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Client files don't get downloaded correctly at times



Hi everyone,

Using the latest server build alongside an nginx server we sometimes notice some client files straight up can't be downloaded correctly. Sometimes they're translation files (.properties extension) or models, and sometimes they're entire .lua files!

This means the local resource just won't run correctly and effectively break the experience, as we use exports to sync with the HUD and other things. Tested Nginx and works great, and the issue usually happens to a player and not the others, so I don't know why it happens.

All of these .lua files are obfuscated with the maximum level you got available in the luac API. We've got some essential client-sided scripts which control damage, AI movement and other things.

This is fixed by asking the client to restart MTA. Then everything is okay, but just reconnecting won't work. 

The user usually receives some console message regarding that file and that it could not be loaded.

Thank you in advance,


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