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Painel De Selecionar Cor

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Você pode pegar o colorPicker do painel F1 (freeroam).

(deixe os arquivos dele dentro de uma pasta chamada "colorpicker" e deixe essa pasta dentro do seu resource)

Aqui estão os arquivos dele: (clique com o botão direito em cima da imagem e depois vá em "Salvar como")







function table.copy(theTable)
    local t = {}
    for k, v in pairs(theTable) do
        if type(v) == "table" then
            t[k] = table.copy(theTable)
            t[k] = v
    return t

colorPicker = {
    default = {
        x = 0,
        y = 0,
        width = 200,
        height = 20,
        buttonWidth = .38,
        testWidth = .6,
        testHeight = 1,
        relative = false,
        value = "#ff0000ff",
        selectWindow =
            width = 350,
            height = 430,
            paletteX = 18,
            paletteY = 30,
            luminanceOffset = 10,
            luminanceWidth = 15,
            alphaOffset = 25 + 17,
            alphaWidth = 15,
            rgbX = 265,
            rgbY = 300,
            rgbWidth = 50,
            rgbHeight = 21,
            hslX = 190,
            hslY = 300,
            hslWidth = 50,
            hslHeight = 21,
            historyX = 18,
            historyY = 300,
            historyWidth = 140,
            historyHeight = 80,
            noteX = 18,
            noteY = 378,
            ra1X = 18,
            ra1Y = 390,
            ra2X = 88,
            ra2Y = 390,
            ra3X = 18,
            ra3Y = 405,
            ra4X = 88,
            ra4Y = 405,
            ra5X = 168,
            ra5Y = 397,
    constructor = function( info )
        info = info or colorPicker.default
        colorPicker.value = colorPicker.convertColorToTable(info.value)

        colorPicker.buttonWidth = info.width * colorPicker.default.buttonWidth

        local offset = 1 --px
        local height = 10
        --local sizeX, sizeY = guiGetSize(info.parent, false)
        if not sizeX then
            sizeX, sizeY = guiGetScreenSize()
        if info.relative then
            offset = offset / sizeX
            height = height / sizeY

        colorPicker.GUI = {}
        colorPicker.children = {}

        -- Create the color selection window
        local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize()
        colorPicker.selectWindow = info.selectWindow
        colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow = guiCreateWindow(screenW - info.selectWindow.width, (screenH - info.selectWindow.height) / 2,
                                                info.selectWindow.width, info.selectWindow.height, "ColorPicker (clique fora da janela para fechar)", false)
        guiSetVisible(colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow, false)
        guiWindowSetSizable(colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow, false)

        colorPicker.GUI.palette = guiCreateStaticImage(colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteX, colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteY,
                                                256, 256, "colorpicker/palette.png", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
        colorPicker.GUI.alphaBar = guiCreateStaticImage(colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteX + 255 + colorPicker.selectWindow.alphaOffset, colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteY,
                                                 colorPicker.selectWindow.alphaWidth, 255, "colorpicker/alpha.png", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
        colorPicker.isSelectOpen = false

        -- Create the RGB and HSL edit boxes
        colorPicker.children.R = guiCreateEdit(info.selectWindow.rgbX + 10, info.selectWindow.rgbY, info.selectWindow.rgbWidth, info.selectWindow.rgbHeight, tostring( colorPicker.value[1] ), false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
        guiEditSetMaxLength(colorPicker.children.R, 3)
        addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.R, colorPicker.forceNaturalAndRange)
        addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.R, colorPicker.selectionManualInputRGB)
        colorPicker.GUI.labelR = guiCreateLabel(info.selectWindow.rgbX, info.selectWindow.rgbY + 3,
                                         10, 20, "R", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
        guiSetFont(colorPicker.GUI.labelR, "default-bold-small")

