Trinityz Posted July 3, 2022 Share Posted July 3, 2022 (edited) º Estou ajustando uma concessionaria , consegui fazer a tabela coletar os dados de tunagem. º Para Setar os Dados Estou usando a função abaixo: function setDadosVeh (carro, table) for _, upgrades in ipairs(table.Tunagem) do addVehicleUpgrade(carro, tonumber(upgrades)) end end º Ai Chamo ela na Garagem a hora que vai spawnar o veiculo no exemplo abaixo: local table = fromJSON(result[1]['Tunagem']) setDadosVeh(carro, table) º Se eu guarda o veiculo tunado ela funciona perfeitamente, agora quando eu compro um veiculo direto da loja que vai pra garagem sem tunning a hora que eu vou tirar, ele da o seguinte erro abaixo: º Segue exemplo de como fica o carro na tabela Supra Guardado Tunado e o Honda Comprado sem Tunning. º Teria alguma maneira de eu setar algum valor na hora da compra do veiculo para ele vir com alguma tunagem aleatoria ou cria uma verificação para que, ele nao use o setDados quando veiculo nao tiver valores de tunagem ? Segue o codigo completo Abaixo: addEventHandler ("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function () db = dbConnect ("sqlite", "veiculos.sqlite") dbExec (db, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS player (Login, Veiculo, Modelo, Gas, Saude, Status, R, G, B, Valor, Placa, Multas, Wheels, Tunagem TEXT)") if db then print("[Concessionaria] - Banco de dados conectado com sucesso") else print("[Concessionaria] - Erro ao conectar no banco de dados!") end dbExec(db, "UPDATE player SET Status = ? WHERE Status = ?", "Guardado", "Em Rua") end) local teclas = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i" , "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"} function generatePlate (len) if type(len) == "number" and len >= 1 then String = "" n = 0 while true do n = n + 1 local random = math.random(1, #teclas) if #String == 4 then String = String end String = String..""..string.upper(teclas[random]).."" if n == len then break end end end return String end function getFreePlate () Placa = false local veiculos = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM player"), -1) while true do local plate = generatePlate (9) local result = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM player WHERE Placa = ?", plate), -1) if #result == 0 then Placa = plate break end end return Placa end function opendetran (source) if getElementType(source) == "player" then if not isPedInVehicle(source) then triggerClientEvent(source, "H3>OpenDETRAN", root) end end end for i,v in ipairs(Config["Detran"]["MarkerRetirar"]) do marker = exports["PlayNow_markers"]:createMarker("doc",Vector3(v[1], v[2], v[3]-0.9),0) --marker = createMarker(v[1], v[2], v[3]-1, "cylinder", 1.5, Config.colormarker[1][1], Config.colormarker[1][2],Config.colormarker[1][3], 90) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker, opendetran) end function openconce (source) if getElementType(source) == "player" then if not isPedInVehicle(source) then triggerClientEvent(source, "H3>OpenCONCE", resourceRoot) end end end for i,v in ipairs (Config["Concessionarias"]) do marker = exports["PlayNow_markers"]:createMarker("carshop",Vector3(v.x, v.y, v.z-0.9),0) blip = createBlipAttachedTo(marker, 55) setElementData(blip, "blipName", "Concessionaria") --marker = createMarker(v.x, v.y, v.z -1, "cylinder", 1.5, Config.colormarker[1][1], Config.colormarker[1][2],Config.colormarker[1][3], 90) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker, openconce) end function openapreender (source) if getElementType(source) == "player" then if isPedInVehicle(source) then --print(Config["Detran"].ACL[1][1]) local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..accName, aclGetGroup(Config["Detran"].ACL[1][1])) then triggerClientEvent(source, "H3>OpenDETRAN1", root) else addNotification(source, "Apenas DETRANS podem rebocar veiculos!", 'error') end else addNotification(source, "Você precisa estar em um veiculo para rebocar!", 'error') end end end for i,v in ipairs(Config["Detran"]["MarkerApreender"]) do marker = exports["PlayNow_markers"]:createMarker("detran",Vector3(v[1], v[2], v[3]-0.9),0) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker, openapreender) end function opengaragem (source) if getElementType(source) == "player" then if not isPedInVehicle(source) then triggerClientEvent(source, "H3>OpenGARAGEM", resourceRoot) else local carro = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) if getElementData(carro, "Owner") == getElementData(source, "ID") then triggerClientEvent(source, "H3>OpenGARAGEM2", resourceRoot) else