RoLeXXX Posted March 29, 2024 Share Posted March 29, 2024 local mysql = exports.rp_mysql function setElementDataEx(source, field, parameter, streamtoall, streamatall) exports.rp_anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx( source, field, parameter, streamtoall, streamatall) end function getAllInts(thePlayer, commandName, ...) if exports.rp_integration:isPlayerAdmin( thePlayer ) then local interiorsList = {} local mQuery1 = nil dbQuery( function(qh) local res, rows, err = dbPoll(qh, 0) if rows > 0 then for index, row in ipairs(res) do table.insert(interiorsList, { row["iID"], row["type"], row["name"], row["cost"], row["charactername"], row["username"], row["cked"], row["DiffDate"], row["locked"], row["supplies"], row["safepositionX"], row["disabled"], row["deleted"], '', row["iCreatedDate"],row["iCreator"], row["`interiors`.`x`"], row["`interiors`.`y`"], row["`interiors`.`z`"], row['fowner'] } ) end triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, "createIntManagerWindow", thePlayer, interiorsList, getElementData( thePlayer, "account:username" )) end end, connection, "SELECT AS fowner, AS iID, interiors.type AS type, AS name, cost, charactername, username, cked, locked, supplies, safepositionX, disabled, deleted, interiors.createdDate AS iCreatedDate, interiors.creator AS iCreator, DATEDIFF(NOW(), lastused) AS DiffDate, interiors.x, interiors.y, interiors.y FROM interiors LEFT JOIN characters ON interiors.owner = LEFT JOIN accounts ON characters.account = LEFT JOIN factions ON ORDER BY interiors.createdDate DESC") end end addCommandHandler("interiors", getAllInts) addCommandHandler("ints", getAllInts) addEvent("interiorManager:openit", true) addEventHandler("interiorManager:openit", getRootElement(), getAllInts) function delIntCmd(thePlayer, intID ) executeCommandHandler ( "delint", thePlayer, intID ) end addEvent("interiorManager:delint", true) addEventHandler("interiorManager:delint", getRootElement(), delIntCmd) function disableInt(thePlayer, intID ) executeCommandHandler ( "toggleinterior", thePlayer, intID ) end addEvent("interiorManager:disableInt", true) addEventHandler("interiorManager:disableInt", getRootElement(), disableInt) function gotoInt(thePlayer, intID ) executeCommandHandler ( "gotohouse", thePlayer, intID ) end addEvent("interiorManager:gotoInt", true) addEventHandler("interiorManager:gotoInt", getRootElement(), gotoInt) function restoreInt(thePlayer, intID ) executeCommandHandler ( "restoreInt", thePlayer, intID ) end addEvent("interiorManager:restoreInt", true) addEventHandler("interiorManager:restoreInt", getRootElement(), restoreInt) function removeInt(thePlayer, intID ) executeCommandHandler ( "removeint", thePlayer, intID ) end addEvent("interiorManager:removeInt", true) addEventHandler("interiorManager:removeInt", getRootElement(), removeInt) function forceSellInt(thePlayer, intID ) executeCommandHandler ( "fsell", thePlayer, intID ) end addEvent("interiorManager:forceSellInt", true) addEventHandler("interiorManager:forceSellInt", getRootElement(), forceSellInt) function openAdminNote(thePlayer, intID ) executeCommandHandler ( "checkint", thePlayer, intID ) end addEvent("interiorManager:openAdminNote", true) addEventHandler("interiorManager:openAdminNote", getRootElement(), openAdminNote) function interiorSearch(thePlayer, keyword ) if keyword and keyword ~= "" and keyword ~= "Search..." then local interiorsResultList = {} local mQuery1 = nil dbQuery( function(qh, thePlayer) local res, rows, err = dbPoll(qh, 0) if rows > 0 then for index, row in ipairs(res) do table.insert(interiorsResultList, { row["iID"], row["type"], row["name"], row["cost"], row["charactername"], row["username"], row["cked"], row["DiffDate"], row["locked"], row["supplies"], row["safepositionX"], row["disabled"], row["deleted"], '', row["iCreatedDate"],row["iCreator"], row["`interiors`.`x`"], row["`interiors`.`y`"], row["`interiors`.