        colorPicker.children.G = guiCreateEdit(info.selectWindow.rgbX + 10, info.selectWindow.rgbY + info.selectWindow.rgbHeight, info.selectWindow.rgbWidth, info.selectWindow.rgbHeight, tostring( colorPicker.value[2] ), false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
        guiEditSetMaxLength(colorPicker.children.G, 3)
        addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.G, colorPicker.forceNaturalAndRange)
        addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.G, colorPicker.selectionManualInputRGB)
        colorPicker.GUI.labelG = guiCreateLabel(info.selectWindow.rgbX, info.selectWindow.rgbY + 3 + info.selectWindow.rgbHeight,
                                         10, 20, "G", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
        guiSetFont(colorPicker.GUI.labelG, "default-bold-small")

        colorPicker.children.B = guiCreateEdit(info.selectWindow.rgbX + 10, info.selectWindow.rgbY + info.selectWindow.rgbHeight*2, info.selectWindow.rgbWidth, info.selectWindow.rgbHeight, tostring( colorPicker.value[3] ), false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
        guiEditSetMaxLength(colorPicker.children.B, 3)
        addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.B, colorPicker.forceNaturalAndRange)
        addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.B, colorPicker.selectionManualInputRGB)
        colorPicker.GUI.labelB = guiCreateLabel(info.selectWindow.rgbX, info.selectWindow.rgbY + 3 + info.selectWindow.rgbHeight*2,
                                         10, 20, "B", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
        guiSetFont(colorPicker.GUI.labelB, "default-bold-small")

        colorPicker.children.A = guiCreateEdit(info.selectWindow.rgbX + 10, info.selectWindow.rgbY + info.selectWindow.rgbHeight*3, info.selectWindow.rgbWidth, info.selectWindow.rgbHeight, tostring( colorPicker.value[4] ), false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
        guiEditSetMaxLength(colorPicker.children.A, 3)
        addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.A, colorPicker.forceNaturalAndRange)
        addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.A, colorPicker.selectionManualInputRGB)
        colorPicker.GUI.labelA = guiCreateLabel(info.selectWindow.rgbX - 25, info.selectWindow.rgbY + 3 + info.selectWindow.rgbHeight*3,
                                         50, 20, "Alpha", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
        guiSetFont(colorPicker.GUI.labelA, "default-bold-small")

        colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s, colorPicker.l = colorPicker.rgb2hsl(colorPicker.value[1] / 255, colorPicker.value[2] / 255, colorPicker.value[3] / 255)

        colorPicker.children.H = guiCreateEdit(info.selectWindow.hslX + 10, info.selectWindow.hslY, info.selectWindow.hslWidth, info.selectWindow.hslHeight, tostring( math.floor(colorPicker.h * 255) ), false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
        guiEditSetMaxLength(colorPicker.children.H, 3)
        addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.H, colorPicker.forceNaturalAndRange)
        addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.H, colorPicker.selectionManualInputHSL)
        colorPicker.GUI.labelH = guiCreateLabel(info.selectWindow.hslX, info.selectWindow.hslY + 3,
                                         10, 20, "H", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
        guiSetFont(colorPicker.GUI.labelH, "default-bold-small")

        colorPicker.children.S = guiCreateEdit(info.selectWindow.hslX + 10, info.selectWindow.hslY + info.selectWindow.hslHeight, info.selectWindow.hslWidth, info.selectWindow.hslHeight, tostring( math.floor(colorPicker.s * 255) ), false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
        guiEditSetMaxLength(colorPicker.children.S, 3)
        addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.S, colorPicker.forceNaturalAndRange)
        addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.S, colorPicker.selectionManualInputHSL)
        colorPicker.GUI.labelS = guiCreateLabel(info.selectWindow.hslX, info.selectWindow.hslY + 3 + info.selectWindow.hslHeight,
                                         10, 20, "S", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
        guiSetFont(colorPicker.GUI.labelS, "default-bold-small")

        colorPicker.children.L = guiCreateEdit(info.selectWindow.hslX + 10, info.selectWindow.hslY + info.selectWindow.hslHeight*2, info.selectWindow.hslWidth, info.selectWindow.hslHeight, tostring( math.floor(colorPicker.s * 255) ), false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
        guiEditSetMaxLength(colorPicker.children.L, 3)
        addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.L, colorPicker.forceNaturalAndRange)
        addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.L, colorPicker.selectionManualInputHSL)
        colorPicker.GUI.labelL = guiCreateLabel(info.selectWindow.hslX, info.selectWindow.hslY + 3 + info.selectWindow.hslHeight*2,
                                         10, 20, "L", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
        guiSetFont(colorPicker.GUI.labelL, "default-bold-small")