addNotification(source, "Esse veiculo não é seu!", 'error') end end end end for i,v in ipairs (Config["Garagens"]) do marker = exports["PlayNow_markers"]:createMarker("garagem",Vector3(v[1], v[2], v[3]-0.9),0) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker, opengaragem) blip = createBlipAttachedTo(marker, 35) end function passarInfoGaragem (source) if getElementType(source) == "player" then local result = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM player"), -1) local conce = {} if (#result > 0) then for _, v in ipairs(result) do if v["Login"] == getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) and #v["Login"] > 0 then local dono = v["Login"] local modelo = v["Modelo"] local nomeveiculo = v["Veiculo"] local status = v["Status"] table.insert(conce, {Owner = dono, Model = modelo, Veiculo = nomeveiculo, Estado = status }) end end end if (#conce > 0) then triggerClientEvent(source, "H3>ShowGRID", root, conce) else return false end end end addEvent("H3>TransferInfo", true) addEventHandler("H3>TransferInfo", resourceRoot, passarInfoGaragem) function passarInfoDetran (source) if getElementType(source) == "player" then local result = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM player"), -1) local conce = {} if (#result > 0) then for _, v in ipairs(result) do if v["Login"] == getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) and #v["Login"] > 0 then local dono = v["Login"] local modelo = v["Modelo"] local nomeveiculo = v["Veiculo"] local status = v["Status"] local valor = v["Valor"] local multas = v["Multas"] local Wheels = v["Wheels"] table.insert(conce, {Owner = dono, Model = modelo, Veiculo = nomeveiculo, Estado = status, Preco = valor, multas = Multas, Wheels = Wheels, }) end end end if (#conce > 0) then triggerClientEvent(source, "H3>ShowGRIDD", root, conce) else return false end end end addEvent("H3>TransferInfo2", true) addEventHandler("H3>TransferInfo2", resourceRoot, passarInfoDetran) function buyVehicle (player, modelo, tipo, preco, nome, r, g, b) local accName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) local checarcarro = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM player WHERE Login = ? AND Modelo = ?", accName, tonumber(modelo)),-1) if #checarcarro == 0 then if tipo == "Money" then if getPlayerMoney(player) >= preco then dbExec (db, "INSERT INTO player VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,?,10000)", accName, nome, modelo, 100, 1000, "Guardado", r, g, b, tonumber(preco), getFreePlate(), 0) takePlayerMoney(player, preco) addNotification(player, "Veiculo comprado com sucesso!", 'success') setElementPosition(player, 1099.566, -1790.223, 13.605) else addNotification(player, "Você não possui dinheiro suficiente!", 'error') setElementPosition(player, 1099.566, -1790.223, 13.605) end elseif tipo == "Pontos" then if getElementData(player, Config.ELEMENTPV) >= preco then local pontos = getElementData(player, ELEMENTPV) or 0 dbExec (db, "INSERT INTO player VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,?,?)", accName, nome, modelo, 100, 1000, "Guardado", r, g, b, tonumber(preco), getFreePlate(), 0) setElementData(player, ELEMENTPV, pontos - preco) addNotification(player, "Veiculo comprado com sucesso!", 'success') setElementPosition(player, 1099.566, -1790.223, 13.605) else addNotification(player, "Você não possui pontos suficiente!", 'error') setElementPosition(player, 1099.566, -1790.223, 13.605) end end else addNotification(player, "Você já possui este veiculo.", 'info') setElementPosition(player, 1099.566, -1790.223, 13.605) end end addEvent("H3:ComprarVeiculo", true) addEventHandler("H3:ComprarVeiculo", root, buyVehicle) function tirarveiculo (player, veiculo) local id = getElementData(player, "ID") local accName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) local x, y, z = getElementPosition( player ) local result = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM player WHERE Login = ? AND Veiculo = ?", accName, tostring(veiculo)), -1) if (#result ~= 0 and type(result) == 'table') then if result[1]["Status"] == "Guardado" then if result[1]["Status"] == "Detran" then return addNotification(player, "Você não pode tirar um veiculo que está no DETRAN!", 'error') end local carro = createVehicle( result[1]["Modelo"], x, y, z , 0, 0, 0, result[1]["Placa"]) setElementHealth(carro, result[1]["Saude"]) setElementData(carro, "Owner", id) setElementData(carro, "Nome", result[1]["Veiculo"]) setVehicleColor(carro, result[1]["R"], result[1]["G"], result[1]["B"], result[1]["R"], result[1]["G"], result[1]["B"]) setElementData(carro, "fuel", result[1]["Gas"]) setElementData(carro, "Multas", result[1]["Multas"]) setVehicleWheelStates(carro, result[1]["Wheels"]) local