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Removing San Fierro parts excluding Angel Pine


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I would like to remove they yellow zone from the map. I found a remover script, which removes San Fiero and Angel Pine completely, leaving me with a map only containing the parts of Los Santos and the nearby towns.
I would also like to have the Chilliad/Angel Pine piece with the Los Santos one, as it can be seen in the attached picture. Is there a way to list the objects in this given section (Mount Chilliad/Angel Pine) of the map so I can delete only the necessary ones? Could you recommend a solution to my problem? 
Kind regards.


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  • 2 weeks later...

would really have to see the script to give a more accurate answer, but if it's a list of objects to delete you'll have to find every single object within that region and remove them from the list. If it's radius based just adjust the radius properly to only fit within the regions you want to delete. Sorry I couldn't be any more help.

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