        -- Create the color history
        if not colorHistory then
            colorHistory = {}
            for i=1,15 do
                colorHistory[i] = { 255, 255, 255, 200 }

        colorPicker.GUI.historyLabel = guiCreateLabel(info.selectWindow.historyX, info.selectWindow.historyY,
                                               150, 15, "Cores usadas recentemente:", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)

        colorPicker.GUI.noteLabel = guiCreateLabel(info.selectWindow.noteX, info.selectWindow.noteY,
                                               190, 15, "Clique fora da janela para fechar.", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
        guiSetFont( colorPicker.GUI.noteLabel, "default-small" )

        checkColor1 = guiCreateCheckBox(info.selectWindow.ra1X, info.selectWindow.ra1Y,
                                                70, 15, "Cor 1", true, false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)

        checkColor2 = guiCreateCheckBox(info.selectWindow.ra2X, info.selectWindow.ra2Y,
                                                70, 15, "Cor 2", false, false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)

        checkColor3 = guiCreateCheckBox(info.selectWindow.ra3X, info.selectWindow.ra3Y,
                                                70, 15, "Cor 3", false, false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)

        checkColor4 = guiCreateCheckBox(info.selectWindow.ra4X, info.selectWindow.ra4Y,
                                                70, 15, "Cor 4", false, false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
                                                guiSetEnabled(checkColor4, false)

        checkColor5 = guiCreateCheckBox(info.selectWindow.ra5X, info.selectWindow.ra5Y,
                                                75, 15, "Farol", false, false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)

        colorPicker.avoidRecursion = false
    forceNaturalAndRange = function()
        local inputText = guiGetText( source )
        if not tonumber( inputText ) then
            local changedText = string.gsub( inputText, "[^%d]", "" )
            if changedText ~= inputText then
                guiSetText(source, changedText)

        local inputNumber = tonumber(guiGetText( source ))
        if inputNumber then
            local clampedNumber = inputNumber
            clampedNumber = math.max(clampedNumber, 0)
            clampedNumber = math.min(clampedNumber, 255)
            if clampedNumber ~= inputNumber then
                guiSetText(source, tostring(clampedNumber))
    setValue = function( value )
        colorPicker.value = colorPicker.convertColorToTable(value)

        local avoidRecursion = colorPicker.avoidRecursion
        colorPicker.avoidRecursion = true
        colorPicker.avoidRecursion = avoidRecursion

        return true
    selectionManualInputRGB = function()
        if not colorPicker.avoidRecursion then
            colorPicker.avoidRecursion = true
            local r, g, b, a =     tonumber(guiGetText(colorPicker.children.R)),
            if not r or not g or not b or not a then
                colorPicker.avoidRecursion = false
            colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s, colorPicker.l = colorPicker.rgb2hsl(r / 255, g / 255, b / 255)
            colorPicker.setValue({r, g, b, a})
            colorPicker.avoidRecursion = false
    selectionManualInputHSL = function()
        if not colorPicker.avoidRecursion then
            colorPicker.avoidRecursion = true
            local h, s, l = tonumber(guiGetText(colorPicker.children.H)),
            if not h or not s or not l then
                colorPicker.avoidRecursion = false
            colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s, colorPicker.l = h / 255, s / 255, l / 256
            local r, g, b = colorPicker.hsl2rgb(colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s, colorPicker.l)
            colorPicker.setValue({r * 255, g * 255, b * 255, colorPicker.value[4]})
            colorPicker.avoidRecursion = false
    updateSelectionWindowEdits = function()
        guiSetText(colorPicker.children.R, tostring(colorPicker.value[1]))
        guiSetText(colorPicker.children.G, tostring(colorPicker.value[2]))
        guiSetText(colorPicker.children.B, tostring(colorPicker.value[3]))
        guiSetText(colorPicker.children.A, tostring(colorPicker.value[4]))
        guiSetText(colorPicker.children.H, tostring(math.floor(colorPicker.h * 255)))
        guiSetText(colorPicker.children.S, tostring(math.floor(colorPicker.s * 255)))
        guiSetText(colorPicker.children.L, tostring(math.floor(colorPicker.l * 256)))

