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Some ideas to make free roam DM better


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1. More contraol over your radar blimp

/BePublic (Let your radar icon be displayed on all players radars)

/BePrivate (Only allys can see your radar icon)

2. Allys

/AddAlly [Player name]

Asks that player to be an ally, After using this the other player should get a massage like the race voting you have now


Kamazy has asked you to be allys

F1. Accept

F2. Decline

F3. Ignore Ally Requests from this player


/RemoveAlly [player name] (Remove an ally)

/Allymoneyshare 0/1 (All allys will share money)

This massage would apear when a player askes for moneyshare and if moneyshare is on and you just entered the allys group.


Kamazy has asked for ally money share.

F1. Accept

F2. Decline

F3. Ignore ally money share from this player


3. Freeroam Races

/StartRace [Racename] [time before race will start] [cost to enter]

After a player uses this command a massage would apear on the other players screen to enter the race.


Kamazy is starting race Dingyfalls cost 500000 to enter

F1. Enter race

F2. Don't Enter race

F3. Ignore races from this player

F4. Ignore all races


If a player enters a race he will be teleported to a spawn point and wait.

If a player doesn't enter a race he won't see or have any connection to the race(Race objects and players won't be shown on his screen). This way their can be many races at once without cousing lots of lag.

That's just a few thing that will make freeoraming really fun.

And i know that Race and DM are different mods but maybe there can be some kind of connection to make freeroam races.

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That really has nothing to do with the devs putting this into mtasa dm because those have nothing to do with mtasa itself, but scripts that you make yourself, and also it would not be fowardslash "/", it would be "!" like all of the other mta mods.

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