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ropes from choppers

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hey hey

I don't remember if this is in SA, but in Vice city cops would get down from helicopters with ropes if u had a high enough wanted level..

is it possible for this rope function to be implemented in DM?.. so that passengers in the choppers can be deplyed by the rope..instead of just jump out.. that would be cool

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is it possible for this rope function to be implemented in DM?.. so that passengers in the choppers can be deplyed by the rope..instead of just jump out.. that would be cool

Normally in clanwars the driver just lands the helicopter in whatever specific location and the other players exit throughout the doors. Seeing your suggestion being accomplished would benefit certain situations in any particular gameplay, though the disadvantages would be getting shot while sliding down the ropes for one example and not getting enough time to escape. For an advantage it would look nice seeing a more tactical root being played in clanwars or just for fun and dropping people of at different locations.

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of course there will allways be disadvantages.. flying can be a disadvantage by itself, cuz u could get shot by an rpg, and u and all the passangers would get pwnd..

I personally think it would be more fun, cuz as u said, it would call for tactical gameplay..and plus it would look awsome 8)

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