Doongogar Posted April 1, 2023 Share Posted April 1, 2023 Como faço um painel no qual o player clicka em uma cor e essa cor e selecionada pode ser tanto em GUI, ou DX também é mais ou menos assim: Link to comment
Other Languages Moderators Lord Henry Posted April 1, 2023 Other Languages Moderators Share Posted April 1, 2023 Sua imagem está inacessível, na próxima vez upe ela no imgur e cole o link direto dela aqui. Link to comment
Doongogar Posted April 3, 2023 Author Share Posted April 3, 2023 (edited) perdão, aqui upada pelo imgur: Edited April 3, 2023 by Lord Henry Link convertido em imagem Link to comment
Other Languages Moderators Lord Henry Posted April 3, 2023 Other Languages Moderators Share Posted April 3, 2023 (edited) Você pode pegar o colorPicker do painel F1 (freeroam). (deixe os arquivos dele dentro de uma pasta chamada "colorpicker" e deixe essa pasta dentro do seu resource) Aqui estão os arquivos dele: (clique com o botão direito em cima da imagem e depois vá em "Salvar como") Spoiler alpha.png Spoiler palette.png Spoiler colorpicker.lua function table.copy(theTable) local t = {} for k, v in pairs(theTable) do if type(v) == "table" then t[k] = table.copy(theTable) else t[k] = v end end return t end colorPicker = { default = { x = 0, y = 0, width = 200, height = 20, buttonWidth = .38, testWidth = .6, testHeight = 1, relative = false, value = "#ff0000ff", selectWindow = { width = 350, height = 430, paletteX = 18, paletteY = 30, luminanceOffset = 10, luminanceWidth = 15, alphaOffset = 25 + 17, alphaWidth = 15, rgbX = 265, rgbY = 300, rgbWidth = 50, rgbHeight = 21, hslX = 190, hslY = 300, hslWidth = 50, hslHeight = 21, historyX = 18, historyY = 300, historyWidth = 140, historyHeight = 80, noteX = 18, noteY = 378, ra1X = 18, ra1Y = 390, ra2X = 88, ra2Y = 390, ra3X = 18, ra3Y = 405, ra4X = 88, ra4Y = 405, ra5X = 168, ra5Y = 397, } }, constructor = function( info ) info = info or colorPicker.default colorPicker.value = colorPicker.convertColorToTable(info.value) colorPicker.buttonWidth = info.width * colorPicker.default.buttonWidth local offset = 1 --px local height = 10 --local sizeX, sizeY = guiGetSize(info.parent, false) if not sizeX then sizeX, sizeY = guiGetScreenSize() end if info.relative then offset = offset / sizeX height = height / sizeY end colorPicker.GUI = {} colorPicker.children = {} -- Create the color selection window local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() colorPicker.selectWindow = info.selectWindow colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow = guiCreateWindow(screenW - info.selectWindow.width, (screenH - info.selectWindow.height) / 2, info.selectWindow.width, info.selectWindow.height, "ColorPicker (clique fora da janela para fechar)", false) guiSetVisible(colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow, false) guiWindowSetSizable(colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow, false) colorPicker.GUI.palette = guiCreateStaticImage(colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteX, colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteY, 256, 256, "colorpicker/palette.png", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow) colorPicker.GUI.alphaBar = guiCreateStaticImage(colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteX + 255 + colorPicker.selectWindow.alphaOffset, colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteY, colorPicker.selectWindow.alphaWidth, 255, "colorpicker/alpha.png", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow) colorPicker.isSelectOpen = false -- Create the RGB and HSL edit boxes colorPicker.children.R = guiCreateEdit(info.selectWindow.rgbX + 10, info.selectWindow.rgbY, info.selectWindow.rgbWidth, info.selectWindow.rgbHeight, tostring( colorPicker.value[1] ), false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow) guiEditSetMaxLength(colorPicker.children.R, 3) addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.R, colorPicker.forceNaturalAndRange) addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.R, colorPicker.selectionManualInputRGB) colorPicker.GUI.labelR = guiCreateLabel(info.selectWindow.rgbX, info.selectWindow.rgbY + 3, 10, 20, "R", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow) guiSetFont(colorPicker.GUI.labelR, "default-bold-small") colorPicker.children.G = guiCreateEdit(info.selectWindow.rgbX + 10, info.selectWindow.rgbY + info.selectWindow.rgbHeight, info.selectWindow.rgbWidth, info.selectWindow.rgbHeight, tostring( colorPicker.value[2] ), false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow) guiEditSetMaxLength(colorPicker.children.G, 3) addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.G, colorPicker.forceNaturalAndRange) addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.G, colorPicker.selectionManualInputRGB) colorPicker.GUI.labelG = guiCreateLabel(info.selectWindow.rgbX, info.selectWindow.rgbY + 3 + info.selectWindow.rgbHeight, 10, 20, "G", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow) guiSetFont(colorPicker.GUI.labelG, "default-bold-small") colorPicker.children.B = guiCreateEdit(info.selectWindow.rgbX + 10, info.selectWindow.rgbY + info.selectWindow.rgbHeight*2, info.selectWindow.rgbWidth, info.selectWindow.rgbHeight, tostring( colorPicker.value[3] ), false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow) guiEditSetMaxLength(colorPicker.children.B, 3) addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.B, colorPicker.forceNaturalAndRange) addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.B, colorPicker.selectionManualInputRGB) colorPicker.GUI.labelB = guiCreateLabel(info.selectWindow.rgbX, info.selectWindow.rgbY + 3 + info.selectWindow.rgbHeight*2, 10, 20, "B", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow) guiSetFont(colorPicker.GUI.labelB, "default-bold-small") colorPicker.children.A = guiCreateEdit(info.selectWindow.rgbX + 10, info.selectWindow.rgbY + info.selectWindow.rgbHeight*3, info.selectWindow.rgbWidth, info.selectWindow.rgbHeight, tostring( colorPicker.value[4] ), false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow) guiEditSetMaxLength(colorPicker.children.A, 3) addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.A, colorPicker.forceNaturalAndRange) addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.A, colorPicker.selectionManualInputRGB) colorPicker.GUI.labelA = guiCreateLabel(info.selectWindow.rgbX - 25, info.selectWindow.rgbY + 3 + info.selectWindow.rgbHeight*3, 50, 20, "Alpha", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow) guiSetFont(colorPicker.GUI.labelA, "default-bold-small") colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s, colorPicker.l = colorPicker.rgb2hsl(colorPicker.value[1] / 255, colorPicker.value[2] / 255, colorPicker.value[3] / 255) colorPicker.children.H = guiCreateEdit(info.selectWindow.hslX + 10, info.selectWindow.hslY, info.selectWindow.hslWidth, info.selectWindow.hslHeight, tostring( math.floor(colorPicker.h * 255) ), false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow) guiEditSetMaxLength(colorPicker.children.H, 3) addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.H, colorPicker.forceNaturalAndRange) addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.H, colorPicker.selectionManualInputHSL) colorPicker.GUI.labelH = guiCreateLabel(info.selectWindow.hslX, info.selectWindow.hslY + 3, 10, 20, "H", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow) guiSetFont(colorPicker.GUI.labelH, "default-bold-small") colorPicker.children.S = guiCreateEdit(info.selectWindow.hslX + 10, info.selectWindow.hslY + info.selectWindow.hslHeight, info.selectWindow.hslWidth, info.selectWindow.hslHeight, tostring( math.floor(colorPicker.s * 