--This is where the color updates every time you click the palette or presets!
    updateTempColors = function()
        local r, g, b, a = colorPicker.value[1], colorPicker.value[2], colorPicker.value[3], colorPicker.value[4]
        return r, g, b, a
    openSelect = function( currentColor )
        if colorPicker.isSelectOpen then return end
        colorPicker.currentColor = currentColor
        --local r, g, b, a = tempColors[currentColor].r, tempColors[currentColor].g, tempColors[currentColor].b, tempColors[currentColor].a
        --colorPicker.setValue( { r * 255, g * 255, b * 255, a * 255 } )

        guiSetVisible(colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow, true)
        addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, colorPicker.updateSelectedValue)
        addEventHandler("onClientClick", root, colorPicker.pickColor)

        colorPicker.isSelectOpen = true
        colorPicker.pickingColor = false
        colorPicker.pickingLuminance = false
        colorPicker.pickingAlpha = false
        colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s, colorPicker.l = colorPicker.rgb2hsl(colorPicker.value[1] / 255, colorPicker.value[2] / 255, colorPicker.value[3] / 255)
    closeSelect = function()
        if not colorPicker.isSelectOpen then return end
        colorPicker.currentColor = nil

        guiSetVisible(colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow, false)
        removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, colorPicker.updateSelectedValue)
        removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, colorPicker.pickColor)

        colorPicker.isSelectOpen = false

        -- closedColorPicker(colorPicker.value[1], colorPicker.value[2], colorPicker.value[3])
    addCurrentColorToHistory = function()
        -- First look up in color history to check if the
        -- current color is already present there
        for i=1,15 do
            local color = colorHistory[i]
            if color[1] == colorPicker.value[1] and
               color[2] == colorPicker.value[2] and
               color[3] == colorPicker.value[3] and
               color[4] == colorPicker.value[4]

        -- Pop the last color and insert the new value
        table.insert(colorHistory, 1, table.copy(colorPicker.value))
    updateSelectedValue = function()
        if not guiGetVisible(colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow) then return end

        local r, g, b, a

        -- Check for color changes
        local wx, wy = guiGetPosition(colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow, false)
        local paletteX, paletteY = wx + colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteX, wy + colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteY
        local luminanceX, luminanceY = paletteX + 255 + colorPicker.selectWindow.luminanceOffset, paletteY
        local alphaX, alphaY = paletteX + 255 + colorPicker.selectWindow.alphaOffset - 1, paletteY
--Wont work until I get the actual mouse working
        local cursorX, cursorY = getCursorPosition()
        local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize()

        cursorX = cursorX * screenW
        cursorY = cursorY * screenH

        if colorPicker.pickingColor then
            if cursorX < paletteX then cursorX = paletteX
            elseif cursorX > paletteX + 255 then cursorX = paletteX + 255 end
            if cursorY < paletteY then cursorY = paletteY
            elseif cursorY > paletteY + 255 then cursorY = paletteY + 255 end

            setCursorPosition(cursorX, cursorY)

            colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s  = (cursorX - paletteX) / 255, (255 - cursorY + paletteY) / 255
            r, g, b = colorPicker.hsl2rgb(colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s, colorPicker.l)
            a = colorPicker.value[4] / 255
            colorPicker.avoidRecursion = true
            colorPicker.setValue({r*255, g*255, b*255, colorPicker.value[4]})
            colorPicker.avoidRecursion = false
        elseif colorPicker.pickingLuminance then
            if cursorY < luminanceY then cursorY = luminanceY
            elseif cursorY > luminanceY + 256 then cursorY = luminanceY + 256 end