table = fromJSON(result[1]['Tunagem']) setDadosVeh(carro, table[1]) warpPedIntoVehicle(player, carro) dbExec(db, "UPDATE player SET Status = ? WHERE Login = ? AND Veiculo = ?", "Em Rua", accName, tostring(veiculo)) setVehiclePlateText(carro, result[1]["Placa"]) end end end addEvent("H3>TirarVeiculo", true) addEventHandler("H3>TirarVeiculo", root, tirarveiculo) function guardarveiculo (player, carro) local id = getElementData(player, "ID") local accName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) local carro = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) local up1 = addVehicleUpgrade(carro, 1028) local nomecarro = getElementData(carro, "Nome") local donocarro = getElementData(carro, "Owner") local saude = getElementHealth(carro) local gasolina = getElementData(carro, "fuel") or 0 local multas = getElementData(carro, "Multas") or 0 local Wheels = getVehicleWheelStates(carro) or 0 local Tunagem = getVehicleUpgrades(carro) local r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2, r3, g3, b3 = getVehicleColor(carro, true) local result = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM player WHERE Login = ? AND Veiculo = ?", accName, nomecarro), -1) if isElement(carro) and (getElementType(carro) == 'vehicle') then dados_veh = { Tunagem = getVehicleUpgrades(carro)} if donocarro == id then if #result > 0 then if result[1]["Status"] == "Em Rua" then dbExec(db, "UPDATE player SET Status = ? WHERE Login = ? AND Veiculo = ?", "Guardado", accName, nomecarro) dbExec(db, "UPDATE player SET Saude = ? WHERE Login = ? AND Veiculo = ?", saude, accName, nomecarro) dbExec(db, "UPDATE player SET R = ? WHERE Login = ? AND Veiculo = ?", r1, accName, nomecarro) dbExec(db, "UPDATE player SET G = ? WHERE Login = ? AND Veiculo = ?", g1, accName, nomecarro) dbExec(db, "UPDATE player SET B = ? WHERE Login = ? AND Veiculo = ?", b1, accName, nomecarro) dbExec(db, "UPDATE player SET Gas = ? WHERE Login = ? AND Veiculo = ?", gasolina, accName, nomecarro) dbExec(db, "UPDATE player SET Multas = ? WHERE Login = ? AND Veiculo = ?", multas, accName, nomecarro) dbExec(db, "UPDATE player SET Wheels= ? WHERE Login = ? AND Veiculo = ?", Wheels, accName, nomecarro) dbExec(db, "UPDATE player SET Tunagem = ? WHERE Login = ? AND Veiculo = ?", toJSON({dados_veh}), accName, nomecarro) destroyElement(carro) addNotification(player, "Você guardou seu veiculo!", 'success') end end end end end addEvent("H3>GuardarVeiculo", true) addEventHandler("H3>GuardarVeiculo", root, guardarveiculo) function fmultar (player, cmd, placa, valor) local result = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM player WHERE Placa = ?", tostring(placa)), -1) if placa then if valor then if #result > 0 then local veiculo = getVehicleFromPlate(placa) local multas = getElementData(veiculo, "Multas") takePlayerMoney(player, tonumber(valor)) local donodocarro = getPlayerFromAccountName(result[1]["Login"]) addNotification(donodocarro, "O seu "..result[1]["Veiculo"].. " foi multado por R$"..tostring(valor), 'info') else addNotification(player, "Veiculo não encontrado!", 'error') end end end end addCommandHandler("multar", fmultar) function apreender (player) local veiculo = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) local nome = getElementData(veiculo, "Nome") local dono = getElementData(veiculo, "Owner") local placa = getVehiclePlateText(veiculo) if isPedInVehicle(player) then local result = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM player WHERE Placa = ? AND Veiculo = ? ", tostring(placa), nome), -1) if #result > 0 then dbExec(db, "UPDATE player SET Status = ? WHERE Placa = ? AND Veiculo = ?", "Detran", tostring(placa), nome) destroyElement(veiculo) end end end addEvent("H3>Apreender", true) addEventHandler("H3>Apreender", root, apreender) function tirardetran (player, veiculo, valor) local money = getPlayerMoney(player) local accName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) local result = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM player WHERE Veiculo = ? AND Login = ?", tostring(veiculo), accName), -1) if money >= tonumber(valor) then if #result > 0 then takePlayerMoney(player, tonumber(valor)) dbExec(db, "UPDATE player SET Status = ? WHERE Veiculo = ? AND Login = ?", "Guardado", tostring(veiculo), accName) addNotification(player, "Você retirou seu veiculo do DETRAN com sucesso!", 'success') end else