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Como coloco as Funções para remover parts do veiculo? MTA DayZ

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Olá, como faço para colocar as funções de remover as peças do veículo, tem as funções de colocar, porém, não sei colocar as funções para remover. 



local theTableMenuScroll = {}
function startRollMessageMenu(text, r, g, b, data)

function dxDrawingColorTextMenuScroll(str, ax, ay, bx, by, color, alpha, scale, font, alignX, alignY)
    if alignX then
        if alignX == "center" then
        elseif alignX == "right" then
            local w = dxGetTextWidth(str:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x",""), scale, font)
            ax = bx - w
    if alignY then
        if alignY == "center" then
            local h = dxGetFontHeight(scale, font)
            ay = ay + (by-ay)/2 - h/2
        elseif alignY == "bottom" then
            local h = dxGetFontHeight(scale, font)
            ay = by - h
    local pat = "(.-)#(%x%x%x%x%x%x)"
    local s, e, cap, col = str:find(pat, 1)
    local last = 1
    while s do
    if cap == "" and col then color = tocolor(tonumber("0x"..col:sub(1, 2)), tonumber("0x"..col:sub(3, 4)), tonumber("0x"..col:sub(5, 6)), alpha) end
        if s ~= 1 or cap ~= "" then
            local w = dxGetTextWidth(cap, scale, font)
            dxDrawText(cap, ax, ay, ax + w, by, color, scale, font)
            ax = ax + w
            color = tocolor(tonumber("0x"..col:sub(1, 2)), tonumber("0x"..col:sub(3, 4)), tonumber("0x"..col:sub(5, 6)), alpha)
        last = e + 1
        s, e, cap, col = str:find(pat, last)
    if last <= #str then
        cap = str:sub(last)
        local w = dxGetTextWidth(cap, scale, font)
        dxDrawText(cap, ax, ay, ax + w, by, color, scale, font)

local boxSpace = dxGetFontHeight(1,"default-bold")+dxGetFontHeight(1,"default-bold")*0.1

local optionsTable = {
["player"] = {
    {"Give Bandage"},
    {"Give Painkiller"},
    {"Give Morphine"},