            setCursorPosition(cursorX, cursorY)

            colorPicker.l = (256 - cursorY + luminanceY) / 256
            r, g, b = colorPicker.hsl2rgb(colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s, colorPicker.l)
            a = colorPicker.value[4] / 255
            colorPicker.avoidRecursion = true
            colorPicker.setValue({r*255, g*255, b*255, colorPicker.value[4]})
            colorPicker.avoidRecursion = false
        elseif colorPicker.pickingAlpha then
            if cursorY < alphaY then cursorY = alphaY
            elseif cursorY > alphaY + 255 then cursorY = alphaY + 255 end

            setCursorPosition(cursorX, cursorY)

            colorPicker.avoidRecursion = true
            colorPicker.setValue({colorPicker.value[1], colorPicker.value[2], colorPicker.value[3], cursorY - alphaY})
            colorPicker.avoidRecursion = false
            r, g, b, a = colorPicker.value[1] / 255, colorPicker.value[2] / 255, colorPicker.value[3] / 255, colorPicker.value[4] / 255
            r, g, b, a = colorPicker.value[1] / 255, colorPicker.value[2] / 255, colorPicker.value[3] / 255, colorPicker.value[4] / 255

        -- Draw the lines pointing to the current selected color
        local x = paletteX + (colorPicker.h * 255)
        local y = paletteY + ((1 - colorPicker.s) * 255)
        local color = tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255)

        dxDrawLine(x - 12, y, x - 2, y, color, 3, true)
        dxDrawLine(x + 2, y, x + 12, y, color, 3, true)
        dxDrawLine(x, y - 12, x, y - 2, color, 3, true)
        dxDrawLine(x, y + 2, x, y + 12, color, 3, true)

        -- Draw the luminance for this color
        local i
        for i=0,256 do
            local _r, _g, _b = colorPicker.hsl2rgb(colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s, (256 - i) / 256)
            local color = tocolor(_r * 255, _g * 255, _b * 255, 255)
            dxDrawRectangle(luminanceX, luminanceY + i, colorPicker.selectWindow.luminanceWidth, 1, color, true)

        -- Draw the luminance position marker
        local arrowX = luminanceX + colorPicker.selectWindow.luminanceWidth + 4
        local arrowY = luminanceY + ((1 - colorPicker.l) * 256)
        dxDrawLine(arrowX, arrowY, arrowX + 8, arrowY, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 2, true)

        -- Draw the alpha for this color
        for i=0,255 do
            local color = tocolor(colorPicker.value[1], colorPicker.value[2], colorPicker.value[3], i)
            dxDrawRectangle(alphaX, alphaY + i, colorPicker.selectWindow.alphaWidth + 1, 1, color, true)

        -- Draw the alpha position marker
        arrowX = alphaX + colorPicker.selectWindow.alphaWidth + 4
        arrowY = alphaY + colorPicker.value[4]
        dxDrawLine(arrowX, arrowY, arrowX + 8, arrowY, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 2, true)

        -- Draw the recently used colors
        local boxWidth = (colorPicker.selectWindow.historyWidth - 15) / 3
        local boxHeight = (colorPicker.selectWindow.historyHeight - 45) / 3
        for i=1,3 do
          for j=1,3 do
              local color = colorHistory[j + ((i - 1) * 3)]
              local x = wx + colorPicker.selectWindow.historyX + ((boxWidth + 5) * (j-1))
            local y = wy + colorPicker.selectWindow.historyY + 30 + ((boxHeight + 5) * (i-1))
            dxDrawRectangle(x, y, boxWidth, boxHeight, tocolor(unpack(color)), true)
    isCursorInArea = function( cursorX, cursorY, minX, minY, maxX, maxY )
        if cursorX < minX or cursorX > maxX or
           cursorY < minY or cursorY > maxY
            return false
        return true
    pickColor = function( button, state, cursorX, cursorY )
        if button ~= "left" then return end

