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I want to make a code that set the time to 14:00 and write in outputchatbox that i changed

function setTime( hour, minute )
	setTime ( 14, 10 )
	outputChatBox("#F70000[Info] #FFFFFFThe time has been set to #96FF2714:00 #FFFFFFby a #0093FFDeveloper!", 247, 0, 0, true)
addCommandHandler("noon", setTime)

also i want that when its write by a "Developer" shows the name of that developer or who used the command

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If this is client side code you should make something like this

	outputChatBox("#F70000[Info] #FFFFFFThe time has been set to #96FF2714:00 #FFFFFFby a #0093FF"..getPlayerName(localPlayer), 247, 0, 0, true)

This message will be shown only for the player which use command "moon", not for everyone. If you want show this message and set time to the same value for everyone player your should make it on server side.

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