`z`"], row['fowner'] } ) end triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, "interiorManager:FetchSearchResults", thePlayer, interiorsResultList, getElementData( thePlayer, "account:username" )) end end, {thePlayer}, mysql:getConnection(), "SELECT AS fowner, AS iID, interiors.type AS type, AS name, cost, charactername, username, cked, locked, supplies, safepositionX, disabled, deleted, interiors.createdDate AS iCreatedDate, interiors.creator AS iCreator, DATEDIFF(NOW(), lastused) AS DiffDate, interiors.x, interiors.y, interiors.y FROM interiors LEFT JOIN characters ON interiors.owner = LEFT JOIN accounts ON characters.account = LEFT JOIN factions ON WHERE LIKE '%"..keyword.."%' OR LIKE '%"..keyword.."%' OR LIKE '%"..keyword.."%' OR cost LIKE '%"..keyword.."%' OR charactername LIKE '%"..keyword.."%' OR username LIKE '%"..keyword.."%' OR interiors.creator LIKE '%"..keyword.."%' ORDER BY interiors.createdDate DESC") end end addEvent("interiorManager:Search", true) addEventHandler("interiorManager:Search", getRootElement(), interiorSearch) function checkInt(thePlayer, commandName, intID) if exports.rp_integration:isPlayerTrialAdmin( thePlayer ) then if not tonumber(intID) or (tonumber(intID) <= 0 ) or (tonumber(intID) % 1 ~= 0 ) then intID = getElementDimension(thePlayer) if intID == 0 then outputChatBox( "You must be inside an interior.", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14) outputChatBox("Or use SYNTAX: /"..commandName.." [Interior ID]", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14) return false end end dbQuery( function(qh, thePlayer) local res, rows, err = dbPoll(qh, 0) if rows > 0 then local result = {} for index, row in ipairs(res) do table.insert(result, { row["iID"], row["type"], row["name"], row["cost"], row["charactername"], row["username"], row["cked"], row["DiffDate"], row["locked"], row["supplies"], row["safepositionX"], row["safepositionY"], row["safepositionZ"], row["disabled"], row["deleted"], '', row["iCreatedDate"],row["iCreator"], row["`interiors`.`x`"], row["`interiors`.`y`"], row["`interiors`.`z`"], row['fowner'] } ) end dbQuery( function(qh, thePlayer) local res, rows, err = dbPoll(qh, 0) if rows > 0 then local result2 = {} for index, row2 in ipairs(res) do table.insert(result2, { row2["date"], row2["action"], row2["adminname"], row2["logid"], row2["intID"]} ) end dbQuery( function(qh, thePlayer) local res, rows, err = dbPoll(qh, 0) if rows > 0 then local notes = {} for index, row2 in ipairs(res) do row2.creatorname = formatCreator(row2.creatorname, row2.creator) table.insert(notes, row2 ) end end triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, "createCheckIntWindow", thePlayer, result, exports.rp_global:getPlayerAdminTitle(thePlayer), result2, notes) end, {thePlayer}, mysql:getConnection(), "SELECT, n.note, a.username AS creatorname,, n.creator FROM interior_notes n LEFT JOIN accounts a ON WHERE n.intid="..intID.." ORDER BY DESC") end end, {thePlayer}, mysql:getConnection(), "SELECT `interior_logs`.`date` AS `date`, `interior_logs`.`intID` as `intID`, `interior_logs`.`action` AS `action`, `accounts`.`username` AS `adminname`, `interior_logs`.`log_id` AS `logid` FROM `interior_logs` LEFT JOIN `accounts` ON `interior_logs`.`actor` = `accounts`.`id` WHERE `interior_logs`.`intID` = '"..intID.."' ORDER BY `interior_logs`.`date` DESC") end end, {thePlayer}, mysql:getConnection(), "SELECT AS fowner, AS iID, interiors.type AS type, AS name, cost, charactername, username, cked, locked, supplies, safepositionX,safepositionY, safepositionZ, disabled, deleted, interiors.createdDate AS iCreatedDate, interiors.creator AS iCreator, DATEDIFF(NOW(), lastused) AS DiffDate, interiors.x, interiors.y, interiors.y FROM interiors LEFT JOIN characters ON interiors.owner = LEFT JOIN accounts ON characters.account = LEFT JOIN factions ON WHERE = '"..intID.."' ORDER BY interiors.createdDate DESC") end end addCommandHandler("checkint", checkInt) addCommandHandler("checkinterior", checkInt) addEvent("interiorManager:checkint", true) addEventHandler("interiorManager:checkint", getRootElement(), checkInt) function