addNotification(player, "Dinheiro insuficiente!", 'error') end end addEvent("H3>TirarDETRAN", true) addEventHandler("H3>TirarDETRAN", root, tirardetran) -- local donodocarro = getPlayerFromAccountName(result[1]["Login"]) -- addNotification(donodocarro, "O seu "..result[1]["Veiculo"].. " foi multado por R$"..tostring(valor)) -- -- --function elementClicked( theButton, theState, thePlayer ) --if theButton == "left" and theState == "down" then -- if left mouse button was pressed down --outputChatBox( "You clicked " .. getElementType( source ), thePlayer ) -- print the element type to players chatbox -- end --end --addEventHandler( "onElementClicked", root, elementClicked ) -- add a handler function for the event addEventHandler("onElementClicked", root, function(button, state, jogador) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(jogador) local x2, y2, z2 = getElementPosition(source) if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, x2, y2, z2) <= 3 then if not isPedInVehicle(jogador) then if button == "left" and state == "down" then if getElementType(source) == "vehicle" then if getElementData(source, "Owner") == getElementData(jogador, "ID") then triggerClientEvent(jogador, "H3>OpenDXFORAVEICULO", root, source, true) else triggerClientEvent(jogador, "H3>OpenDXFORAVEICULO", root, source, false) end end end else if button == "left" and state == "down" then if getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat (jogador) == 0 then if getElementType(source) == "vehicle" then if getVehicleType(source) == "BMX" then return end if getElementData(source, "Owner") == getElementData(jogador, "ID") then triggerClientEvent(jogador, "H3>OpenDXDENTROVEICULO", root, source, true) else triggerClientEvent(jogador, "H3>OpenDXDENTROVEICULO", root, source, false) end end end end end end end) addEventHandler("onVehicleStartEnter", root, function(player) triggerClientEvent(player, "H3>CloseDXFORAVEICULO", root) end) addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter", root, function() if getVehicleType(source) == "BMX" then return end setVehicleEngineState(source, false) end) addEventHandler("onVehicleExit", root, function(player) triggerClientEvent(player, "H3>CloseDXDENTROVEICULO", root) end) addEvent("H3>StartVehicle", true) addEventHandler("H3>StartVehicle", root, function(element) setVehicleEngineState(element, not getVehicleEngineState(element)) end) addEvent("H3>CloseAndOpenVehicle", true) addEventHandler("H3>CloseAndOpenVehicle", root, function(jogador, veiculo) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(jogador) if getElementData(veiculo, "Owner") == getElementData(jogador, "ID") then if not isVehicleLocked(veiculo) then setVehicleLocked(veiculo, true) addNotification(jogador, "Veiculo trancado!", 'success' ) triggerClientEvent(jogador, "playSound3D", root, "veh-lock.mp3", x, y, z) setPedAnimation(jogador, "SHOP", "ROB_Loop_Threat", true, false, false, false, 0, false) setTimer(function() setPedAnimation(jogador) end, 500, 1) else setVehicleLocked(veiculo, false) addNotification(jogador, "Veiculo destrancado!", 'error') setPedAnimation(jogador, "SHOP", "ROB_Loop_Threat", true, false, false, false, 0, false) triggerClientEvent(jogador, "playSound3D", root, "veh-lock.mp3", x, y, z) setTimer(function() setPedAnimation(jogador) end, 500, 1) end end end) function getPlayerFromAccountName(name) local acc = getAccount(name) if not acc or isGuestAccount(acc) then return false end return getAccountPlayer(acc) end function getVehicleFromPlate (plate) for _, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do local placa = getVehiclePlateText(v) if placa == plate then return v end end end addEvent("H3>StartVehicle", false) addEventHandler("H3>StartVehicle", root, function(element) if (getElementHealth (element) <= 351) then setVehicleEngineState(source, false) addNotification(source, "Seu veiculo quebrou, chame um mecanico", 'info') end end) addEvent("H3>StartVehicle", false) addEventHandler("H3>StartVehicle", root, function(element) local gasolina = (tonumber (getElementData (element, 'fuel') ) or 0) if (gasolina <= 0) then addNotification(source, "Seu veiculo ficou sem gasolina", 'info') setVehicleEngineState(source, false) end end) function addNotification(playerSource, type, message) triggerClientEvent (playerSource, 'addBox', playerSource, type, message) end function setDadosVeh (carro, table) for _, upgrades in ipairs(table.Tunagem) do addVehicleUpgrade(carro, tonumber(upgrades)) end end Edited July 3, 2022 by Trinityz Link to comment