255) ), false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow) guiEditSetMaxLength(colorPicker.children.S, 3) addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.S, colorPicker.forceNaturalAndRange) addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.S, colorPicker.selectionManualInputHSL) colorPicker.GUI.labelS = guiCreateLabel(info.selectWindow.hslX, info.selectWindow.hslY + 3 + info.selectWindow.hslHeight, 10, 20, "S", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow) guiSetFont(colorPicker.GUI.labelS, "default-bold-small") colorPicker.children.L = guiCreateEdit(info.selectWindow.hslX + 10, info.selectWindow.hslY + info.selectWindow.hslHeight*2, info.selectWindow.hslWidth, info.selectWindow.hslHeight, tostring( math.floor(colorPicker.s * 255) ), false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow) guiEditSetMaxLength(colorPicker.children.L, 3) addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.L, colorPicker.forceNaturalAndRange) addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.L, colorPicker.selectionManualInputHSL) colorPicker.GUI.labelL = guiCreateLabel(info.selectWindow.hslX, info.selectWindow.hslY + 3 + info.selectWindow.hslHeight*2, 10, 20, "L", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow) guiSetFont(colorPicker.GUI.labelL, "default-bold-small") -- Create the color history if not colorHistory then colorHistory = {} for i=1,15 do colorHistory[i] = { 255, 255, 255, 200 } end end colorPicker.GUI.historyLabel = guiCreateLabel(info.selectWindow.historyX, info.selectWindow.historyY, 150, 15, "Cores usadas recentemente:", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow) colorPicker.GUI.noteLabel = guiCreateLabel(info.selectWindow.noteX, info.selectWindow.noteY, 190, 15, "Clique fora da janela para fechar.", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow) guiSetFont( colorPicker.GUI.noteLabel, "default-small" ) checkColor1 = guiCreateCheckBox(info.selectWindow.ra1X, info.selectWindow.ra1Y, 70, 15, "Cor 1", true, false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow) checkColor2 = guiCreateCheckBox(info.selectWindow.ra2X, info.selectWindow.ra2Y, 70, 15, "Cor 2", false, false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow) checkColor3 = guiCreateCheckBox(info.selectWindow.ra3X, info.selectWindow.ra3Y, 70, 15, "Cor 3", false, false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow) checkColor4 = guiCreateCheckBox(info.selectWindow.ra4X, info.selectWindow.ra4Y, 70, 15, "Cor 4", false, false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow) guiSetEnabled(checkColor4, false) checkColor5 = guiCreateCheckBox(info.selectWindow.ra5X, info.selectWindow.ra5Y, 75, 15, "Farol", false, false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow) colorPicker.avoidRecursion = false end, forceNaturalAndRange = function() local inputText = guiGetText( source ) if not tonumber( inputText ) then local changedText = string.gsub( inputText, "[^%d]", "" ) if changedText ~= inputText then guiSetText(source, changedText) end end local inputNumber = tonumber(guiGetText( source )) if inputNumber then local clampedNumber = inputNumber clampedNumber = math.max(clampedNumber, 0) clampedNumber = math.min(clampedNumber, 255) if clampedNumber ~= inputNumber then guiSetText(source, tostring(clampedNumber)) end end end, setValue = function( value ) colorPicker.value = colorPicker.convertColorToTable(value) colorPicker.updateTempColors() local avoidRecursion = colorPicker.avoidRecursion colorPicker.avoidRecursion = true colorPicker.updateSelectionWindowEdits() colorPicker.avoidRecursion = avoidRecursion return true end, selectionManualInputRGB = function() if not colorPicker.avoidRecursion then colorPicker.avoidRecursion = true local r, g, b, a = tonumber(guiGetText(colorPicker.children.R)), tonumber(guiGetText(colorPicker.children.G)), tonumber(guiGetText(colorPicker.children.B)), tonumber(guiGetText(colorPicker.children.A)) if