc))??

here is the script:

on *:SIGNAL:mta.startrace: { 
 var %d = $san.jugadores($1)
   if ($mta.server($1).players >= 1) {
     if (%d != $null) !writeini -n " $+ $scriptdir $+ stats.ini" RACES $mta.nick($1,%d) $gus.add($gus.races($1,%d),1)     

here the alias:

alias san.jugadores { 
 var %a = 0 
 while (%a <= $mta.server($1).players) { 
   if ($mta.nick($1,%a) != Player) !return %a 
   !inc %a 

why sayme that error???

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Why are u asking that here?


U cant write a $null so u get that error.

also, %d will never be $null, ur alias returns an id number,

how about u do it like this:

on *:SIGNAL:mta.startrace: { 
 san.jugadores $1- 
alias san.jugadores { 
 var %a = 0,%nick
 while (%a < $mta.server($1).cmax) {
   %nick = $mta.nick($1,%a)
   if (%nick != $null) && (%nick != Player) !writeini -n " $+ $scriptdirstats.ini" RACES %nick $gus.add($gus.races($1,%a),1)
   !inc %a 

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