formatCreator(creator, creatorId) if creator and creatorId then if creator == nil then if creatorId == "0" then return "SYSTEM" else return "N/A" end else return creator end else return "N/A" end end function saveAdminNote(intID, adminNote, noteId ) if not intID or not adminNote then outputChatBox("Internal Error!", source, 255,0,0) return false end if string.len(adminNote) > 500 then outputChatBox("Admin note has failed to add. Reason: Exceeded 500 characters.", source, 255, 0, 0) return false end if noteId then if dbExec(mysql:getConnection(),"UPDATE interior_notes SET note='"..(adminNote).."', creator="..getElementData(source, "account:id").." WHERE id ="..noteId.." AND intid="..intID) then outputChatBox("You have successfully updated admin note entry #"..noteId.." on interior #"..intID..".", source, 0, 255,0) addInteriorLogs(intID, "Modified admin note entry #"..noteId, source) return true end else --outputChatBox("INSERT INTO interior_notes SET note='"..(adminNote).."', creator="..getElementData(source, "account:id")..", intid="..intID ) local insertedId = dbExec(mysql:getConnection(),"INSERT INTO interior_notes SET note='"..(adminNote).."', creator="..getElementData(source, "account:id")..", intid="..intID ) if insertedId then outputChatBox("You have successfully added a new admin note entry #"..insertedId.." to interior #"..intID..".", source, 0, 255,0) addInteriorLogs(intID, "Added new admin note entry #"..insertedId, source) return true end end end addEvent("interiorManager:saveAdminNote", true) addEventHandler("interiorManager:saveAdminNote", getRootElement(), saveAdminNote) function restock(thePlayer, commandName, intID, amount) if exports.rp_integration:isPlayerTrialAdmin(thePlayer) or exports.rp_integration:isPlayerSupporter(thePlayer) then if not intID or not tonumber(intID) or tonumber(intID)%1~=0 then amount = 100 intID = getElementDimension(thePlayer) if intID == 0 then outputChatBox( "You must be inside an interior to restock. Or use SYNTAX: /" .. commandName .. " [Interior ID] [Amount 1~300]", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14 ) return false end else if not amount or not tonumber(amount) or tonumber(amount)%1~=0 or tonumber(amount) < 1 or tonumber(amount) > 300 then outputChatBox( "SYNTAX: /" .. commandName .. " [Interior ID] [Amount 1~300]", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14 ) outputChatBox( "Restocks businesses with supplies.", thePlayer, 255, 100, 0 ) return false end end local possibleInteriors = getElementsByType("interior") for _, interior in ipairs(possibleInteriors) do if tonumber(intID) == getElementData(interior, "dbid") then if not exports.rp_integration:isPlayerAdmin(thePlayer) then local success, msg1, msg2 = exports["rp_jobs"]:remoteOrderSupplies(thePlayer, intID, amount, true) --outputChatBox(msg1,thePlayer, 255, 194, 14) outputChatBox(msg2,thePlayer, 255, 194, 14) if success then return true else return false end else local amount2 = getElementData(interior, "status")[6] + tonumber(amount) local mQuery1 = dbExec(mysql:getConnection(),"UPDATE `interiors` SET `supplies` = '"..amount2.."' WHERE `id` = '"..intID.."'") or false if not mQuery1 then outputChatBox( "Failed to restock "..getElementData(interior, "name").." (ID#"..intID.."), Database error!", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0 ) return false end --exports["interiors"]:reloadOneInterior(tonumber(intID)) outputChatBox( getElementData(interior, "name").." (ID#"..intID..") has been restocked with "..amount.." supplies.", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0 ) local adminUsername = getElementData(thePlayer, "account:username") local hiddenAdmin = getElementData(thePlayer, "hiddenadmin") local adminTitle = exports.rp_global:getPlayerAdminTitle(thePlayer) local adminID = getElementData(thePlayer, "account:id") if hiddenAdmin == 0 then exports.rp_global:sendMessageToAdmins("[INTERIOR]: "..adminTitle.." ".. getPlayerName(thePlayer):gsub("_", " ").. " ("..adminUsername..") has restocked "..getElementData(interior, "name").." (ID#"..intID..") with "..amount.." of supplies.") else exports.rp_global:sendMessageToAdmins("[INTERIOR]: A hidden admin has has restocked "..getElementData(interior, "name").." (ID#"..intID..") with "..amount.." of supplies.") end local addLog = dbExec(mysql:getConnection(),"INSERT INTO `interior_logs` (`intID`, `action`, `actor`) VALUES ('"..tostring(intID).."', '"..commandName:gsub("'","''").." with "..amount.." supplies', '"..adminID.."')") or false if not addLog then outputDebugString("Failed to add interior logs.") end return true end end end end end addCommandHandler("restock", restock, false, false) function setInteriorFaction(thePlayer, cmd, ...) if exports.rp_integration:isPlayerAdmin(thePlayer) then if not (...) then outputChatBox("SYNTAX: /" .. cmd .. " [Faction Name or Faction ID]", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14 ) return end local dim = getElementDimension(thePlayer) if dim < 1 then outputChatBox("You must be inside an interior to perform this action.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0 ) return end local clue = table.concat({...}, " ") local theFaction = nil if tonumber(clue) then theFaction = exports.rp_pool:getElement("team", tonumber(clue)) else theFaction = exports.rp_factions:getFactionFromName(clue) end if not theFaction then outputChatBox("No faction found.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0 ) return end local dbid, entrance, exit, interiorType, interiorElement = exports['rp_interiors']:findProperty( thePlayer ) if not isElement(interiorElement) then outputChatBox("No interior found here.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0 ) return end local can , reason = exports.rp_global:canFactionBuyInterior(theFaction) if not can then outputChatBox(reason, thePlayer, 255, 0, 0 ) return end local factionId = getElementData(theFaction, "id") local factionName = getTeamName(theFaction) local intName = getElementData(interiorElement, "name") if not dbExec(mysql:getConnection(), "UPDATE interiors SET owner='-1', faction='"..factionId.."', locked=0 WHERE id='" .. dbid .. "'") then outputChatBox("Internal Error.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0 ) return end call( getResourceFromName( "rp_items" ), "deleteAll", interiorType == 1 and 5 or 4, dbid ) exports.rp_global:giveItem(thePlayer, interiorType == 1 and 5 or 4, dbid) exports.rp_logs:dbLog(thePlayer, 37, { "in"..tostring(dbid) } , "SETINTFACTION INTERIOR ID#"..dbid.." TO FACTION '"..factionName.."'") exports['rp_interiors']:realReloadInterior(tonumber(dbid)) triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, "createBlipAtXY", thePlayer, entrance[INTERIOR_TYPE], entrance[INTERIOR_X], entrance[INTERIOR_Y]) exports.rp_global:sendMessageToAdmins("[INTERIOR] "..exports.rp_global:getPlayerFullIdentity(thePlayer).." transferred the ownership of interior '"..intName.."' ID #"..dbid.." to faction '"..factionName.."'.") return true end end addCommandHandler("setintfaction", setInteriorFaction, false, false) function setInteriorToMyFaction(thePlayer, cmd) local factionId = getElementData(thePlayer, "faction") local factionLeader = getElementData(thePlayer, "factionleader") if not factionId or not factionLeader or factionId < 1 or factionLeader < 1 then outputChatBox("You must be a faction leader to perform this action.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0 ) return end local dim = getElementDimension(thePlayer) if dim < 1 then outputChatBox("You must be inside an interior to perform this action.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0 ) return end local theFaction = exports.rp_pool:getElement("team", tonumber(factionId)) if not theFaction then outputChatBox("No faction found.