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Radar and custom blips help

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I have this client script in my customblips resource: 

--* 1)        There's a period in between entering and exiting a vehicle whereby the camera switches its "lock on" from the ped to the vehicle or vice versa
--        During this period, It is not possible to rotate the camera, but getCameraMatrix returns the lookAt point as if it had rotated.  
--        This means the customblip rotates like crazy but the radar doesnt
--* 2)        showPlayerHUDComponent has the ability to hide the radar, but custom blips is not aware of this.
--        All scripts would also need to hook into customblips to notify it whenever hiding the radar
-- Bug #2 is most easily fixed if we get a isRadarVisible/isPlayerHUDComponentVisible function or something to that effect

local g_screenX,g_screenY = guiGetScreenSize()
local localPlayer = getLocalPlayer()

--Radar position/size 
local rel = {     pos_x = 0.0625,
                pos_y = 0.76333333333333333333333333333333,
                size_x = 0.15,
                size_y = 0.175,
                radar_blip_y = 0.03333333333333333333333333333333,

local abs = {     pos_x = math.floor(rel.pos_x * g_screenX),
                pos_y = math.floor(rel.pos_y * g_screenY),
                size_x = math.floor(rel.size_x * g_screenX),
                size_y = math.floor(rel.size_y * g_screenY),
                radar_blip_y = math.floor(rel.radar_blip_y * g_screenY)
abs.half_size_x =  abs.size_x/2
abs.half_size_y =  abs.size_y/2
abs.center_x = abs.pos_x + abs.half_size_x
abs.center_y = abs.pos_y +abs.half_size_y
local minBound = 0.1*g_screenY

function getRadarScreenRadius ( angle ) --Since the radar is not a perfect ciricle, we work out the screen size of the radius at a certain angle
    return math.max(math.abs((math.sin(angle)*(abs.half_size_x - abs.half_size_y))) + abs.half_size_y,minBound)

count = 0
function renderBlip ( blip, toF11Map, radarWorldX, radarWorldY, camRot, radarRadius, F11minX, F11minY, F11maxX, F11maxY, F11sizeX, F11sizeY )
    local blipX,blipY = streamedBlips[blip].x,streamedBlips[blip].y
    local width,height = streamedBlips[blip].width,streamedBlips[blip].height
    local radarScale = streamedBlips[blip].radarScale
    if not toF11Map then
        local toBlipRot = getVectorRotation(radarWorldX,radarWorldY,blipX,blipY )
        local blipRot = toBlipRot - camRot
        --Get the screen radius at that rotation
        local radius = getRadarScreenRadius ( blipRot )
        count = count + 1
        local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D ( radarWorldX,radarWorldY,blipX,blipY )
        if (distance <= radarRadius) then
            setWidgetIsInRadar(blip, true)
            radius = (distance/radarRadius)*radius        
            setWidgetIsInRadar(blip, false)
        local tx = radius * math.sin(blipRot) + abs.center_x
        local ty = -radius * math.cos(blipRot) + abs.center_y    
        local sx,sy  = width,height
        if radarScale then
            sx,sy = width*radarScale, height*radarScale
            setWidgetSize (blip,sx,sy)
            --If the user hasnt forced a radar blip scale, we use GTA's default sizing
            local ratio = abs.radar_blip_y/height
            sx = ratio*width
            sy = abs.radar_blip_y
            setWidgetSize (blip,sx,sy)
    else --Render to f11 map
        local minX, minY, maxX, maxY, sizeX, sizeY = F11minX, F11minY, F11maxX, F11maxY, F11sizeX, F11sizeY
        local mapX = blipX + 3000
        local mapY = blipY + 3000
        mapX = mapX*sizeX + minX
        mapY = maxY - mapY*sizeY
        --We set the original size in the F11 map
        local sx,sy = width,height
        setWidgetSize (blip,width,height)

And I'm wondering how I can solve the Bug #2 with my radar client script in my radar resource.


