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killTimer Problem


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Timer not canceled after player dies. The player dies but does not appear to have left the area. That's why the rockets keep firing.
sorry my english bad :/


g_base_col = createColCuboid(-381.27297973633, 1517.2098388672, -5.718826293945, 1600, 1600, 200.25)

g_root = getRootElement ()

function hit ( pla, dim, hitElement )
	if getElementType ( pla ) == "player" then
	local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( pla )
		if vehicle or vehicle then
			if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(pla)), aclGetGroup("roket")) then
				outputChatBox ( "Hoş Geldin Asker!, "..getPlayerName(pla).."!", pla, 0, 150, 0 )
				setElementData ( pla, "inRestrictedArea", "true" )
				triggerClientEvent ( pla, "destroyTrepassor", g_root, pla )
				outputChatBox ( "Askeri Bölge Derhal Uzaklaş!", pla, 255, 0, 0 )
				outputChatBox ( "[Uyarı] Roket Saldırısı!", g_root, 255, 0, 0 )
addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", g_base_col, hit )

function leave ( pla, dim )
	if getElementType ( pla ) == "player" then
	local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( pla )
		if vehicle or vehicle then
			if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(pla)), aclGetGroup("roket")) then
				outputChatBox ( "İyi Devriyeler Asker!", pla, 0, 100, 0 )
				setElementData ( pla, "inRestrictedArea", "false" )
				triggerClientEvent ( pla, "destroyTimers", g_root, pla )
				outputChatBox ( "[Uyarı] Roket Saldırısı Durdu!", g_root, 255, 0, 0 )
				outputDebugString ( "*"..getPlayerName(pla).." has left col shape" )
addEventHandler ( "onColShapeLeave", g_base_col, leave )


g_loc_pla = getLocalPlayer ()
g_loc_root = getRootElement ()

addEvent ( "destroyTrepassor", true )
addEventHandler ( "destroyTrepassor", g_loc_root,
	function ()
		posX = -147.10989379883
		posY =  2001.6342773438
		posZ =  97.30118560791
		posX2 = -135.48461914062
		posY2 =  1652.8358154297
		posZ2 =  97.30118560791
		posX3 = 99.344902038574
		posY3 =  2233.484375
		posZ3 =  130.27871704102
		posX4 = 478.35934448242
		posY4 =  2160.7651367188
		posZ4 =  97.30118560791
		posX5 = 523.74835205078
		posY5 =  1976.8087158203
		posZ5 =  97.30118560791
		posX6 = 448.73950195312
		posY6 =  1715.9664306641
		posZ6 =  97.30118560791
		posX7 = 219.20726013184
		posY7 =  1836.5458984375
		posZ7 =  97.30118560791
		posX8 = 188.45198059082
		posY8 =  2081.4970703125
		posZ8 =  97.30118560791
		local isInResArea = getElementData ( g_loc_pla, "inRestrictedArea" )
		rotZ = getPedRotation ( g_loc_pla )
		if isInResArea == "true" then
			timer1 = setTimer ( createProjectile, 3000, 0, g_loc_pla, 20, posX, posY, posZ, 1.0, g_loc_pla, 0, 0, rotZ, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 )
			timer2 = setTimer ( createProjectile, 3000, 0, g_loc_pla, 20, posX2, posY2, posZ2, 1.0, g_loc_pla, 0, 0, rotZ, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 )
			timer3 = setTimer ( createProjectile, 3000, 0, g_loc_pla, 20, posX3, posY3, posZ3, 1.0, g_loc_pla, 0, 0, rotZ, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 )
			timer4 = setTimer ( createProjectile, 3000, 0, g_loc_pla, 20, posX4, posY4, posZ4, 1.0, g_loc_pla, 0, 0, rotZ, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 )
			timer5 = setTimer ( createProjectile, 3000, 0, g_loc_pla, 20, posX5, posY5, posZ5, 1.0, g_loc_pla, 0, 0, rotZ, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 )
			timer6 = setTimer ( createProjectile, 3000, 0, g_loc_pla, 20, posX6, posY6, posZ6, 1.0, g_loc_pla, 0, 0, rotZ, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 )
			timer7 = setTimer ( createProjectile, 3000, 0, g_loc_pla, 20, posX7, posY7, posZ7, 1.0, g_loc_pla, 0, 0, rotZ, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 )
			timer8 = setTimer ( createProjectile, 3000, 0, g_loc_pla, 20, posX8, posY8, posZ8, 1.0, g_loc_pla, 0, 0, rotZ, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 )

addEvent ( "destroyTimers", true )
addEventHandler ( "destroyTimers", g_loc_root,
	function ()
		local isInResArea = getElementData ( g_loc_pla, "inRestrictedArea" )
		if isInResArea == "false" then
			killTimer ( timer1 )
			killTimer ( timer2 )
			killTimer ( timer3 )
			killTimer ( timer4 )
			killTimer ( timer5 )
			killTimer ( timer6 )
			killTimer ( timer7 )
			killTimer ( timer8 )
Edited by #nofear
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6 hours ago, #nofear said:

 The player dies but does not appear to have left the area.

If these are the only lines of code that trigger 'destroyTimers'/'destroyTrepassor', then I don't think you have to check element data on clientside.


But if they are not, you could use triggerClientEvent arguments instead. But keep in mind that the clientside handler functions also has to do other things, else it doesn't make sense to have the condition isInResArea in the first place.



triggerClientEvent ( 
	pla, -- receiver (player)
	g_root, -- source
	true -- < isInResArea 



addEvent ( "destroyTrepassor", true )
addEventHandler ( "destroyTrepassor", g_loc_root,
	function (isInResArea)
		-- ...
		if isInResArea == true then
		-- ...


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