not r or not g or not b or not a then colorPicker.avoidRecursion = false return end colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s, colorPicker.l = colorPicker.rgb2hsl(r / 255, g / 255, b / 255) colorPicker.setValue({r, g, b, a}) colorPicker.avoidRecursion = false end end, selectionManualInputHSL = function() if not colorPicker.avoidRecursion then colorPicker.avoidRecursion = true local h, s, l = tonumber(guiGetText(colorPicker.children.H)), tonumber(guiGetText(colorPicker.children.S)), tonumber(guiGetText(colorPicker.children.L)) if not h or not s or not l then colorPicker.avoidRecursion = false return end colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s, colorPicker.l = h / 255, s / 255, l / 256 local r, g, b = colorPicker.hsl2rgb(colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s, colorPicker.l) colorPicker.setValue({r * 255, g * 255, b * 255, colorPicker.value[4]}) colorPicker.avoidRecursion = false end end, updateSelectionWindowEdits = function() guiSetText(colorPicker.children.R, tostring(colorPicker.value[1])) guiSetText(colorPicker.children.G, tostring(colorPicker.value[2])) guiSetText(colorPicker.children.B, tostring(colorPicker.value[3])) guiSetText(colorPicker.children.A, tostring(colorPicker.value[4])) guiSetText(colorPicker.children.H, tostring(math.floor(colorPicker.h * 255))) guiSetText(colorPicker.children.S, tostring(math.floor(colorPicker.s * 255))) guiSetText(colorPicker.children.L, tostring(math.floor(colorPicker.l * 256))) end, --This is where the color updates every time you click the palette or presets! updateTempColors = function() local r, g, b, a = colorPicker.value[1], colorPicker.value[2], colorPicker.value[3], colorPicker.value[4] return r, g, b, a end, openSelect = function( currentColor ) if colorPicker.isSelectOpen then return end colorPicker.currentColor = currentColor --local r, g, b, a = tempColors[currentColor].r, tempColors[currentColor].g, tempColors[currentColor].b, tempColors[currentColor].a --colorPicker.setValue( { r * 255, g * 255, b * 255, a * 255 } ) guiSetVisible(colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow, true) guiBringToFront(colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, colorPicker.updateSelectedValue) addEventHandler("onClientClick", root, colorPicker.pickColor) colorPicker.isSelectOpen = true colorPicker.pickingColor = false colorPicker.pickingLuminance = false colorPicker.pickingAlpha = false colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s, colorPicker.l = colorPicker.rgb2hsl(colorPicker.value[1] / 255, colorPicker.value[2] / 255, colorPicker.value[3] / 255) end, closeSelect = function() if not colorPicker.isSelectOpen then return end colorPicker.currentColor = nil guiSetVisible(colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow, false) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, colorPicker.updateSelectedValue) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, colorPicker.pickColor) colorPicker.isSelectOpen = false colorPicker.addCurrentColorToHistory() -- closedColorPicker(colorPicker.value[1], colorPicker.value[2], colorPicker.value[3]) end, addCurrentColorToHistory = function() -- First look up in color history to check if the -- current color is already present there for i=1,15 do local color = colorHistory[i] if color[1] == colorPicker.value[1] and color[2] == colorPicker.value[2] and color[3] == colorPicker.value[3] and color[4] == colorPicker.value[4] then return end end -- Pop the last color and insert the new value table.remove(colorHistory) table.insert(colorHistory, 1, table.copy(colorPicker.value)) end, updateSelectedValue = function() if not guiGetVisible(colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow) then return end local r, g, b, a -- Check for color changes local wx, wy = guiGetPosition(colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow, false) local paletteX, paletteY = wx + colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteX, wy + colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteY local luminanceX, luminanceY = paletteX + 255 + colorPicker.selectWindow.luminanceOffset, paletteY local alphaX, alphaY = paletteX + 255 + colorPicker.selectWindow.alphaOffset - 1, paletteY --Wont work until I get the actual mouse working local cursorX, cursorY = getCursorPosition() local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() cursorX = cursorX * screenW cursorY = cursorY * screenH if colorPicker.pickingColor then if cursorX < paletteX then cursorX = paletteX elseif cursorX > paletteX + 255 then cursorX = paletteX + 255 end if cursorY < paletteY then cursorY = paletteY elseif cursorY > paletteY + 255 then cursorY = paletteY + 255 end setCursorPosition(cursorX, cursorY) colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s = (cursorX - paletteX) / 255, (255 - cursorY + paletteY) / 255 r, g, b = colorPicker.hsl2rgb(colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s, colorPicker.l) a = colorPicker.value[4] / 255 colorPicker.avoidRecursion = true colorPicker.setValue({r*255, g*255, b*255, colorPicker.value[4]}) colorPicker.avoidRecursion = false elseif colorPicker.pickingLuminance then if cursorY < luminanceY then cursorY = luminanceY elseif cursorY > luminanceY + 256 then cursorY = luminanceY + 256 end setCursorPosition(cursorX, cursorY) colorPicker.l = (256 - cursorY + luminanceY) / 256 r, g, b = colorPicker.hsl2rgb(colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s, colorPicker.l) a = colorPicker.value[4] / 255 colorPicker.avoidRecursion = true colorPicker.setValue({r*255, g*255, b*255, colorPicker.value[4]}) colorPicker.avoidRecursion = false elseif colorPicker.pickingAlpha then if cursorY < alphaY then cursorY = alphaY elseif cursorY > alphaY + 255 then cursorY = alphaY + 255 end setCursorPosition(cursorX, cursorY) colorPicker.avoidRecursion = true colorPicker.setValue({colorPicker.value[1], colorPicker.value[2], colorPicker.value[3], cursorY - alphaY}) colorPicker.avoidRecursion = false r, g, b, a = colorPicker.value[1] / 255, colorPicker.value[2] / 255, colorPicker.value[3] / 255, colorPicker.value[4] / 255 else r, g, b, a = colorPicker.value[1] / 255, colorPicker.value[2] / 255, colorPicker.value[3] / 255, colorPicker.value[4] / 255 end -- Draw the lines pointing to the current selected color local x = paletteX + (colorPicker.h * 255) local y = paletteY + ((1 - colorPicker.s) * 255) local color = tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255) dxDrawLine(x - 12, y, x - 2, y, color, 3, true) dxDrawLine(x + 2, y, x + 12, y, color, 3, true) dxDrawLine(x, y - 12, x, y - 2, color, 3, true) dxDrawLine(x, y + 2, x, y + 12, color, 3, true) -- Draw the luminance for this color local i for i=0,256 do local _r, _g, _b = colorPicker.hsl2rgb(colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s, (256 - i) / 256) local color = tocolor(_r * 255, _g * 255, _b * 255, 255) dxDrawRectangle(luminanceX, luminanceY + i, colorPicker.selectWindow.luminanceWidth, 1, color, true) end -- Draw the luminance position marker local arrowX = luminanceX + colorPicker.selectWindow.luminanceWidth + 4 local arrowY = luminanceY + ((1 - colorPicker.l) * 256) dxDrawLine(arrowX, arrowY, arrowX + 8, arrowY, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 2, true) -- Draw the alpha for this color for i=0,255 do local color = tocolor(colorPicker.value[1], colorPicker.value[2], colorPicker.value[3], i) dxDrawRectangle(alphaX, alphaY + i, colorPicker.selectWindow.alphaWidth + 1, 1, color, true) end -- Draw the alpha position marker arrowX = alphaX + colorPicker.selectWindow.alphaWidth + 4 arrowY = alphaY + colorPicker.value[4] dxDrawLine(arrowX, arrowY, arrowX + 