        local wx, wy = guiGetPosition(colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow, false)
        local ww, wh = guiGetSize(colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow, false)

        local isOutsideWindow = not colorPicker.isCursorInArea(cursorX, cursorY, wx, wy, wx+ww, wy+wh)

        local minX, minY, maxX, maxY = wx + colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteX,
                                       wy + colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteY,
                           wx + colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteX + 255,
                           wy + colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteY + 255
        local isInPalette = colorPicker.isCursorInArea(cursorX, cursorY, minX, minY, maxX, maxY)

        minX, maxX = maxX + colorPicker.selectWindow.luminanceOffset,
                     maxX + colorPicker.selectWindow.luminanceOffset + colorPicker.selectWindow.luminanceWidth + 12
        maxY = maxY + 1
        local isInLuminance = colorPicker.isCursorInArea(cursorX, cursorY, minX, minY, maxX, maxY)
        maxY = maxY - 1

        minX, maxX = wx + colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteX + 255 + colorPicker.selectWindow.alphaOffset,
                     wx + colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteX + 255 + colorPicker.selectWindow.alphaOffset + colorPicker.selectWindow.alphaWidth + 12
        local isInAlpha = colorPicker.isCursorInArea(cursorX, cursorY, minX, minY, maxX, maxY)

        minX, minY, maxX, maxY = wx + colorPicker.selectWindow.historyX,
                                 wy + colorPicker.selectWindow.historyY,
                     wx + colorPicker.selectWindow.historyX + colorPicker.selectWindow.historyWidth,
                     wy + colorPicker.selectWindow.historyY + colorPicker.selectWindow.historyHeight
        local isInHistory = colorPicker.isCursorInArea(cursorX, cursorY, minX, minY, maxX, maxY)

        if state == "down" then
            if isOutsideWindow then
            elseif isInPalette then
                colorPicker.pickingColor = true
            elseif isInLuminance then
                colorPicker.pickingLuminance = true
            elseif isInAlpha then
                colorPicker.pickingAlpha = true
            elseif isInHistory then
                colorPicker.pickHistory(cursorX - minX, cursorY - minY)
        elseif state == "up" then
            if colorPicker.pickingColor then
                colorPicker.pickingColor = false
            elseif colorPicker.pickingLuminance then
                colorPicker.pickingLuminance = false
            elseif colorPicker.pickingAlpha then
                colorPicker.pickingAlpha = false
    pickHistory = function( cursorX, cursorY)
        local relX = cursorX
        local relY = cursorY - 25

        if relX < 0 or relY < 0 then return end

        local boxWidth = (colorPicker.selectWindow.historyWidth - 15) / 3
        local boxHeight = (colorPicker.selectWindow.historyHeight - 45) / 3

        local modX = relX % (boxWidth + 5)
        local modY = relY % (boxHeight + 5)

        if modX > boxWidth or modY > boxHeight then return end

        local j = math.floor(relX / (boxWidth + 5))
        local i = math.floor(relY / (boxHeight + 5))
        local box = j + 1 + i * 3

        if box < 1 or box > #colorHistory then return end
        local color = colorHistory[box]
        colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s, colorPicker.l = colorPicker.rgb2hsl(color[1] / 255, color[2] / 255, color[3] / 255)
        colorPicker.avoidRecursion = true
        colorPicker.avoidRecursion = false
    convertColorToTable = function( color )
        local result

        if type(color) == "string" then
            result = {getColorFromString(color)}
        elseif type(color) == "number" then
            local str
            if color > 0xFFFFFF then
                -- RGBA color
                str = "#" .. string.format("%08X", color)
                -- RGB color
                str = "#" .. string.format("%06X", color)
            result = {getColorFromString(str)}
        elseif type(color) == "table" then
            result = color
            result = { 255, 255, 255, 255 }