Trinityz Posted July 5, 2022 Author Share Posted July 5, 2022 On 03/07/2022 at 19:38, Trinityz said: º Estou ajustando uma concessionaria , consegui fazer a tabela coletar os dados de tunagem. º Para Setar os Dados Estou usando a função abaixo: function setDadosVeh (carro, table) for _, upgrades in ipairs(table.Tunagem) do addVehicleUpgrade(carro, tonumber(upgrades)) end end º Ai Chamo ela na Garagem a hora que vai spawnar o veiculo no exemplo abaixo: local table = fromJSON(result[1]['Tunagem']) setDadosVeh(carro, table) º Se eu guarda o veiculo tunado ela funciona perfeitamente, agora quando eu compro um veiculo direto da loja que vai pra garagem sem tunning a hora que eu vou tirar, ele da o seguinte erro abaixo: º Segue exemplo de como fica o carro na tabela Supra Guardado Tunado e o Honda Comprado sem Tunning. º Teria alguma maneira de eu setar algum valor na hora da compra do veiculo para ele vir com alguma tunagem aleatoria ou cria uma verificação para que, ele nao use o setDados quando veiculo nao tiver valores de tunagem ? Segue o codigo completo Abaixo: addEventHandler ("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function () db = dbConnect ("sqlite", "veiculos.sqlite") dbExec (db, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS player (Login, Veiculo, Modelo, Gas, Saude, Status, R, G, B, Valor, Placa, Multas, Wheels, Tunagem TEXT)") if db then print("[Concessionaria] - Banco de dados conectado com sucesso") else print("[Concessionaria] - Erro ao conectar no banco de dados!") end dbExec(db, "UPDATE player SET Status = ? WHERE Status = ?", "Guardado", "Em Rua") end) local teclas = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i" , "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"} function generatePlate (len) if type(len) == "number" and len >= 1 then String = "" n = 0 while true do n = n + 1 local random = math.random(1, #teclas) if #String == 4 then String = String end String = String..""..string.upper(teclas[random]).."" if n == len then break end end end return String end function getFreePlate () Placa = false local veiculos = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM player"), -1) while true do local plate = generatePlate (9) local result = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM player WHERE Placa = ?", plate), -1) if #result == 0 then Placa = plate break end end return Placa end function opendetran (source) if getElementType(source) == "player" then if not isPedInVehicle(source) then triggerClientEvent(source, "H3>OpenDETRAN", root) end end end for i,v in ipairs(Config["Detran"]["MarkerRetirar"]) do marker = exports["PlayNow_markers"]:createMarker("doc",Vector3(v[1], v[2], v[3]-0.9),0) --marker = createMarker(v[1], v[2], v[3]-1, "cylinder", 1.5, Config.colormarker[1][1], Config.colormarker[1][2],Config.colormarker[1][3], 90) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker, opendetran) end function openconce (source) if getElementType(source) == "player" then if not isPedInVehicle(source) then triggerClientEvent(source, "H3>OpenCONCE", resourceRoot) end end end for i,v in ipairs (Config["Concessionarias"]) do marker = exports["PlayNow_markers"]:createMarker("carshop",Vector3(v.x, v.y, v.z-0.9),0) blip = createBlipAttachedTo(marker, 55) setElementData(blip, "blipName", "Concessionaria") --marker = createMarker(v.x, v.y, v.z -1, "cylinder", 1.5, Config.colormarker[1][1], Config.colormarker[1][2],Config.colormarker[1][3], 90) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker, openconce) end function openapreender (source) if getElementType(source) == "player" then if isPedInVehicle(source) then --print(Config["Detran"].ACL[1][1]) local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..accName, aclGetGroup(Config["Detran"].ACL[1][1])) then triggerClientEvent(source, "H3>OpenDETRAN1", root) else addNotification(source, "Apenas DETRANS podem rebocar veiculos!", 'error') end else addNotification(source, "Você precisa estar em um veiculo para rebocar!", 'error') end end end for i,v in ipairs(Config["Detran"]["MarkerApreender"]) do marker = exports["PlayNow_markers"]:createMarker("detran",Vector3(v[1], v[2], v[3]-0.9),0) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker, openapreender) end function opengaragem (source) if getElementType(source) == "player" then if not isPedInVehicle(source) then triggerClientEvent(source, "H3>OpenGARAGEM", resourceRoot) else local carro = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) if getElementData(carro, "Owner") == getElementData(source, "ID") then triggerClientEvent(source, "H3>OpenGARAGEM2", resourceRoot) else