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Victor Lucifer


Bom, eu espero que esse erro seja corrigido porque acredito que afeta eu e muitas pessoas, tanto que procurei onde solucionar-lo em todos lugares possivéis e eu não encontrei sucesso, publicarei o erro abaixo.

Primeiro Erro Abaixo

Version = 1.6-release-22789.0.000                                                                                                       
Time = Sat Nov 30 11:17:19 2024
Module = C:\Program Files (x86)\MTA San Andreas 1.6\MTA\netc.dll
Code = 0xE06D7363
Offset = 0x004C2B50

EAX=33A3D740  EBX=19930520  ECX=00000003  EDX=00000000  ESI=40C35F04
EDI=73CE2B50  EBP=33A3D79C  ESP=33A3D740  EIP=76750F22  FLG=00000212
CS=0023   DS=002B  SS=002B  ES=002B   FS=0053  GS=002B


Segundo Erro Abaixo


direct 3DDEVICE9 RESET ERROR : 8876017C


Incrivel que eu não consigo solucionar o erro, costumo jogar em diversos servidores e sempre acabo crashando em algum momento do meu jogo por conta desses erros apresentados ai, até hoje nunca encontrei uma solução e espero resolver o mais breve possível.

English \/ ( I'm Brazilian ) 

Well, I hope this error is fixed because I believe it affects me and many other people, so much so that I looked for a solution everywhere possible and I didn't find any success, I will publish the error below.

First Error Below

Version = 1.6-release-22789.0.000
Time = Sat Nov 30 11:17:19 2024
Module = C:\Program Files (x86)\MTA San Andreas 1.6\MTA\netc.dll
Code = 0xE06D7363
Offset = 0x004C2B50

EAX=33A3D740  EBX=19930520  ECX=00000003  EDX=00000000 ESI=40C35F04
EDI=73CE2B50  EBP=33A3D79C  ESP=33A3D740  EIP=76750F22  FLG=00000212
CS=0023   DS=002B  SS=002B  ES=002B   FS=0053  GS=002B


Second Error Below


direct 3DDEVICE9 RESET ERROR : 8876017C


It's incredible that I can't solve the error, I usually play on several servers and I always end up crashing at some point in my game Due to these errors presented there, to this day I have never found a solution and I hope to resolve it as soon as possible.

Meu Notebook - My computer

Nome do dispositivo    Victor
Processador    AMD Ryzen 5 7535HS with Radeon Graphics           3.30 GHz
RAM instalada    8,00 GB (utilizável: 5,69 GB)
ID do dispositivo    FD14C3D2-F5FF-4BFE-8ADE-7DCB866C278B
ID do Produto    00330-80000-00000-AA298
Tipo de sistema    Sistema operacional de 64 bits, processador baseado em x64
Caneta e toque    Nenhuma entrada à caneta ou por toque disponível para este vídeo

Placa de Video NVIDIA GE FORCE RTX 3050

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2 answers to this question

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Hello, dear friend.
Your problem is with the original game file.
You delete the game GTA San Andreas once and install the original version with English language.
Install the graphics software of your system.
directx 8,9,10,11,12
net frem work 4.5.2 + up
AMD Graphics

We also point out that mta has problems in Windows 11 that are being investigated by the respected mta team.
But most likely, the problem is with your Windows or your graphic drivers that were not installed completely or were installed incompletely.
Or the main gta game has a problem!

For these reasons, you will have problems at a certain point in your game.
But the errors presented by you, which include directx, are related to graphics and driver problems that are also related to your Windows.

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Welcome to our forums, Victor!
We are sorry that you encountered such an issue, and I have moved your request for help to the Client forum, as this is its intended place, so it is advisable to open your next post in this matter here.

Crashes with offset 0xE06D7363 can usually occur due to performance issues, server unoptimization, or a modded copy of the game, and are a general out of memory crash, but since your computer specifications meet the basic requirements of MTA, and being an x86 architecture, it cannot utilize its full performance, so this is most likely due to server unoptimization, which you cannot fix yourself, just find another server to play on or contact the staff of that specific server.

If it's about your own server, feel free to open a topic in the Server forum, where we will be happy to help you optimize your server's scripts.
If not, and the problem still persists after trying another server, please attach the pastebin link of the result produced by the MTADiag diagnostic software to your reply message to make our work easier and get us closer to finding the exact cause of the crash.

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