        local checkValue = function(value)
                             if not value then return 255 end
                     value = math.floor(tonumber(value))
                             if value < 0 then return 0
                             elseif value > 255 then return 255
                             else return value end
        result[1] = checkValue(result[1])
        result[2] = checkValue(result[2])
        result[3] = checkValue(result[3])
        result[4] = checkValue(result[4])

        return result
    hsl2rgb = function(h, s, l)
        local m2
        if l < 0.5 then
            m2 = l * (s + 1)
            m2 = (l + s) - (l * s)
        local m1 = l * 2 - m2

        local hue2rgb = function(m1, m2, h)
            if h < 0 then h = h + 1
            elseif h > 1 then h = h - 1 end

            if h*6 < 1 then
                return m1 + (m2 - m1) * h * 6
            elseif h*2 < 1 then
                return m2
            elseif h*3 < 2 then
                return m1 + (m2 - m1) * (2/3 - h) * 6
                return m1

        local r = hue2rgb(m1, m2, h + 1/3)
        local g = hue2rgb(m1, m2, h)
        local b = hue2rgb(m1, m2, h - 1/3)
        return r, g, b
    rgb2hsl = function(r, g, b)
        local max = math.max(r, g, b)
        local min = math.min(r, g, b)
        local l = (min + max) / 2
        local h
        local s

        if max == min then
            h = 0
            s = 0
            local d = max - min

            if l < 0.5 then
                s = d / (max + min)
                s = d / (2 - max - min)

            if max == r then
                h = (g - b) / d
                if g < b then h = h + 6 end
            elseif max == g then
                h = (b - r) / d + 2
                h = (r - g) / d + 4

            h = h / 6

        return h, s, l

tempColors = {}
colors = {}
tempColors[colors] = {}
--tempColors[colors].r, tempColors[colors].g, tempColors[colors].b, tempColors[colors].a = 0, 0, 0, 255


Aqui está a parte que você precisa incluir no meta.xml do seu resource:

    <script src="colorpicker/colorpicker.lua" type="client" />
    <file src="colorpicker/palette.png" />
    <file src="colorpicker/alpha.png" />

E por fim, aqui está um exemplo que eu fiz para abrir, usar e fechar o colorPicker.

client.lua (coloquei dentro de spoiler pq o código ficou grande)

addCommandHandler("abrir", function()
    if (colorPicker.isSelectOpen) then return end -- isSelectOpen verifica se o colorPicker está aberto. Se estiver, nada acontece.
    local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) -- Neste exemplo, o painel só funciona para veículos.
    if (veh and isElement(veh)) then
        local r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2, r3, g3, b3, r4, g4, b4 = getVehicleColor(veh, true) -- O true serve para obter as cores no formato RGB em vez de paleta.
        local r, g, b, a = 255, 255, 255, 255
        if (guiCheckBoxGetSelected(checkColor1)) then -- Checkbox do colorPicker para setar no painel só a cor 1 do veículo.
            r, g, b = r1, g1, b1
        if (guiCheckBoxGetSelected(checkColor2)) then -- Cor 2 do veículo.
            r, g, b = r2, g2, b2
        if (guiCheckBoxGetSelected(checkColor3)) then -- Cor 3 do veículo.
            r, g, b = r3, g3, b3
        -- if (guiCheckBoxGetSelected(checkColor4)) then -- Cor 4 não é utilizada.
            -- r, g, b = r4, g4, b4
        -- end
        if (guiCheckBoxGetSelected(checkColor5)) then -- Checkbox do colorPicker para setar no painel só a cor do farol do veículo.
            r, g, b = getVehicleHeadLightColor(veh)
        showCursor(true) -- Mostra o cursor para poder interagir com o painel.
        colorPicker.setValue({r, g, b, a}) -- Função principal que seta a cor no colorPicker.
        colorPicker.openSelect() -- Função principal que abre o painel.
        addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, updateColor) -- Começa a atualizar a cor do veículo de acordo com o painel.