local screenSize = Vector2(guiGetScreenSize())
local settingsFileName = "configs.json"

local radar = {
    x = 25,
    y = (screenSize.y - 240),
    w = 200,
    h = 200,
    mapImg = dxCreateTexture("images/map.png");
    mapSize = 3072,
    playerSize = 24,
    blipSize = 12,
    shape = "round",
local bold = exports.fonts:getFont("roboto",12)

local rt = dxCreateRenderTarget(radar.w, radar.h, true)
local roundShaderMask = dxCreateShader("files/hud_mask.fx")
local roundShaderImage = dxCreateTexture("images/circle_mask.png")
local mapIcon = dxCreateTexture("images/map_icon.png");
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function()
    if not rt then rt = dxCreateRenderTarget(radar.w, radar.h, true) end
    if not roundShaderMask then roundShaderMask = dxCreateShader("files/hud_mask.fx") end
    if not roundShaderImage then roundShaderImage = dxCreateTexture("images/circle_mask.png") end

    dxSetShaderValue(roundShaderMask, "sPicTexture", rt)
    dxSetShaderValue(roundShaderMask, "sMaskTexture", roundShaderImage)
    setPlayerHudComponentVisible('radar', false)
    --dxSetShaderTransform(roundShaderMask, 0, 110, 0)

    local confile = fileOpen(settingsFileName)
    if confile then
        local count = fileGetSize(confile)
        local data = fileRead(confile, count)

        data = fromJSON(data)
        radar.x = data.x
        radar.y = data.y
        radar.w = data.w
        radar.h = data.h
        radar.shape = data.shape
        confile = fileCreate(settingsFileName)

function getPlayerPosOnMap()
    local playerPos = Vector3(getElementPosition(localPlayer))
    local mapX = radar.w/2 -(playerPos.x/(6000/radar.mapSize))
    local mapY = radar.h/2 + (playerPos.y/(6000/radar.mapSize))
    return Vector2(mapX, mapY)

addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function()
    if not bold then
        bold = dxCreateFont(":hud/roboto.ttf", 12)
    if getElementData(localPlayer, "loggedin") ~= 1 then return false end
    if not exports.hud:isActive() then return false end
    if getElementInterior(localPlayer) ~= 0 then return false end
    local camX,camY,camZ = getElementRotation(getCamera())
    local playerPos = getPlayerPosOnMap()
    local pos = Vector2(getElementPosition(localPlayer))
    if rt then
        dxSetRenderTarget(rt, true)
        dxDrawImage(playerPos.x - radar.mapSize/2, playerPos.y - radar.mapSize/2, radar.mapSize, radar.mapSize, radar.mapImg, camZ, (pos.x/(6000/radar.mapSize)), -(pos.y/(6000/radar.mapSize)))

    if radar.shape == "rect" or radar.shape == "square" then
        dxDrawRectangle(radar.x - 5, radar.y - 5, radar.w + 10, radar.h + 10, tocolor(17, 17, 17, 255))
        dxDrawImage(radar.x, radar.y, radar.w, radar.h, rt)
        dxDrawRectangle(radar.x, radar.y, radar.w, 23, tocolor(17, 17, 17, 200))
        dxDrawImage(radar.x + 2, radar.y, 20, 20, mapIcon, 0, 0, 0, tocolor(217, 70, 70))
        dxDrawText(getZoneName(getElementPosition(localPlayer)), radar.x + 25, radar.y, 0, radar.y + 20, tocolor(255, 255, 255), 1, bold, "left", "center")
        dxDrawText("© Los Santos Roleplay", radar.x + 3, radar.y + radar.h - 15, 0, 0, tocolor(217, 70, 70, 150), 1)
    elseif radar.shape == "round" then
        dxDrawImage(radar.x - 8, radar.y - 6, radar.w + 16, radar.h + 16, roundShaderImage, 0, 0, 0, tocolor(217, 70, 70))
        dxDrawImage(radar.x - 8, radar.y - 8, radar.w + 16, radar.h + 16, roundShaderImage, 0, 0, 0, tocolor(17, 17, 17))
        dxDrawImage(radar.x, radar.y, radar.w, radar.h, roundShaderMask)

    local rB, lB, tB, bB = radar.x + radar.w, radar.x, radar.y, radar.y + radar.h
    local cX, cY = (rB+lB)/2, (tB+bB)/2
    local toLeft, toTop, toRight, toBottom = cX-lB, cY-tB, rB-cX, bB-cY
    if radar.shape == "square" or radar.shape == "rect" then
        tB = radar.y + 25

    for _, blip in ipairs(getElementsByType("blip")) do
        local blipPos = Vector2(getElementPosition(blip))
        local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D(blipPos.x, blipPos.y, pos.x, pos.y)