addNotification(source, "Esse veiculo não é seu!", 'error') end end end end for i,v in ipairs (Config["Garagens"]) do marker = exports["PlayNow_markers"]:createMarker("garagem",Vector3(v[1], v[2], v[3]-0.9),0) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker, opengaragem) blip = createBlipAttachedTo(marker, 35) end function passarInfoGaragem (source) if getElementType(source) == "player" then local result = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM player"), -1) local conce = {} if (#result > 0) then for _, v in ipairs(result) do if v["Login"] == getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) and #v["Login"] > 0 then local dono = v["Login"] local modelo = v["Modelo"] local nomeveiculo = v["Veiculo"] local status = v["Status"] table.insert(conce, {Owner = dono, Model = modelo, Veiculo = nomeveiculo, Estado = status }) end end end if (#conce > 0) then triggerClientEvent(source, "H3>ShowGRID", root, conce) else return false end end end addEvent("H3>TransferInfo", true) addEventHandler("H3>TransferInfo", resourceRoot, passarInfoGaragem) function passarInfoDetran (source) if getElementType(source) == "player" then local result = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM player"), -1) local conce = {} if (#result > 0) then for _, v in ipairs(result) do if v["Login"] == getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) and #v["Login"] > 0 then local dono = v["Login"] local modelo = v["Modelo"] local nomeveiculo = v["Veiculo"] local status = v["Status"] local valor = v["Valor"] local multas = v["Multas"] local Wheels = v["Wheels"] table.insert(conce, {Owner = dono, Model = modelo, Veiculo = nomeveiculo, Estado = status, Preco = valor, multas = Multas, Wheels = Wheels, }) end end end if (#conce > 0) then triggerClientEvent(source, "H3>ShowGRIDD", root, conce) else return false end end end addEvent("H3>TransferInfo2", true) addEventHandler("H3>TransferInfo2", resourceRoot, passarInfoDetran) function buyVehicle (player, modelo, tipo, preco, nome, r, g, b) local accName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) local checarcarro = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM player WHERE Login = ? AND Modelo = ?", accName, tonumber(modelo)),-1) if #checarcarro == 0 then if tipo == "Money" then if getPlayerMoney(player) >= preco then dbExec (db, "INSERT INTO player VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,?,10000)", accName, nome, modelo, 100, 1000, "Guardado", r, g, b, tonumber(preco), getFreePlate(), 0) takePlayerMoney(player, preco) addNotification(player, "Veiculo comprado com sucesso!", 'success') setElementPosition(player, 1099.566, -1790.223, 13.605) else addNotification(player, "Você não possui dinheiro suficiente!", 'error') setElementPosition(player, 1099.566, -1790.223, 13.605) end elseif tipo == "Pontos" then if getElementData(player, Config.ELEMENTPV) >= preco then local pontos = getElementData(player, ELEMENTPV) or 0 dbExec (db, "INSERT INTO player VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,?,?)", accName, nome, modelo, 100, 1000, "Guardado", r, g, b, tonumber(preco), getFreePlate(), 0) setElementData(player, ELEMENTPV, pontos - preco) addNotification(player, "Veiculo comprado com sucesso!", 'success') setElementPosition(player, 1099.566, -1790.223, 13.605) else addNotification(player, "Você não possui pontos suficiente!", 'error') setElementPosition(player, 1099.566, -1790.223, 13.605) end end else addNotification(player, "Você já possui este veiculo.", 'info') setElementPosition(player, 1099.566, -1790.223, 13.605) end end addEvent("H3:ComprarVeiculo", true) addEventHandler("H3:ComprarVeiculo", root, buyVehicle) function tirarveiculo (player, veiculo) local id = getElementData(player, "ID") local accName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) local x, y, z = getElementPosition( player ) local result = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM player WHERE Login = ? AND Veiculo = ?", accName, tostring(veiculo)), -1) if (#result ~= 0 and type(result) == 'table') then if result[1]["Status"] == "Guardado" then if result[1]["Status"] == "Detran" then return addNotification(player, "Você não pode tirar um veiculo que está no DETRAN!", 'error') end local carro = createVehicle( result[1]["Modelo"], x, y, z , 0, 0, 0, result[1]["Placa"]) setElementHealth(carro, result[1]["Saude"]) setElementData(carro, "Owner", id) setElementData(carro, "Nome", result[1]["Veiculo"]) setVehicleColor(carro, result[1]["R"], result[1]["G"], result[1]["B"], result[1]["R"], result[1]["G"], result[1]["B"]) setElementData(carro, "fuel", result[1]["Gas"]) setElementData(carro, "Multas", result[1]["Multas"]) setVehicleWheelStates(carro, result[1]["Wheels"]) local