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0 ) return end local dbid, entrance, exit, interiorType, interiorElement = exports['rp_interiors']:findProperty( thePlayer ) if not isElement(interiorElement) then outputChatBox("No interior found here.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0 ) return end local charId = getElementData(thePlayer, "dbid") local intStatus = getElementData(interiorElement, "status") local intName = getElementData(interiorElement, "name") local factionName = getTeamName(theFaction) if intStatus[INTERIOR_OWNER] ~= charId then outputChatBox("You must own this interior to perform this action.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0 ) return end local can , reason = exports.rp_global:canPlayerFactionBuyInterior(thePlayer) if not can then outputChatBox(reason, thePlayer, 255, 0, 0 ) return end if not dbExec(mysql:getConnection(), "UPDATE interiors SET owner='-1', faction='"..factionId.."', locked=0 WHERE id='" .. dbid .. "'") then outputChatBox("Internal Error.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0 ) return end call( getResourceFromName( "item-system" ), "deleteAll", interiorType == 1 and 5 or 4, dbid ) exports.rp_global:giveItem(thePlayer, interiorType == 1 and 5 or 4, dbid) exports.rp_logs:dbLog(thePlayer, 37, { "in"..tostring(dbid) } , "SETINTTOMYFACTION INTERIOR ID#"..dbid.." TO FACTION '"..factionName.."'") exports['rp_interiors']:realReloadInterior(tonumber(dbid)) triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, "createBlipAtXY", thePlayer, entrance[INTERIOR_TYPE], entrance[INTERIOR_X], entrance[INTERIOR_Y]) exports.rp_global:sendMessageToAdmins("[INTERIOR] "..exports.rp_global:getPlayerFullIdentity(thePlayer).." transferred the ownership of interior '"..intName.."' ID #"..dbid.." to his faction '"..factionName.."'.") return true end addCommandHandler("setinttomyfaction", setInteriorToMyFaction, false, false) ERROR : [2024-03-29 05:38:52] WARNING: [rooster-db]\rp_interiormanager\server.lua:12: Bad argument @ 'dbQuery' [Expected db-connection at argument 2, got nil] [2024-03-29 05:38:58] WARNING: [rooster-db]\rp_interiormanager\server.lua:12: Bad argument @ 'dbQuery' [Expected db-connection at argument 2, got nil] Link to comment
FLUSHBICEPS Posted April 6, 2024 Share Posted April 6, 2024 connection variable used in the dbQuery call is not defined or assigned a valid database connection local mysql = exports.rp_mysql function getAllInts(thePlayer, commandName, ...) if exports.rp_integration:isPlayerAdmin(thePlayer) then local interiorsList = {} local mQuery1 = nil local connection = mysql:getConnection() if not connection then outputChatBox("Failed to establish a database connection.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) return end dbQuery( function(qh) local res, rows, err = dbPoll(qh, 0) if rows > 0 then for index, row in ipairs(res) do table.insert(interiorsList, { row["iID"], row["type"], row["name"], row["cost"], row["charactername"], row["username"], row["cked"], row["DiffDate"], row["locked"], row["supplies"], row["safepositionX"], row["disabled"], row["deleted"], '', row["iCreatedDate"],row["iCreator"], row["`interiors`.`x`"], row["`interiors`.`y`"], row["`interiors`.`z`"], row['fowner'] } ) end triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, "createIntManagerWindow", thePlayer, interiorsList, getElementData( thePlayer, "account:username" )) end end, connection, "SELECT AS fowner, AS iID, interiors.type AS type, AS name, cost, charactername, username, cked, locked, supplies, safepositionX, disabled, deleted, interiors.createdDate AS iCreatedDate, interiors.creator AS iCreator, DATEDIFF(NOW(), lastused) AS DiffDate, interiors.x, interiors.y, interiors.y FROM interiors LEFT JOIN characters ON interiors.owner = LEFT JOIN accounts ON characters.account = LEFT JOIN factions ON ORDER BY interiors.createdDate DESC") end end Link to comment
FileEX Posted April 6, 2024 Share Posted April 6, 2024 Show your code from "rp_mysql" resource Link to comment
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