        local maxDistance = getBlipVisibleDistance(blip)
        if distance <= maxDistance and getElementDimension(blip) == getElementDimension(localPlayer) and getElementInterior(localPlayer) == getElementInterior(blip) then
            local trueDistance = distance/(6000/radar.mapSize)
            local rot = findRotation(blipPos.x, blipPos.y, pos.x, pos.y) - camZ
            local goodBlipPos = Vector2(getPointFromDistanceRotation(cX, cY, math.min(trueDistance, math.sqrt(toTop^2 + toRight^2)), rot))
            if radar.shape ~= "rect" and radar.shape ~= "square" then
                goodBlipPos = Vector2(getPointFromDistanceRotation(cX, cY, math.min(trueDistance, radar.w/2), rot))
            goodBlipPos.x = math.max(lB, math.min(rB, goodBlipPos.x))
            goodBlipPos.y = math.max(tB, math.min(bB, goodBlipPos.y))
            local r, g, b, a = getBlipColor(blip)
            dxDrawImage(goodBlipPos.x - (radar.blipSize * getBlipSize(blip))/2, goodBlipPos.y - (radar.blipSize * getBlipSize(blip))/2, radar.blipSize * getBlipSize(blip), radar.blipSize * getBlipSize(blip), "images/blips/" .. getBlipIcon(blip) .. ".png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(r or 255, g or 255, b or 255, a or 255))

    --[[local ux, uy = nil, nil
        local alapBeallitasok = exports['ace_rendszer']:getAlapBeallitasok()
        for i,utvonal in ipairs(gpsPontok) do
            local hsl = exports['ace_rendszer']:tabla_masolas(alapBeallitasok["szerverSzin"]["hsl"])
            hsl[2] = -0.5
            local szin = {exports['ace_rendszer']:hsl2rgb(hsl[1], hsl[2], hsl[3])}
            local x,y = utvonal.x, utvonal.y
            local n_x = (((((3000)+x)/(6000)*(radar.mapSize))-((radar.w/2)))+((radar.w/2)))
            local n_y = ((((3000-y)/(6000)*radar.mapSize)-((radar.h/2)))+((radar.h/2)))
            if(ux and uy) then
                dxDrawLine ( ux, uy, n_x, n_y, tocolor(144, 0, 254, 255), 8 )
                ux, uy = n_x, n_y
                ux, uy = n_x,n_y
    dxDrawImage((radar.x + radar.w/2) - radar.playerSize/2, (radar.y + radar.h/2) - radar.playerSize/2, radar.playerSize, radar.playerSize, "images/player.png", camZ-getPedRotation(localPlayer))

north = createBlip( 0, 10000, 0, 4, 2, 255, 255, 255 )

function findRotation( x1, y1, x2, y2 )
    local t = -math.deg( math.atan2( x2 - x1, y2 - y1 ) )
    return t < 0 and t + 360 or t

function getPointFromDistanceRotation(x, y, dist, angle) --Author: robhol
    local a = math.rad(90 - angle);
    local dx = math.cos(a) * dist;
    local dy = math.sin(a) * dist;
    return x+dx, y+dy;

addEvent("radar:changeShape", true)
addEventHandler("radar:changeShape", root, function(shape)
    if shape == "round" then
        radar.w = 200
        radar.h = 200
        radar.y = (screenSize.y - 240)
    elseif shape == "square" then
        radar.w = 200
        radar.h = 200
        radar.y = (screenSize.y - 240)
    elseif shape == "rect" then
        radar.y = (screenSize.y - 190)
        radar.w = 200
        radar.h = 150

    radar.shape = shape


function saveRadarConf()
    local confile = fileOpen(settingsFileName)
    if not confile then
        confile = fileCreate(settingsFileName)

    local conTable = {
        x = radar.x,
        y = radar.y,
        w = radar.w,
        h = radar.h,
        shape = radar.shape

    fileWrite(confile, toJSON(conTable))

CNN = createBlip(1419.16796875, -1607.21875, 13.546875, 19, 2, 255, 255, 255)
PD = createBlip(1554.8681640625, -1675.5947265625, 16.1953125, 30, 2, 255, 255, 255)
GOV = createBlip(1481.0302734375, -1772.3134765625, 18.795755386353, 41, 2, 255, 255, 255)
SMURD = createBlip(1172.0771484375, -1323.3505859375, 15.403001785278, 22, 2, 255, 255, 255)
TUNNING = createBlip(946.90625, -1655.5498046875, 13.543536186218, 27, 2, 255, 255, 255)

Can somebody help me ? ^_^


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