table = fromJSON(result[1]['Tunagem']) setDadosVeh(carro, table[1]) warpPedIntoVehicle(player, carro) dbExec(db, "UPDATE player SET Status = ? WHERE Login = ? AND Veiculo = ?", "Em Rua", accName, tostring(veiculo)) setVehiclePlateText(carro, result[1]["Placa"]) end end end addEvent("H3>TirarVeiculo", true) addEventHandler("H3>TirarVeiculo", root, tirarveiculo) function guardarveiculo (player, carro) local id = getElementData(player, "ID") local accName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) local carro = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) local up1 = addVehicleUpgrade(carro, 1028) local nomecarro = getElementData(carro, "Nome") local donocarro = getElementData(carro, "Owner") local saude = getElementHealth(carro) local gasolina = getElementData(carro, "fuel") or 0 local multas = getElementData(carro, "Multas") or 0 local Wheels = getVehicleWheelStates(carro) or 0 local Tunagem = getVehicleUpgrades(carro) local r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2, r3, g3, b3 = getVehicleColor(carro, true) local result = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM player WHERE Login = ? AND Veiculo = ?", accName, nomecarro), -1) if isElement(carro) and (getElementType(carro) == 'vehicle') then dados_veh = { Tunagem = getVehicleUpgrades(carro)} if donocarro == id then if #result > 0 then if result[1]["Status"] == "Em Rua" then dbExec(db, "UPDATE player SET Status = ? WHERE Login = ? AND Veiculo = ?", "Guardado", accName, nomecarro) dbExec(db, "UPDATE player SET Saude = ? WHERE Login = ? AND Veiculo = ?", saude, accName, nomecarro) dbExec(db, "UPDATE player SET R = ? WHERE Login = ? AND Veiculo = ?", r1, accName, nomecarro) dbExec(db, "UPDATE player SET G = ? WHERE Login = ? AND Veiculo = ?", g1, accName, nomecarro) dbExec(db, "UPDATE player SET B = ? WHERE Login = ? AND Veiculo = ?", b1, accName, nomecarro) dbExec(db, "UPDATE player SET Gas = ? WHERE Login = ? AND Veiculo = ?", gasolina, accName, nomecarro) dbExec(db, "UPDATE player SET Multas = ? WHERE Login = ? AND Veiculo = ?", multas, accName, nomecarro) dbExec(db, "UPDATE player SET Wheels= ? WHERE Login = ? AND Veiculo = ?", Wheels, accName, nomecarro) dbExec(db, "UPDATE player SET Tunagem = ? WHERE Login = ? AND Veiculo = ?", toJSON({dados_veh}), accName, nomecarro) destroyElement(carro) addNotification(player, "Você guardou seu veiculo!", 'success') end end end end end addEvent("H3>GuardarVeiculo", true) addEventHandler("H3>GuardarVeiculo", root, guardarveiculo) function fmultar (player, cmd, placa, valor) local result = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM player WHERE Placa = ?", tostring(placa)), -1) if placa then if valor then if #result > 0 then local veiculo = getVehicleFromPlate(placa) local multas = getElementData(veiculo, "Multas") takePlayerMoney(player, tonumber(valor)) local donodocarro = getPlayerFromAccountName(result[1]["Login"]) addNotification(donodocarro, "O seu "..result[1]["Veiculo"].. " foi multado por R$"..tostring(valor), 'info') else addNotification(player, "Veiculo não encontrado!", 'error') end end end end addCommandHandler("multar", fmultar) function apreender (player) local veiculo = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) local nome = getElementData(veiculo, "Nome") local dono = getElementData(veiculo, "Owner") local placa = getVehiclePlateText(veiculo) if isPedInVehicle(player) then local result = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM player WHERE Placa = ? AND Veiculo = ? ", tostring(placa), nome), -1) if #result > 0 then dbExec(db, "UPDATE player SET Status = ? WHERE Placa = ? AND Veiculo = ?", "Detran", tostring(placa), nome) destroyElement(veiculo) end end end addEvent("H3>Apreender", true) addEventHandler("H3>Apreender", root, apreender) function tirardetran (player, veiculo, valor) local money = getPlayerMoney(player) local accName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) local result = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM player WHERE Veiculo = ? AND Login = ?", tostring(veiculo), accName), -1) if money >= tonumber(valor) then if #result > 0 then takePlayerMoney(player, tonumber(valor)) dbExec(db, "UPDATE player SET Status = ? WHERE Veiculo = ? AND Login = ?", "Guardado", tostring(veiculo), accName) addNotification(player, "Você retirou seu veiculo do DETRAN com sucesso!", 'success') end