8, arrowY, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 2, true) -- Draw the recently used colors local boxWidth = (colorPicker.selectWindow.historyWidth - 15) / 3 local boxHeight = (colorPicker.selectWindow.historyHeight - 45) / 3 for i=1,3 do for j=1,3 do local color = colorHistory[j + ((i - 1) * 3)] local x = wx + colorPicker.selectWindow.historyX + ((boxWidth + 5) * (j-1)) local y = wy + colorPicker.selectWindow.historyY + 30 + ((boxHeight + 5) * (i-1)) dxDrawRectangle(x, y, boxWidth, boxHeight, tocolor(unpack(color)), true) end end end, isCursorInArea = function( cursorX, cursorY, minX, minY, maxX, maxY ) if cursorX < minX or cursorX > maxX or cursorY < minY or cursorY > maxY then return false end return true end, pickColor = function( button, state, cursorX, cursorY ) if button ~= "left" then return end local wx, wy = guiGetPosition(colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow, false) local ww, wh = guiGetSize(colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow, false) local isOutsideWindow = not colorPicker.isCursorInArea(cursorX, cursorY, wx, wy, wx+ww, wy+wh) local minX, minY, maxX, maxY = wx + colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteX, wy + colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteY, wx + colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteX + 255, wy + colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteY + 255 local isInPalette = colorPicker.isCursorInArea(cursorX, cursorY, minX, minY, maxX, maxY) minX, maxX = maxX + colorPicker.selectWindow.luminanceOffset, maxX + colorPicker.selectWindow.luminanceOffset + colorPicker.selectWindow.luminanceWidth + 12 maxY = maxY + 1 local isInLuminance = colorPicker.isCursorInArea(cursorX, cursorY, minX, minY, maxX, maxY) maxY = maxY - 1 minX, maxX = wx + colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteX + 255 + colorPicker.selectWindow.alphaOffset, wx + colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteX + 255 + colorPicker.selectWindow.alphaOffset + colorPicker.selectWindow.alphaWidth + 12 local isInAlpha = colorPicker.isCursorInArea(cursorX, cursorY, minX, minY, maxX, maxY) minX, minY, maxX, maxY = wx + colorPicker.selectWindow.historyX, wy + colorPicker.selectWindow.historyY, wx + colorPicker.selectWindow.historyX + colorPicker.selectWindow.historyWidth, wy + colorPicker.selectWindow.historyY + colorPicker.selectWindow.historyHeight local isInHistory = colorPicker.isCursorInArea(cursorX, cursorY, minX, minY, maxX, maxY) if state == "down" then if isOutsideWindow then colorPicker.closeSelect() elseif isInPalette then colorPicker.pickingColor = true elseif isInLuminance then colorPicker.pickingLuminance = true elseif isInAlpha then colorPicker.pickingAlpha = true elseif isInHistory then colorPicker.pickHistory(cursorX - minX, cursorY - minY) end elseif state == "up" then if colorPicker.pickingColor then colorPicker.pickingColor = false elseif colorPicker.pickingLuminance then colorPicker.pickingLuminance = false elseif colorPicker.pickingAlpha then colorPicker.pickingAlpha = false end end end, pickHistory = function( cursorX, cursorY) local relX = cursorX local relY = cursorY - 25 if relX < 0 or relY < 0 then return end local boxWidth = (colorPicker.selectWindow.historyWidth - 15) / 3 local boxHeight = (colorPicker.selectWindow.historyHeight - 45) / 3 local modX = relX % (boxWidth + 5) local modY = relY % (boxHeight + 5) if modX > boxWidth or modY > boxHeight then return end local j = math.floor(relX / (boxWidth + 5)) local i = math.floor(relY / (boxHeight + 5)) local box = j + 1 + i * 3 if box < 1 or box > #colorHistory then return end local color = colorHistory[box] colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s, colorPicker.l = colorPicker.rgb2hsl(color[1] / 255, color[2] / 255, color[3] / 255) colorPicker.avoidRecursion = true colorPicker.setValue(color) colorPicker.avoidRecursion = false end, convertColorToTable = function( color ) local result if type(color) == "string" then result = {getColorFromString(color)} elseif type(color) == "number" then local str if color > 0xFFFFFF then -- RGBA color str = "#" .. string.format("%08X", color) else -- RGB color str = "#" .. string.format("%06X", color) end result = {getColorFromString(str)} elseif type(color) == "table" then result = color else result = { 255, 255, 255, 255 } end local checkValue = function(value) if not value then return 255 end value = math.floor(tonumber(value)) if value < 0 then return 0 elseif value > 255 then return 255 else return value end end result[1] = checkValue(result[1]) result[2] = checkValue(result[2]) result[3] = checkValue(result[3]) result[4] = checkValue(result[4]) return result end, hsl2rgb = function(h, s, l) local m2 if l < 0.5 then m2 = l * (s + 1) else m2 = (l + s) - (l * s) end local m1 = l * 2 - m2 local hue2rgb = function(m1, m2, h) if h < 0 then h = h + 1 elseif h > 1 then h = h - 1 end if h*6 < 1 then return m1 + (m2 - m1) * h * 6 elseif h*2 < 1 then return m2 elseif h*3 < 2 then return m1 + (m2 - m1) * (2/3 - h) * 6 else return m1 end end local r = hue2rgb(m1, m2, h + 1/3) local g = hue2rgb(m1, m2, h) local b = hue2rgb(m1, m2, h - 1/3) return r, g, b end, rgb2hsl = function(r, g, b) local max = math.max(r, g, b) local min = math.min(r, g, b) local l = (min + max) / 2 local h local s if max == min then h = 0 s = 0 else local d = max - min if l < 0.5 then s = d / (max + min) else s = d / (2 - max - min) end if max == r then h = (g - b) / d if g < b then h = h + 6 end elseif max == g then h = (b - r) / d + 2 else h = (r - g) / d + 4 end h = h / 6 end return h, s, l end, } tempColors = {} colors = {} tempColors[colors] = {} --tempColors[colors].r, tempColors[colors].g, tempColors[colors].b, tempColors[colors].a = 0, 0, 0, 255 colorPicker.constructor(colorPicker.default) Aqui está a parte que você precisa incluir no meta.xml do seu resource: <script src="colorpicker/colorpicker.lua" type="client" /> <file src="colorpicker/palette.png" /> <file src="colorpicker/alpha.png" /> E por fim, aqui está um exemplo que eu fiz para abrir, usar e fechar o colorPicker. client.lua (coloquei dentro de spoiler pq o código ficou grande) Spoiler addCommandHandler("abrir", function() if (colorPicker.isSelectOpen) then return end -- isSelectOpen verifica se o colorPicker está aberto. Se estiver, nada acontece. local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) -- Neste exemplo, o painel só funciona para veículos. if (veh and isElement(veh)) then local r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2, r3, g3, b3, r4, g4, b4 = getVehicleColor(veh, true) -- O true serve para obter as cores no formato RGB em vez de paleta. local r, g, b, a = 255, 255, 255, 255 if (guiCheckBoxGetSelected(checkColor1)) then -- Checkbox do colorPicker para setar no painel só a cor 1 do veículo. r, g, b = r1, g1, b1 end if (guiCheckBoxGetSelected(checkColor2)) then -- Cor 2 do veículo. r, g, b = r2, g2, b2 end if (guiCheckBoxGetSelected(checkColor3)) then -- Cor 3 do veículo. r, g, b = r3, g3, b3 end -- if (guiCheckBoxGetSelected(checkColor4)) then -- Cor 4 não é utilizada. -- r, g, b = r4, g4, b4 -- end if (guiCheckBoxGetSelected(checkColor5)) then -- Checkbox do colorPicker para setar no painel só a cor do farol do veículo. r, g, b = getVehicleHeadLightColor(veh) end showCursor(true) -- Mostra o cursor para poder interagir com o painel. colorPicker.setValue({r, g, b, a}) -- Função principal que seta a cor no colorPicker. colorPicker.openSelect() -- Função principal que abre o painel. addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, updateColor) -- Começa a atualizar a cor do veículo de acordo com o painel. end end) function updateColor() -- Fica setando a cor do colorPicker no veículo enquanto clica nas cores