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Whats wrong with this wanted and suspect script?

Guest Sirricharic

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on *:SIGNAL:mta.command:{

if ( $3 == !suspect) {

var %a = $iif($4,$iif($mta.name($1,$4) != Unknown,$4,$mta.getid($1,$4)),$2)

if (Cop* iswm $mta.skin($1,$2).name) {

if (%a == -1) mta.msg $1 $2 Error - Absent ID/Name

if (%a == $2) mta.msg $1 $2 Error - Can't suspect yourself

else {

!writeini " $+ $scriptdir $+ suspectlist.ini,list" List $mta.name($1,%a) 1 {

mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,%a) has been added to the wanted list. Reason: $iif($5,$5-,None)



else mta.msg $1 $2 Sorry, you are not a cop.


elseif ( $3 == !wanted ) {

var %a = 0,%b

while (%a <= $mta.maxplayers($1)) {

if ($readini($scriptdir $+ suspectlist.ini" List $mta.name($1,%a)) == 1) {

if (!%b) %b = $mta.name($1,%a)

elseif (%b) %b = %b $+ , $mta.name($1,%a)


inc %a


mta.say $1 Wanted Players: $iif(%b,%b,None)




on *:SIGNAL:mta.kill:{

if ($readini($scriptdir $+ suspectlist.ini,list,$mta.name($1,$2)) == 1) {

if ($mta.skin($1,$2) == 1) {

mta.msg $1 $3 Killed a wanted player and u get 100$ of his bounty.

!remini " $+ $scriptdir $+ suspectlist.ini" List $mta.name($1,$2)

!writeini rpg.ini cash $mta.name($1,$3) $calc($readini(rpg.ini,cash,$mta.name($1,$3)) + 100)




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