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41 minutes ago, kukimuki said:

A little inventory with 1 tab and with like 8 slot and if press I its shows and close 

how can I do that?

hello, welcome to the forum, I prepared a simple code upon your request, this code is an example code, you can continue through this code or you can see what I've done through this code and make 1 new one yourself.


local inventoryOpen = false
local inventoryTab = guiCreateTab("Inventory")
local inventoryGrid = guiCreateGridList(0.01, 0.05, 0.98, 0.9, true, inventoryTab)
for i = 1, 8 do
    guiGridListAddColumn(inventoryGrid, "Slot " .. i, 0.125)
guiSetVisible(inventoryTab, false)

function toggleInventory()
    if inventoryOpen then
        guiSetVisible(inventoryTab, false)
        inventoryOpen = false
        guiSetVisible(inventoryTab, true)
        inventoryOpen = true
addCommandHandler("i", toggleInventory)


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