function showClientMenuItem(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4)
    theTableMenuScroll = {}
    setElementData(localPlayer,"usedItemTrue", false)
    numberMenuScroll = 1
    if arg1 == "Take" then
        startRollMessageMenu("Pegar item",250,250,250,arg2)
        setElementData(localPlayer,"usedItemTrue", true)
    if arg1 == "stop" then
    if arg1 == "Helicrashsite" then
        setElementData(localPlayer,"usedItemTrue", true)
    if arg1 == "Hospitalbox" then
        setElementData(localPlayer,"usedItemTrue", true)
    if arg1 == "AIRDROP" then
        setElementData(localPlayer,"usedItemTrue", true)        
    if arg1 == 'militaryBox' then
        setElementData(localPlayer,'usedItemTrue', true)
    if arg1 == 'smeltery' then
        setElementData(localPlayer,'usedItemTrue', true)
    if arg1 == "Vehicle" then
    setElementData(localPlayer,"usedItemTrue", true)
    setElementData(localPlayer,"usedItemTrue", true)
if getElementData(getElementData(arg3,"parent"),"tent") then
    setElementData(localPlayer,"usedItemTrue", true)
    startRollMessageMenu("Remover tenda",250,250,250,"tent")
    setElementData(localPlayer,"usedItemTrue", true)
        -- if getElementData(getElementData(arg3,"parent"),"tent3") then
            -- startRollMessageMenu("Gear Tent",255,255,255,"object")
            -- startRollMessageMenu("Remove Tent",255,255,255,"tent3")  tentar isso <<<<
            -- setElementData(localPlayer,"usedItemTrue", true)
            -- return
        -- end
if (getElementData(arg4,"fuel") or 0) < getVehicleMaxFuel(arg4) then
                startRollMessageMenu("Colocar combustivel ("..tostring(math.floor(getElementData(arg4,"fuel") or 0)).."/"..getVehicleMaxFuel(arg4)..")",250,250,250,"FuelOne")
                setElementData(localPlayer,"usedItemTrue", true)
            if (getElementData(arg4,"fuel") or 0) >= 20 then
                startRollMessageMenu("Tirar combustivel ("..tostring(math.floor(getElementData(arg4,"fuel") or 0)).."/"..getVehicleMaxFuel(arg4)..")",250,250,250,"FuelTwo")
                setElementData(localPlayer,"usedItemTrue", true)
        --startRollMessageMenu("Equipment (Vehicle)",240,240,240,"vehicle")
        if getElementData(localPlayer,"Toolbox") >= 1 then
            if getElementHealth(arg3) < 1000 and getElementHealth(arg3) >= 100 then
                startRollMessageMenu("Reparar veiculo",250,250,250,"repairvehicle")
                setElementData(localPlayer,"usedItemTrue", true)
            if (getElementData(arg4,"vehicle_armor") or 0) < (getElementData(arg4,"armorPointsMax") or 0) then
                if (getElementData(localPlayer,"Steel Sheet") or 0) >= 1 then
                    startRollMessageMenu("Colocar blindagem",250,250,250,"setListStale")
                    setElementData(localPlayer,"usedItemTrue", true)
            local tires,engine,parts = getVehicleAddonInfos (getElementModel(arg3))
            if (getElementData(arg4,"Engine_inVehicle") or 0) < engine then
                startRollMessageMenu("Colocar engine ("..(getElementData(arg4,"Engine_inVehicle") or 0).."/"..engine..")",250,250,250,"EngineOne")
                setElementData(localPlayer,"usedItemTrue", true)
            if (getElementData(arg4,"Tire_inVehicle") or 0) < tires then
            local r,g,b = 240,240,240
            if (getElementData(arg4,"Tire_inVehicle") or 0) == 3 then
                r,g,b = 189,187,37
            elseif (getElementData(arg4,"Tire_inVehicle") or 0) == 2 then
                r,g,b = 249,157,11
            elseif (getElementData(arg4,"Tire_inVehicle") or 0) == 1 then
                r,g,b = 255,0,0
            elseif (getElementData(arg4,"Tire_inVehicle") or 0) == 0 then
                r,g,b = 255,0,0
            startRollMessageMenu("Colocar tire ("..(getElementData(arg4,"Tire_inVehicle") or 0).."/"..tires..")",r,g,b,"TireOne")
            if (getElementData(arg4,"Parts_inVehicle") or 0) < parts then
                startRollMessageMenu("Colocar Tank Parts ("..(getElementData(arg4,"Parts_inVehicle") or 0).."/"..parts..")",250,250,250,"PartsOne")
                setElementData(localPlayer,"usedItemTrue", true)
    if arg1 == "Player" then
        if isElement(arg2) and getElementData(arg2,"bleeding") > 0 and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Bandage") >= 1 then
            startRollMessageMenu("Colocar bandage",250,250,250,"bandage")
            setElementData(localPlayer,"usedItemTrue", true)
    if arg1 == "Dead" then
        startRollMessageMenu("Hora da morte",250,250,250,"deadreason")
        setElementData(localPlayer,"usedItemTrue", true)
    if arg1 == "Fireplace" then
        if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Raw Meat") >= 1 then
            startRollMessageMenu("Assar Raw Meat",250,250,250,"fireplace")
            setElementData(localPlayer,"usedItemTrue", true)
    if arg1 == "patrol" then
        if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Empty Gas Canister") >= 1 then
            startRollMessageMenu("Encher Empty Gas Canister",250,250,250,"patrolstation")
            setElementData(localPlayer,"usedItemTrue", true)
    if arg1 == "Gear" then
        setElementData(localPlayer,"usedItemTrue", true)
    numberMenuScroll = 1

function PlayerScrollMenu (key,keyState,arg)
    if getElementData(localPlayer,"usedItemTrue") then
        if ( keyState == "down" ) then
            if arg == "up" then
                numberMenuScroll = numberMenuScroll-1
                if numberMenuScroll < 1 then
                    numberMenuScroll = #theTableMenuScroll
            elseif arg == "down" then
                numberMenuScroll = numberMenuScroll+1
                if numberMenuScroll > #theTableMenuScroll then
                    numberMenuScroll = 1
bindKey ( "mouse_wheel_up", "down", PlayerScrollMenu, "up" )
bindKey ( "mouse_wheel_down", "down", PlayerScrollMenu, "down" )
bindKey ( "pgup", "down", PlayerScrollMenu, "up" )
bindKey ( "pgdn", "down", PlayerScrollMenu, "down" )