else addNotification(player, "Dinheiro insuficiente!", 'error') end end addEvent("H3>TirarDETRAN", true) addEventHandler("H3>TirarDETRAN", root, tirardetran) -- local donodocarro = getPlayerFromAccountName(result[1]["Login"]) -- addNotification(donodocarro, "O seu "..result[1]["Veiculo"].. " foi multado por R$"..tostring(valor)) -- -- --function elementClicked( theButton, theState, thePlayer ) --if theButton == "left" and theState == "down" then -- if left mouse button was pressed down --outputChatBox( "You clicked " .. getElementType( source ), thePlayer ) -- print the element type to players chatbox -- end --end --addEventHandler( "onElementClicked", root, elementClicked ) -- add a handler function for the event addEventHandler("onElementClicked", root, function(button, state, jogador) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(jogador) local x2, y2, z2 = getElementPosition(source) if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, x2, y2, z2) <= 3 then if not isPedInVehicle(jogador) then if button == "left" and state == "down" then if getElementType(source) == "vehicle" then if getElementData(source, "Owner") == getElementData(jogador, "ID") then triggerClientEvent(jogador, "H3>OpenDXFORAVEICULO", root, source, true) else triggerClientEvent(jogador, "H3>OpenDXFORAVEICULO", root, source, false) end end end else if button == "left" and state == "down" then if getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat (jogador) == 0 then if getElementType(source) == "vehicle" then if getVehicleType(source) == "BMX" then return end if getElementData(source, "Owner") == getElementData(jogador, "ID") then triggerClientEvent(jogador, "H3>OpenDXDENTROVEICULO", root, source, true) else triggerClientEvent(jogador, "H3>OpenDXDENTROVEICULO", root, source, false) end end end end end end end) addEventHandler("onVehicleStartEnter", root, function(player) triggerClientEvent(player, "H3>CloseDXFORAVEICULO", root) end) addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter", root, function() if getVehicleType(source) == "BMX" then return end setVehicleEngineState(source, false) end) addEventHandler("onVehicleExit", root, function(player) triggerClientEvent(player, "H3>CloseDXDENTROVEICULO", root) end) addEvent("H3>StartVehicle", true) addEventHandler("H3>StartVehicle", root, function(element) setVehicleEngineState(element, not getVehicleEngineState(element)) end) addEvent("H3>CloseAndOpenVehicle", true) addEventHandler("H3>CloseAndOpenVehicle", root, function(jogador, veiculo) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(jogador) if getElementData(veiculo, "Owner") == getElementData(jogador, "ID") then if not isVehicleLocked(veiculo) then setVehicleLocked(veiculo, true) addNotification(jogador, "Veiculo trancado!", 'success' ) triggerClientEvent(jogador, "playSound3D", root, "veh-lock.mp3", x, y, z) setPedAnimation(jogador, "SHOP", "ROB_Loop_Threat", true, false, false, false, 0, false) setTimer(function() setPedAnimation(jogador) end, 500, 1) else setVehicleLocked(veiculo, false) addNotification(jogador, "Veiculo destrancado!", 'error') setPedAnimation(jogador, "SHOP", "ROB_Loop_Threat", true, false, false, false, 0, false) triggerClientEvent(jogador, "playSound3D", root, "veh-lock.mp3", x, y, z) setTimer(function() setPedAnimation(jogador) end, 500, 1) end end end) function getPlayerFromAccountName(name) local acc = getAccount(name) if not acc or isGuestAccount(acc) then return false end return getAccountPlayer(acc) end function getVehicleFromPlate (plate) for _, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do local placa = getVehiclePlateText(v) if placa == plate then return v end end end addEvent("H3>StartVehicle", false) addEventHandler("H3>StartVehicle", root, function(element) if (getElementHealth (element) <= 351) then setVehicleEngineState(source, false) addNotification(source, "Seu veiculo quebrou, chame um mecanico", 'info') end end) addEvent("H3>StartVehicle", false) addEventHandler("H3>StartVehicle", root, function(element) local gasolina = (tonumber (getElementData (element, 'fuel') ) or 0) if (gasolina <= 0) then addNotification(source, "Seu veiculo ficou sem gasolina", 'info') setVehicleEngineState(source, false) end end) function addNotification(playerSource, type, message) triggerClientEvent (playerSource, 'addBox', playerSource, type, message) end function setDadosVeh (carro, table) for _, upgrades in ipairs(table.Tunagem) do addVehicleUpgrade(carro, tonumber(upgrades)) end end Link to comment
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