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request for aeron...


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hi, i am having a few troubles with MTA:MA, its not MTAMA's fault, more the fault of my ISP, but i believe the problem can be negated in the MTAMA script,

basically, i would like a special version of mtama that when it becomes disconnected, (by isp screw up) instead of it trying to reconnect 5 times at 5 second intervals, i would like it to either have an infinite retry count, or at least 1000 retries,

but because i don't know a god dammed thing about scripting, so its not something i can just change.

if that's possible, it would be really appreciated.

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I'm not sure, but it might be this line.

if (%a < 6) {

Just set the number higher. Use STRG+F on the mta.mrc file in order to find it.

Yes driver2, you are right, however he did say he knew nothing about scripting, so if ur still unsure what to do Dazza, heres a few lines to maybe help u through it. (Its a very simple edit)

ok, open mirc then press Alt + R

Now your Scripts Editor should have opened.

Make sure the 'remote' tab is selected.

Click 'View' and Select mta.mrc

the top line should read: on *:udpread:mta.sock.*: {

at the top on the right, u should see a button saying 'Goto line'

Click it and type in the box '363' then click 'ok'

The top line should now read: if (%a < 6) {

as driver2 pointed out. u can change the 6 to any number, this is the amount of times it will try to reconnect.

once changed, either CTRL + S or by clicking 'file' then 'save' will save what u changed.

Close the Editor window. Job Done.

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