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joinquit how to edit outputChatBox messages


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I'm using the default joinquit resource and i want to edit the message colors for when a player quits the server and when he's changing he's nick. I've done it with "has joined the game" but i tried to do the same with other two messages and it doesn't work. I want the player names in these messages to be white color.  I want to be like this:

"#006400∙ #FF0000[Player name] #006400has left the game [#FF0000Quit#006400]

"#006400∙ #FF0000[Player current name] #006400is now known as #FF0000[New player name]

How can i edit it? 

function nickChangeMessage(oldNick, newNick)
    if (showColorCodes) then
        outputChatBox(getDefaultColor().."#006400∙ "..getHexFriendlyNick(source, oldNick)..getDefaultColor().." #006400is now known as "..getHexFriendlyNick(source, newNick), root, 255, 100, 100, true)
        outputChatBox("#006400∙ "..oldNick.." #006400is now known as "..newNick, root, 255, 100, 100)
addEventHandler("onPlayerChangeNick", root, nickChangeMessage)

function leftMessage(reason)
    if (showColorCodes) then
        outputChatBox(getDefaultColor().."#006400∙ "..getHexFriendlyNick(source, getPlayerName(source))..getDefaultColor().." #006400has left the game ["..reason.."]", root, 255, 100, 100, true)
        outputChatBox("#006400∙ "..getPlayerName(source).." #006400has left the game ["..reason.."]", root, 255, 100, 100)
addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, leftMessage)


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addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root,
    function(_, account)
       local playerName = getPlayerName(source)
       local noColorName = string.gsub(playerName, "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "")--this code prevents players from casting colors
          if setPlayerName(source, "#ffffff"..noColorName)--this code gives players white color

I recommend using commands like this

Edited by eoL|Shady
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Thank you, but i want to edit the joinquit resource in order for when the player is changing the name and quitting to have the colors in the screenshot.

And i am not sure where to put every color code. Tried already some variants and it doesn't work.

Here's how it looks right now  - check the screenshot

I want like this: 

#006400∙ #FF0000Cosmin #006400has left the game [#FF0000Quit#006400]

#006400∙ #FF0000Adr1ft #006400is now known as #FF0000Ady


#FF0000 - White
#006400 - Green






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ok i fix it .

I will edit and send the script you want specially for you.

you just need to embed these commands in your own JoinQuit script.  

     local noColorName = string.gsub(playerName, "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "")--this code prevents players from casting colors
          if setPlayerName(source, "#ffffff"..noColorName)--this code gives players white color

these commands will make the names white, but "has left the game" and "is now known as" will make them green.
If you share the joinquit script with me privately, I can show you where to place the codes I sent.

Edited by eoL|Shady
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