function updateColor() -- Fica setando a cor do colorPicker no veículo enquanto clica nas cores do painel.
    if (not colorPicker.isSelectOpen) then -- isSelectOpen verifica se o colorPicker está aberto. Se não estiver, fecha o painel e para de atualizar a cor do veículo com o painel.
        removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, updateColor)
        showCursor(false) -- Opcional, oculta o cursor depois de fechar o painel.
        local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer)
        if (veh and isElement(veh)) then
            local r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2, r3, g3, b3 = getVehicleColor(veh, true)
            local r, g, b = getVehicleHeadLightColor(veh)
            -- Manda as cores setadas para o servidor. Assim os outros jogadores verão a cor nova do veículo também.
            triggerServerEvent("getColorsFromClient", veh, r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2, r3, g3, b3, r, g, b) -- Esse trigger só é executado ao fechar o painel.
    local r, g, b, a = colorPicker.updateTempColors() -- Funciona como um 'getColor' do painel, mas precisa do onClientRender para ficar pegando a cor exata enquanto move a seleção.
    local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer)
    if (veh and isElement(veh)) then
        local r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2, r3, g3, b3, r4, g4, b4  = getVehicleColor(veh, true)
        if (guiCheckBoxGetSelected(checkColor1)) then
            r1, g1, b1 = r, g, b
        if (guiCheckBoxGetSelected(checkColor2)) then
            r2, g2, b2 = r, g, b
        if (guiCheckBoxGetSelected(checkColor3)) then
            r3, g3, b3 = r, g, b
        -- if (guiCheckBoxGetSelected(checkColor4)) then -- Cor 4 não é utilizada.
            -- r4, g4, b4 = r, g, b
        -- end
        if (guiCheckBoxGetSelected(checkColor5)) then
            setVehicleHeadLightColor(veh, r, g, b)
        setVehicleColor(veh, r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2, r3, g3, b3)

addCommandHandler("fechar", function() -- O painel fecha sozinho se clicar fora dele, mas caso queira fechar via comando:
    colorPicker.closeSelect() -- Função principal que fecha o painel.




addEvent("getColorsFromClient", true)
addEventHandler("getColorsFromClient", root, function(r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2, r3, g3, b3, r, g, b)
    if isElement(source) then
        setVehicleColor(source, r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2, r3, g3, b3)
        setVehicleHeadLightColor(source, r, g, b)


Resumo de funções usadas e sua utilidade:

  • colorPicker.isSelectOpen()
    • Retorna true se a janela do colorPicker está aberta e retorna false caso contrário.
    • Não precisa de parâmetros.
  • colorPicker.setValue()
    • Seta uma cor RGBA na janela, use isso antes de abrir a janela se não quiser que ela abra na cor vermelha (padrão).
    • Precisa de um único parâmetro que é uma tabela com os valores {r, g, b, a} respectivamente.
  • colorPicker.updateTempColors()
    • Retorna 4 valores inteiros, RGBA respectivamente. É a cor que está na janela do colorPicker. Basicamente é um getValue() da janela.
    • Precisa estar dentro de um onClientRender para ficar obtendo a posição atual da seleção na janela.
    • Não precisa de parâmetros.
  • colorPicker.openSelect()
    • Mostra a janela do colorPicker. (ela já foi criada ao iniciar o resource, mas fica oculta até ser chamada)
    • Precisa ter um showCursor(true) antes para mostrar o ponteiro do mouse e interagir com o colorPicker.
    • Não precisa de parâmetros.
  • colorPicker.closeSelect()
    • Oculta a janela do colorPicker. (ela não é destruída, apenas ocultada)
    • Precisa ter um showCursor(false) depois para ocultar o ponteiro do mouse. A não ser que no seu resource tenha outra janela para interagir e por isso não precisaria ocultar o ponteiro ainda.
    • Essa função é chamada automaticamente se clicar fora da janela do colorPicker.
    • Não precisa de parâmetros.

OBS: Esse colorPicker foi editado por Lord Henry para tradução e para desabilitar a cor 4 que não é utilizada.

Edited by Lord Henry
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