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(Help) Account / Logout

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Hello everyone! I'm trying to check if the player's account still exists after the player has logged out, due to the account being deleted.
What I did to check will only return the 'true' message even though the account was deleted.
Question is, how can I actually make this check work using the 'onPlayerLogout' event?

addEventHandler( "onPlayerLogout", getRootElement( ), function( previousAccount, currentAccount ) 

	local playerName = getPlayerName( source )
	outputChatBox( playerName .. " logged out of account: '".. getAccountName( previousAccount ).."'", source ) -- info

	local does_previousAcc_still_exsist = getAccountName( previousAccount ) or "DELETED"
	if ( does_previousAcc_still_exsist ) then 
		outputChatBox( "account: true: " .. does_previousAcc_still_exsist )
		outputChatBox( "account: false: " .. does_previousAcc_still_exsist )
		-- trigger event here


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  • Scripting Moderators

I don't think what you're doing will be reliable. It's better to trigger the event from the resource responsible for the deletion of the account and the player's log out

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