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Ajuda com SetPlayerWanted para lojinha

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Gostaria que minha lojinha adiciona-se 1 estrela a mais para a pessoa que efetua-se o assalto tentei de varias maneiras mas nao achei onde encaixa o commando SetPlayerWanted


Script da lojinha abaixo

--------- Variaveis
local PedLoja03 = createPed(155, 2745.432, -2077.514, 13.554, 0)
setElementFrozen(PedLoja03, true)
setElementData(PedLoja03, "TS:Blindado", true)
local BlipLoja = createBlipAttachedTo(PedLoja03, 17)
setBlipVisibleDistance(BlipLoja , 150)
local BlipLojaAssalta = createBlipAttachedTo(PedLoja03, 20)
setElementVisibleTo(BlipLojaAssalta, root, false)
---- Sistema

function IniciarAssalto03 (Ped)
if Ped == PedLoja03 then
local arma = getPedWeapon ( source )
if arma == 0 or arma == 1 or arma == 2 or arma == 3 or arma == 4 or arma == 5 or arma == 6 or arma == 7 or arma == 8 or arma == 9 or arma == 16 or arma == 17 or arma == 18 or arma == 39 or arma == 41 or arma == 42 or arma == 43 or arma == 10 or arma == 11 or arma == 12 or arma == 14 or arma == 28 or arma == 15 or arma == 44 or arma == 45 or arma == 46 or arma == 40 then
return end
if getElementData(source, "TS:Assaltando03") then return end
if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup("Policial")) then return end
if getElementData(Ped, "TS:Assaltando03") then triggerClientEvent(source, "addNotification", root, "#0037FF✘#ffffffINFO#0037FF✘➺ #ffffffEssa loja foi assaltada recentemente!", "info") return end
local x, y, z = getElementPosition( source )
local x1, y1, z1 = getElementPosition( Ped ) 
local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D( x, y, z, x1, y1, z1 ) 
if distance >= 3 then return end
triggerClientEvent(source, "TS:PainelAssalto03", source)
addEventHandler ("onPlayerTarget", root, IniciarAssalto03)

function ComecarAAssaltar (source)
if getElementData(source, "TS:Assaltando03") then return end
local arma = getPedWeapon ( source )
if arma == 0 or arma == 1 or arma == 2 or arma == 3 or arma == 4 or arma == 5 or arma == 6 or arma == 7 or arma == 8 or arma == 9 or arma == 16 or arma == 17 or arma == 18 or arma == 39 or arma == 41 or arma == 42 or arma == 43 or arma == 10 or arma == 11 or arma == 12 or arma == 14 or arma == 28 or arma == 15 or arma == 44 or arma == 45 or arma == 46 or arma == 40 then
return end
local Valor = math.random(460, 2000)
setElementData(source, "TS:Assaltando03", true)
setPedAnimation(source, "SHOP", "ROB_Loop", -1, false)
setPedAnimation(PedLoja03, "SHOP", "SHP_Rob_GiveCash", -1, false)
setElementFrozen(source, true)
toggleAllControls(source, false)
setElementPosition(source, 2745.397, -2075.392, 13.554)
setElementRotation(source, -0, 0, 182.41223144531)
setElementData(PedLoja03, "TS:Assaltando03", true)
setPedAnimation(source, "SHOP", "ROB_Loop", -1, false)
setPedAnimation(source, "SHOP", "ROB_Loop", -1, false)
setPedAnimation(source, "SHOP", "ROB_Loop", -1, false)
setPedAnimation(source, "SHOP", "ROB_Loop", -1, false)
setPedAnimation(source, "SHOP", "ROB_Loop", -1, false)
triggerClientEvent(source, "TS:BarraDeProgresso03", source)
setPedAnimation(source, nil)
setPedAnimation(PedLoja03, nil)
setElementFrozen(source, false)
toggleAllControls(source, true)
givePlayerMoney(source, Valor)
triggerClientEvent(source, "TS:BarraDeProgresso032", source)
setElementData(source, "TS:Assaltando03", false)
end, 2*10000, 1)
addEvent("TS:IniciarAssalto03", true)
addEventHandler("TS:IniciarAssalto03", root, ComecarAAssaltar)

function LojaAssaltada(source)
setElementVisibleTo(BlipLoja, root, false)
setElementVisibleTo(BlipLojaAssalta, root, true)
outputChatBox("#FF0000BMA_Nᴇᴡs➢ #FFFFFFO jogador "..getPlayerName(source).." #FFFFFFestá assaltando a lojinha 03",root,255,0,0,true)
setElementVisibleTo(BlipLoja, root, true)
setElementVisibleTo(BlipLojaAssalta, root, false)
setElementData(PedLoja03, "TS:Assaltando03", false)
end, 7*200000, 1 )


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