function disableMenu()
    theTableMenuScroll = {}
    setElementData(localPlayer,"usedItemTrue", false)
    setNewbieInfo (false,"","")

function refreshMenuCar()
    idd = numberMenuScroll
    theTableMenuScroll = {}
    setElementData(localPlayer,"usedItemTrue", false)
    setNewbieInfo (false,"","")
    numberMenuScroll = idd

function getPlayerInCol(tab)
    for theKey,thePlayer in ipairs(tab) do
        if thePlayer ~= getLocalPlayer() then
            return true
    return false

isInFirePlace = false
function onPlayerTargetPickup (theElement)
    if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"isDead",true) then return end
    if theElement == getLocalPlayer() then
        if getElementData(source,"parent") == getLocalPlayer() then return end
        local player = getPlayerInCol(getElementsWithinColShape ( source, "player" ))
        if getPedOccupiedVehicle(getLocalPlayer()) then
        isInFirePlace = false
        if getElementData(source,"player") then
        if player then
        if getElementData(source,"tent") then
            if getElementData(source,"visible") == false then
        if getElementData(source,"patrolstation") then
            setNewbieInfo (true,"","",source)
        if getElementData(source,"AirDrop") then
            setNewbieInfo (true,"","",source)
        if getElementData(source,"smeltery") then
            setNewbieInfo (true,"","",source)
        if getElementData(source,'militaryBox') then
            setNewbieInfo (true,'','',source)
        if getElementData(source,"fireplace") then
            setNewbieInfo (true,"Fireplace","Need: Raw Meat",source)
            isInFirePlace = true
        if getElementData(source,"deadman") then
      setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"lootname","Gear ("..getElementData(source,"playername")..")")
      setNewbieInfo(true, "", "", source)
        if getElementData(source,"item") then
            setNewbieInfo (true,"",">> "..getElementData(source,"item").." <<\n\nPressione '-' ou 'scroll' para pegar o item!",source)
        if getElementData(source,"helicrash") then
            setNewbieInfo (true,"","",source)
        if getElementData(source,"hospitalbox") then
            setNewbieInfo (true,"","",source)
        if getElementData(source,"vehicle") and not getElementData(source,"deadVehicle") then
      if not getElementData(source,"tent") then
        name = getVehicleName(getElementData(source,"parent"))
        name = "Tent"
      setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"lootname","Gear ("..name..")")
      setNewbieInfo(true, "", "", source)
        if getElementData(source,"itemloot") then
            setNewbieInfo (true,"","",source)

function onPlayerTargetPickup (theElement)
    if theElement == getLocalPlayer() then
        setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"near_trader_shape",nil )
        setNewbieInfo (false,"","")
        isInFirePlace = false
    if getElementData(source,"smeltery") then

local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize()
local newbieShow = false
local newbieHead = "-"
local newbieText = "-"
local newbiePosition = 0,0,0

function setNewbieInfo (show,head,text,element)
    newbieShow = show
    newbieHead = head
    newbieText = text
    newbiePosition = element

addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), 
    local boxSpace = dxGetFontHeight(1,"default-bold")+dxGetFontHeight(1,"default-bold")*0.1
    local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(getLocalPlayer())
    if veh then
        for id, value in pairs(theTableMenuScroll) do
            if id == numberMenuScroll then
                r,g,b,a = 92,141,71,255
                r,g,b,a = 0,0,0,0
            dxDrawRectangle ( 0, 250+id*boxSpace, screenWidth*0.1, boxSpace, tocolor (r,g,b,a) )
            dxDrawingColorTextMenuScroll(value[1],6 + 1, 250+id*boxSpace, 6 + 1, 250+(id+1)*boxSpace, tocolor(255,255,255,255),170, 1, "default-bold", "center", "center")
            dxDrawingColorTextMenuScroll(value[1],6, 250+id*boxSpace, 6, 250+(id+1)*boxSpace, tocolor(value[2],value[3],value[4],170),170, 1, "default-bold", "center", "center")

