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[Solved] How to cancel the action of entering a vehicle without cancelEvent?

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I need to be able to cancel at any time during the execution of entering a vehicle.

My problem is the following, there is a collision behind the vehicle, and when the player presses to enter a vehicle and presses the actionKey, he should be attached to the vehicle, but as he is performing the action of entering the vehicle this does not happen, and the problem with this is that the player is left without colliding with the vehicle.

Bug demo:



bindKey(actionKey, "down", function()
    if playerInColshape then
        local elementData = getElementData(playerInColshape, "waste_collector")
        if elementData and elementData.owner == localPlayer then
            local vehicle = getElementParent(playerInColshape)
            setElementCollidableWith(localPlayer, vehicle, false)
            triggerServerEvent("onPlayerRequestAttach", localPlayer, playerInColshape)



addEvent("onPlayerRequestAttach", true)
addEventHandler("onPlayerRequestAttach", root, function(colshape)
    local player = source
    local vehicle = getElementParent(colshape)
    if attachedPlayers[player] then
        togglePlayerControls(player, true)
        attachPlayerToVehicle(player, vehicle)
        togglePlayerControls(player, false)


Edited by Gaimo
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  • Gaimo changed the title to [Solved] How to cancel the action of entering a vehicle without cancelEvent?

I used setElementPosition as androski mentioned on discord and a setTimer and it worked.

bindKey(actionKey, "down", function()
    if playerInColshape then
        local elementData = getElementData(playerInColshape, "waste_collector")
        if elementData and elementData.owner == localPlayer then
            local vehicle = getElementParent(playerInColshape)
            local x, y, z = getElementPosition(localPlayer)
            setElementPosition(localPlayer, x, y, z) 

                setElementCollidableWith(localPlayer, vehicle, false)
                triggerServerEvent("onPlayerRequestAttach", localPlayer, playerInColshape)
            end, 50, 1)


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