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(Help) Interpolate / Progress

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Hello, I ran into a little problem while interpolating between GREEN and RED.
When the time value reached '500' it was suppose to start from GREEN and fade into RED until the time value reached '600'.
Problem is, it does not start at full GREEN because the time value is already '500' at the point in the function.

I tried a bunch of math calculations to fix this but can't seem to figure it out. I'd appreciate any sort of help.

	if (time >= 500 and time < 600) then
        -- local progress = (time/600)
		local progress = (time/100) -- time value at this point is '500'
		selection_color = tocolor(interpolateBetween( 0, 255, 0, 255, 0, 0, progress, "Linear"))


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8 minutes ago, Simon54 said:
Ohh okay okay I see now.
local progress = (time - 500) / 100 -- Normalize progress between 0 and 1

Thank you man, I appreciate 🙏

You're welcome. If you have any problems, please let me know.

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