if newbieShow == false then 
    local x,y,z = getElementPosition(newbiePosition)
    local x,y = getScreenFromWorldPosition (x,y,z)
    local length = dxGetTextWidth(newbieText,1,"default-bold")
    --local xx,yy,xx2,yy2 = x-length/2, y-70/2, length+22, 70
    if x and y then
    dxDrawImage ( x,y,screenWidth*0.027, screenHeight*0.04, "images/loot.png",tocolor(255,255,255))
    isThereSomeoneInLoot() -- ANT DOOP DE ITENS

function fireRaiseTemperature ()
    if isInFirePlace then
        if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"temperature") <= 38 then

function onPlayerPressMiddleMouse (key,keyState)
    if ( keyState == "down" ) then
        if not getElementData(localPlayer,"usedItemTrue") then return end
        local itemName = getMenuMarkedItem()
        if itemName == "helicrashsite" then
            local col = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"currentCol")
            local gearName = "Search"
        if itemName == "itemloot" then
            local col = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"currentCol")
            local gearName = "Gear"
        if itemName == "hospitalbox" then
            local col = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"currentCol")
            local gearName = "Search"
        if itemName == "vehicle" then
            local col = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"currentCol")
            local gearName = "Search"
        if itemName == 'militaryBox' then
            local col = getElementData(localPlayer,'currentCol')
            local gearName = 'Gear'
        if itemName == "AIRDROP" then
            local col = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"currentCol")
            local gearName = "Gear"
        if itemName == "smeltery" then
            local gearName = "Gear"
        if itemName == "repairvehicle" then
            if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Toolbox") >= 1 then
                local col = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"currentCol")
                setPedAnimation (getLocalPlayer(),"BOMBER","BOM_Plant", -1,false,false,false,false)
                startRollMessage2("Inventory", "Você não tem Toolbox", 240, 240, 240 )
        if itemName == "object" then
        if itemName == "FuelOne" then
            if (getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Full Gas Canister") or 0) >= 1 then
                local col = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"currentCol")
                if getElementData(col,"fuel")+20 < getVehicleMaxFuel(col) then
                    addingfuel = 20
                elseif getElementData(col,"fuel")+20 > getVehicleMaxFuel(col)+15 then
                    triggerEvent ("displayClientInfo", getLocalPlayer(),"Vehicle","Veiculo Cheio",240,240,240)
                    addingfuel = getVehicleMaxFuel(col)-getElementData(col,"fuel")
                setPedAnimation (getLocalPlayer(),"BOMBER","BOM_Plant", -1,false,false,false,false)
                setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Full Gas Canister",getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Full Gas Canister")-1)
                setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Empty Gas Canister",(getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Empty Gas Canister") or 0)+1)
                triggerEvent ("displayClientInfo", getLocalPlayer(),"Vehicle","Voce colocou combustivel",240,240,240)
                startRollMessage2("Inventory", "Você não tem Full Gas Canister", 240, 240, 240 )
        if itemName == "FuelTwo" then
            if (getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Empty Gas Canister") or 0) >= 1 then
                local col = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"currentCol")
                setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Full Gas Canister",getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Full Gas Canister")+1)
                setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Empty Gas Canister",(getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Empty Gas Canister") or 0)-1)
                setPedAnimation (getLocalPlayer(),"BOMBER","BOM_Plant", -1,false,false,false,false)
                triggerEvent ("displayClientInfo", getLocalPlayer(),"Vehicle","Voce removeu combustivel",240,240,240)
                startRollMessage2("Inventory", "Você não tem Empty Gas Canister", 240, 240, 240 )
        if itemName == "AirDrop" then
            local col = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"currentCol")
            local gearName = "Airdrop"
            if itemName == "setListStale" then
            if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Toolbox") >= 1 then
                local col = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"currentCol")
                if (getElementData(localPlayer,"Steel Sheet") or 0) >= 1 then
                    setElementData(col,"vehicle_armor",getElementData(col,"vehicle_armor") + 50)
                    setElementData(localPlayer,"Steel Sheet",getElementData(localPlayer,"Steel Sheet") - 1)
                    triggerEvent("displayClientInfo",getLocalPlayer(),"Vehicle","Voce colocou Steel Sheet",240,240,240)
                    setPedAnimation (getLocalPlayer(),"BOMBER","BOM_Plant", -1,false,false,false,false)
                    if getElementData(col,"vehicle_armor") >= getElementData(col,"armorPointsMax") then
                startRollMessage2("Inventory", "Você não tem Toolbox", 240, 240, 240 )