do painel. if (not colorPicker.isSelectOpen) then -- isSelectOpen verifica se o colorPicker está aberto. Se não estiver, fecha o painel e para de atualizar a cor do veículo com o painel. removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, updateColor) showCursor(false) -- Opcional, oculta o cursor depois de fechar o painel. local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if (veh and isElement(veh)) then local r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2, r3, g3, b3 = getVehicleColor(veh, true) local r, g, b = getVehicleHeadLightColor(veh) -- Manda as cores setadas para o servidor. Assim os outros jogadores verão a cor nova do veículo também. triggerServerEvent("getColorsFromClient", veh, r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2, r3, g3, b3, r, g, b) -- Esse trigger só é executado ao fechar o painel. end return end local r, g, b, a = colorPicker.updateTempColors() -- Funciona como um 'getColor' do painel, mas precisa do onClientRender para ficar pegando a cor exata enquanto move a seleção. local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if (veh and isElement(veh)) then local r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2, r3, g3, b3, r4, g4, b4 = getVehicleColor(veh, true) if (guiCheckBoxGetSelected(checkColor1)) then r1, g1, b1 = r, g, b end if (guiCheckBoxGetSelected(checkColor2)) then r2, g2, b2 = r, g, b end if (guiCheckBoxGetSelected(checkColor3)) then r3, g3, b3 = r, g, b end -- if (guiCheckBoxGetSelected(checkColor4)) then -- Cor 4 não é utilizada. -- r4, g4, b4 = r, g, b -- end if (guiCheckBoxGetSelected(checkColor5)) then setVehicleHeadLightColor(veh, r, g, b) end setVehicleColor(veh, r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2, r3, g3, b3) end end addCommandHandler("fechar", function() -- O painel fecha sozinho se clicar fora dele, mas caso queira fechar via comando: colorPicker.closeSelect() -- Função principal que fecha o painel. end) server.lua addEvent("getColorsFromClient", true) addEventHandler("getColorsFromClient", root, function(r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2, r3, g3, b3, r, g, b) if isElement(source) then setVehicleColor(source, r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2, r3, g3, b3) setVehicleHeadLightColor(source, r, g, b) end end) Resumo de funções usadas e sua utilidade: colorPicker.isSelectOpen() Retorna true se a janela do colorPicker está aberta e retorna false caso contrário. Não precisa de parâmetros. colorPicker.setValue() Seta uma cor RGBA na janela, use isso antes de abrir a janela se não quiser que ela abra na cor vermelha (padrão). Precisa de um único parâmetro que é uma tabela com os valores {r, g, b, a} respectivamente. colorPicker.updateTempColors() Retorna 4 valores inteiros, RGBA respectivamente. É a cor que está na janela do colorPicker. Basicamente é um getValue() da janela. Precisa estar dentro de um onClientRender para ficar obtendo a posição atual da seleção na janela. Não precisa de parâmetros. colorPicker.openSelect() Mostra a janela do colorPicker. (ela já foi criada ao iniciar o resource, mas fica oculta até ser chamada) Precisa ter um showCursor(true) antes para mostrar o ponteiro do mouse e interagir com o colorPicker. Não precisa de parâmetros. colorPicker.closeSelect() Oculta a janela do colorPicker. (ela não é destruída, apenas ocultada) Precisa ter um showCursor(false) depois para ocultar o ponteiro do mouse. A não ser que no seu resource tenha outra janela para interagir e por isso não precisaria ocultar o ponteiro ainda. Essa função é chamada automaticamente se clicar fora da janela do colorPicker. Não precisa de parâmetros. OBS: Esse colorPicker foi editado por Lord Henry para tradução e para desabilitar a cor 4 que não é utilizada. Edited April 3, 2023 by Lord Henry 1 1 Link to comment
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