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NOOB Killer


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Hi i want to let you know to some of the Admins that got rid of Killer 13yr noob he is back maybe on your servers just to remind you incase he did something stupid on your server he is the following names below he uses and his ip

[TOP]Secret-Kicked out from Deemon dont know why i figure for being a ass

Shotgun - seen this nick in aragonth server dont kno if hes banned wouldnt doubt it

Kill-or-Die - is his server but the name he uses as well

and here is his ip i know there is more names i just forgot them Shotgun

Ps i dont know if you banned him or not just giveing u the heads up :)

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this topic doesn't fit this forum and why you think he should be banned? he doesn't cheat or something, maybe he's a bit dumb but that's not a reason to ban

He does cheat.

Well, Im *TLR*Deemon, that 'ImJohmMclane' is me old nickname and user here.

Yes, he does cheat sometimes.

He wanted to send me a ammo cheat/hack but i doesn't accepted.

He gets kicked from [TOP] with reason - banning [TOP] clan leader (me) from his server no reason.

He is so fool atm, he don't know what are he doing ,

He is banned from every popular servers & kicked from popular and very good clan: [LoS] by [XE]SXR - I don't remember the reason .

Edited: 1 times ,


Deemon :wink:

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