        if itemName == "TireOne" then
            if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Toolbox") >= 1 then
                if (getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Tire") or 0) > 0 then    
                    local col = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"currentCol")
                    setElementData(col,"Tire_inVehicle",(getElementData(col,"Tire_inVehicle") or 0)+1)
                    setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Tire",(getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Tire") or 0)-1)
                    triggerEvent("displayClientInfo",getLocalPlayer(),"Vehicle","Voce colocou Tire",240,240,240)
                    setPedAnimation (getLocalPlayer(),"BOMBER","BOM_Plant", -1,false,false,false,false)
                    startRollMessage2("Inventory", "Você não tem Tire", 240, 240, 240 )
                startRollMessage2("Inventory", "Você não tem Toolbox", 240, 240, 240 )
        if itemName == "EngineOne" then
            if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Toolbox") >= 1 then
                if (getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Engine") or 0) > 0 then    
                    local col = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"currentCol")
                    setElementData(col,"Engine_inVehicle",(getElementData(col,"Engine_inVehicle") or 0)+1)
                    setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Engine",(getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Engine") or 0)-1)
                    triggerEvent("displayClientInfo",getLocalPlayer(),"Vehicle","Voce colocou Engine",240,240,240)
                    setPedAnimation (getLocalPlayer(),"BOMBER","BOM_Plant", -1,false,false,false,false)
                    startRollMessage2("Inventory", "Você não tem Engine", 240, 240, 240 )
                startRollMessage2("Inventory", "Você não tem Toolbox", 240, 240, 240 )
        if itemName == "PartsOne" then
            if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Toolbox") >= 1 then
                if (getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Tank Parts") or 0) > 0 then    
                    local col = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"currentCol")
                    setElementData(col,"Parts_inVehicle",(getElementData(col,"Parts_inVehicle") or 0)+1)
                    setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Tank Parts",(getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Tank Parts") or 0)-1)
                    triggerEvent("displayClientInfo",getLocalPlayer(),"Vehicle","Voce colocou Tank Parts",240,240,240)
                    setPedAnimation (getLocalPlayer(),"BOMBER","BOM_Plant", -1,false,false,false,false)
                    startRollMessage2("Inventory", "Você não tem Tank Parts", 240, 240, 240 )
                startRollMessage2("Inventory", "Você não tem Toolbox", 240, 240, 240 )
        if itemName == "tent" then
      local col = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"currentCol")
        if itemName == "fireplace" then
            local col = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"currentCol")
        if itemName == "bandage" then
            local col = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"currentCol")
        if itemName == "giveblood" then
            local col = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"currentCol")
        if itemName == "dead" then
      local col = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"currentCol")
      local gearName = "Gear ("..getElementData(col,"playername")..")"
        if itemName == "deadreason" then
      local col = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"currentCol")
        if itemName == "patrolstation" then
            local col = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"currentCol")
                setPedAnimation (getLocalPlayer(),"BOMBER","BOM_Plant", -1,false,false,false,false)
                setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Empty Gas Canister",getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Empty Gas Canister")-1)
                setTimer ( function()
                    setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Full Gas Canister",(getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Full Gas Canister") or 0)+1)
                    triggerEvent ("displayClientInfo",getLocalPlayer(),"patrolstation","Voce encheu Empty Gas Canister!",240,240,240)
                end, 5000, 1 )
        if isToolbeltItem(itemName) then
            local col = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"currentCol")
        if getPlayerCurrentSlots() + getItemSlots(itemName) <= getPlayerMaxAviableSlots() then
            local col = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"currentCol")
            startRollMessage2("Inventory", "Seu inventario esta cheio!", 240, 240, 240 )
bindKey ( "mouse3", "down", onPlayerPressMiddleMouse )
bindKey ( "-", "down", onPlayerPressMiddleMouse )

function getMenuMarkedItem()
for i,guiItem in ipairs(spalteGuiText) do
if getElementData(guiItem,"markedMenuItem") then
return getElementData(guiItem,"usedItem")

function getMenuMarkedItem()
for id, value in pairs(theTableMenuScroll) do
if id == numberMenuScroll then
return value[5]



Edited by Lord Henry
Código convertido de texto para Lua.
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