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[HELP] Parking Sensor


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I'm Working On a Parking Sensor For MTA:SA 

Also I'm New To MTA And Scripting 

My problem is that when I start the resource and move the car in reverse gear, there is no sound


-- parking sensor for mta:sa
function isVehicleReversing(theVehicle)
    local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( thePlayer )
    local getMatrix = getElementMatrix (theVehicle)
    local getVelocity = Vector3 (getElementVelocity(theVehicle))
    local getVectorDirection = (getVelocity.x * getMatrix[2][1]) + (getVelocity.y * getMatrix[2][2]) + (getVelocity.z * getMatrix[2][3])
    if (getVectorDirection < 0) then
        return true
function getDistanceBetweenElements(arg1, arg2)
	local car = Vector3(getPedOccupiedVehicle( arg1 ))
	local nearObject = Vector3(getNearestElement( arg2 ))
	local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D( car,nearObject )
	if vehicle then 
	local sound = playSound("beep.mp3")
	setSoundVolume(sound, 0.5) 
	setSoundProperties(sound, 48000.0, 128.00, distance, false)
	return distance
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, isVehicleReversing, getDistanceBetweenElements) -- 


    <script src="parkings.lua" type="client" />
    <file src="beep.mp3" type="client" />

What is wrong with my script?

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On 23/09/2023 at 02:17, Mawmad said:


I'm Working On a Parking Sensor For MTA:SA 

Also I'm New To MTA And Scripting 

My problem is that when I start the resource and move the car in reverse gear, there is no sound


-- parking sensor for mta:sa
function isVehicleReversing(theVehicle)
    local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( thePlayer )
    local getMatrix = getElementMatrix (theVehicle)
    local getVelocity = Vector3 (getElementVelocity(theVehicle))
    local getVectorDirection = (getVelocity.x * getMatrix[2][1]) + (getVelocity.y * getMatrix[2][2]) + (getVelocity.z * getMatrix[2][3])
    if (getVectorDirection < 0) then
        return true
function getDistanceBetweenElements(arg1, arg2)
	local car = Vector3(getPedOccupiedVehicle( arg1 ))
	local nearObject = Vector3(getNearestElement( arg2 ))
	local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D( car,nearObject )
	if vehicle then 
	local sound = playSound("beep.mp3")
	setSoundVolume(sound, 0.5) 
	setSoundProperties(sound, 48000.0, 128.00, distance, false)
	return distance
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, isVehicleReversing, getDistanceBetweenElements) -- 


    <script src="parkings.lua" type="client" />
    <file src="beep.mp3" type="client" />

What is wrong with my script?

There are a lot of problems with your script
Try this:

local alarm = nil

bindKey("s", "down", function()
    local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer)
	if vehicle then
	   if isVehicleReversing(vehicle) then
	      local nearObject = getNearestElement(vehicle, "object", 15)
		  if nearObject then
		     if alarm == nil then
			    alarm = playSound("beep.mp3", false)

function ForceSoundOff()
   local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer)
   if not isVehicleReversing(vehicle) then
      if alarm ~= nil then
		 alarm = nil
addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, ForceSoundOff)

function getNearestElement(player, type, distance)
	local result = false
	local dist = nil
	if player and isElement(player) then
		local elements = getElementsWithinRange(Vector3(getElementPosition(player)), distance, type, getElementInterior(player), getElementDimension(player))
		for i = 1, #elements do
			local element = elements[i]
			if not dist then
				result = element
				dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(Vector3(getElementPosition(player)), Vector3(getElementPosition(element)))
				local newDist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(Vector3(getElementPosition(player)), Vector3(getElementPosition(element)))
				if newDist <= dist then
					result = element
					dist = newDist
	return result

function isVehicleReversing(theVehicle)
    local getMatrix = getElementMatrix (theVehicle)
    local getVelocity = Vector3 (getElementVelocity(theVehicle))
    local getVectorDirection = (getVelocity.x * getMatrix[2][1]) + (getVelocity.y * getMatrix[2][2]) + (getVelocity.z * getMatrix[2][3])
    if (getVectorDirection < 0) then
        return true
    return false


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39 minutes ago, Mawmad said:

Wow , Thanks a Lot Mate ! ❤️


Sorry and it still doesn't work...

Everything seems fine, I don't know what the problem is

If you don't hear the sound, try to look for one for about 2-3 seconds maximum and in playSound("beep.mp3", false) put playSound("beep.mp3", true) so that the sound repeats. if this don't work idk then

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On 23/09/2023 at 02:17, Mawmad said:


I'm Working On a Parking Sensor For MTA:SA 

Also I'm New To MTA And Scripting 

My problem is that when I start the resource and move the car in reverse gear, there is no sound


-- parking sensor for mta:sa
function isVehicleReversing(theVehicle)
    local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( thePlayer )
    local getMatrix = getElementMatrix (theVehicle)
    local getVelocity = Vector3 (getElementVelocity(theVehicle))
    local getVectorDirection = (getVelocity.x * getMatrix[2][1]) + (getVelocity.y * getMatrix[2][2]) + (getVelocity.z * getMatrix[2][3])
    if (getVectorDirection < 0) then
        return true
function getDistanceBetweenElements(arg1, arg2)
	local car = Vector3(getPedOccupiedVehicle( arg1 ))
	local nearObject = Vector3(getNearestElement( arg2 ))
	local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D( car,nearObject )
	if vehicle then 
	local sound = playSound("beep.mp3")
	setSoundVolume(sound, 0.5) 
	setSoundProperties(sound, 48000.0, 128.00, distance, false)
	return distance
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, isVehicleReversing, getDistanceBetweenElements) -- 


    <script src="parkings.lua" type="client" />
    <file src="beep.mp3" type="client" />

What is wrong with my script?

remove type client from there maybe that could be the problem (from client i mean)

-> u only need this ->

<file src="beep.mp3"/>


Edited by FlorinSzasz
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