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Setting up VC and LC maps on your own server


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Since I've had some trouble with this myself and couldn't find a good enough tutorial for it online, I'll post it here for anyone else that might be interested in playing on the Vice City and Liberty City maps by Wolfee-J and BlueEagle12. NOTE this isn't the definitive way to go about doing this, it's just what works for me.

First step is to go into your MTA directory, doesn't matter if it's 1.5 or 1.6 same method is used for both versions, but for the sake of the tutorial I'll use 1.6. 

Second step is to download MTA-Streamer, Vice City and Liberty City maps. Before all of this we should give ourselves admin permissions on our server, we do so by going into C:\Program Files (x86)\MTA San Andreas 1.6\server\mods\deathmatch and opening the acl.xml file, i recommend notepad++ as it's easier to read than regular notepad. Then, we need to find <group name="Admin">, usually on line 18 as you can see on the left. Under this group we will add a line: <object name="user.YourUsername"></object>, paste it under the resource.acpanel line. The username you set in the line doesn't have to match the username in your MTA settings, so if you have HEX/HTML5 color codes in your name you don't have to worry about that.  Since we are done with the acl file for now, we can save and close it. Next, open the resources folder and this is where we'll paste the folders from within the archives we downloaded. Note that github creates an extra folder within the archive, so for example you have the MTA-Vice-City-master.zip file, you open it and there is another folder in the archive with the same name as the archive, we open that folder and we will see a folder called [VC], this is what we need to extract into the resources folder, you can disregard the other 2 files in there, they serve no purpose. The same goes with the other 2 archives. With this we are finished with the steps outside of MTA, now we need to enter the game.

We host our own game, wait for the player to spawn and then we need to register an account with the username we set in the acl file. Since I set my username in the line as just "nide", i type "/register nide nide" in the chat, so the format is /register username password, but for the sake of the tutorial my password and username are the same. After you have registered you need to log in by typing "/login username password", without using "" ofcourse. After we have logged in we should see a message in chat saying that we can press the P key to open the admin panel, which means that we have properly set up our acl file for registering. After we open the admin panel we go over to the resources tab, and press manage ACL. We then press the create ACL button on the right hand side and create a new ACL, make sure the name is something short enough to not be complicated, for the sake of the tutorial I will just name it VC since that is the map I will be using. I should preface this by saying that capitalization in the following steps is VERY important, if you don't capitalize properly nothing will work. We see that our ACL has been added at the bottom, so we double click to open it. On the right hand side we get a few extra buttons, but the one we need is the "Add Right" button, which essentially assigns permissions to the ACL. we get a box with a text line to input our permission, and the one we need is general.ModifyOtherObjects, mind the capitalization, again. After we have added it, it should turn green by default meaning it is enabled. After this we need to create a group by pressing the Create Group button on the right hand side. You NEED to name it MTA-Stream, same as the resource in the folder. After you have created the group, we need to add the ACL we created a minute before, by pressing the Add ACL button on the right hand side. We get a drop down menu of ACL's, scroll down until you find the one you created, double click and add it. Next, we need to add the map resources to the group. We do so by pressing the Add Object button and add the following, similar to the Add ACL process. These are the resources we need to add to the group, so I will list them here so you can just copy them over:


After that is done we can close the ACL tab and look over to the resources list. First we select MTA-Stream and start the resource, waiting for it to fully load, the default SA map should disappear. After waiting for a few moments the resource should be loaded in properly. For the sake of the tutorial I'll use Vice City as an example, but it's the same procedure for Liberty City. We select LC2 and start the resource. For a first time start of the map it's going to take a long time for it to load in, the game will stutter and lag a lot but after it stops the map should be loaded in properly. After that's done, select LCLightGen and LCMini and start both resources. LC2 is the main map, LCLightGen is the lighting generation and LCMini is just a custom minimap. If you spawn on Missionary Hill on the vanilla SA map and after loading everything in you should be in the water, you can look around and see where the map loaded in and travel by boat, you can spawn it in the admin panel by selecting yourself in the player list. The map should be loaded in properly with no issues, other than some missing textures and weird looking objects, but I think that's just because the maps themselves arent 100% polished. If there are any questions reply down below and I'll try to respond to the best of my ability. Thank you for reading and good luck.

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